What To Do If Your Parents Notice The Cuts On Your Wrist

Why people dont notice my cuts?

People notice them, but they don't think about it because you're a boy. Boys usually play sports, spend time outside, rough house with friends, and are generally rougher on their bodies. I was always annoyed growing up because I'm a tomboy and everyone freaked out if I had skinned knees, bruises or anything like that. If my brother had identical injuries, no one even looked at him twice. I'd be willing to bet it's the same with you. Guys are pretty much expected to hurt themselves, especially if they're hanging out with other guys.

Be careful with cutting. That one can lead to being locked up and placed under observation for depression or suicidal thoughts. Find someone to talk to who has similar problems. Believe it or not, it helps a lot. If you do it online, there's no chance that anyone will know who you are, so you can say anything you'd like without fear of it coming back to haunt you later. I know a lot of people that wouldn't talk about their problems for exactly that reason.

How to hide self harm cuts from parents? :/?

I won't lecture you because I've been through it. The best idea I have if you can't wear cover up or wear long sleeves or bracelets is hair elastics. I would take skinny hair elastics and hide them over my arm. I would say they are for class when I wanted my hair pulled back or in case I needed an elastic for something. That helped me. Also if it's warmer wear long sleeves or sweatshirts with short shorts. Looks super cute and still covers your arms. If you won't stop then do it somewhere where it won't be seen like high thighs or stomach. All the best.

All and all I know you don't want to hear this and neither did I but telling your parents really does help. It was so hard for me but I did it and it feels so much better now. Good luck.

How to hide cuts on my wrist from my parents?

Ok im 14 male and a self harmer, im currently working on stopping so dnt lecture me cuz im trying, so i just slipped today cuz my first friend after trying for 9 years just told me that she wants nothing to do with me at all and doesnt want to talk to me at all, and being stupid as i am i cut my wrist instead of my legs like i always do. How do i hide this cut from my parents ( they dont know i sh ) i never wear bracelets, so they will notice something if i come down wear a breacelet, like i havet them just dont wear them and its summer and really hot so cant wear a jacket. Just tell me how to hide it dont tell me not to cut cuz i know not to. It was my first cut in days so at least give me tht

What to do if your parents notice the cuts on your wrist?

I've been cutting for a few years, and I'm scared that my parents will notice the marks on my wrist. Any clever ways of hiding it? And what do I do if they see the cuts? Please help me!

How do I hide cuts on my wrist?

what i do : if your a girl you can use cover up of foundation or you could always put bulky bracelets on or pretend you sprained your wrist (but of course that wont work in the long run), or you could put liquid skin on it and then cover up with makeup. The obvious thing to do is wear sweaters and long sleeves but what happens when you cant? in the summer i sometimes wear a tank top and a bathing suit cover( so a extremely light and thin shirt.) I once hit a vein and was super worried because i didn't want anyone to know. I had figured everyone would have noticed if i was profusely bleeding in class so i first applied pressure by putting a bandage around it ( it took a while for the bleeding to even slow down) then i soaked it in water and ipibrofic alcohol. if you actually want it to heal i would put anti-bacterial on it but i just wanted it to stop bleeding so then i put liquid skin over it covered it up and then it healed. Now the fact that i hit a vein was totally by accident. Yes i am cutting but i dont want anyone to know. Honestly they probably wouldnt care anyway. But i still dont want anyone to try to ¨help”. Guess what! i dont need help i need peace and music and someone who gives me a reason to stay alive. I hope this was helpful! ( probably not) Oh well, good luck hiding you sadness and anger and the thought that your literally trash. (i dont think your trash)

How can I cut myself without my parents knowing?

As someone who self harmed for years without my parents finding out, (they know now) but I can tell you, it is possible. However, that being said it's very hard.It requires a lot of effort, wearing long sleeves ALL THE TIME. Not to mention trousers, if you harm your legs then you've got to cover those as well. No sleeping in just your panties or boxers. Come home from a long day at college/ school and you're warm, tough. Been working, sweating out? Again it doesn't matter, long sleeves are essential or you could get caught and your secret is out. In the hot sun, when exercising, even at night. There's no way out of it.You end up distancing yourself, you wake up, go to work/ place of education, you spend the day doing whatever it is you do, you come home, you go to your room, if you shower you end up using two towels, one round your body, one over your shoulders. Good luck trying to explain to your mum or dad why they keep washing loads of towels all the time.Not to mention the isolation you'll put yourself in, if you hide in your room all the time to avoid questions or suspicions then your parents might get worried. Can you imagine having a daughter or son who intentionally harms themselves because they feel they deserve it or for whatever reason, it hurts doesn't it, thinking about that. Now imagine how your parents feel if that's you.Honestly, in my opinion, they and yourself will benefit massively once they know. They may not like it, they may get mad, but they will help you. Unless you're at risk of harm from their hands if you disclose information like this to them, then it may be the best option.As an added bonus, once they are aware, you'll feel less inclined to cut yourself because they will know. Once your arms legs or wherever are healed, they'll be suspicious of you if you cover up or become isolated again. It will help you in the long run.So theres your answer, all honest and true. I am inclined to say, self harm is so hard to stop, but you don't need to self harm. I don’t know you, but whoever you are and whatever you've done, you don't deserve to hurt yourself.You are lovely, have a little faith in yourself. Also, if you ever need a chat, I'm always here :)

How do you hide cuts on your wrist?

Okay, do NOT say something like "Plz stop". I actually need advice so if your going to say that don't even answer.
My parents know I used to cut, and now they don't anymore. Where I'm at, it's turning into winter and I need to hide my cuts. They are new.
Please tell me some answers!! D:

I saw cuts on my girlfriends wrist?

while my girlfriend was over one day, i saw cuts/scars on her wrist. they seemed pretty bad. i didn't say anything about it, though. i didn't want to make it awkward for her.

i've been through selfharm and i know how hard it is to stop. i want to help her recover. i'm just not sure how to bring it up to her. i dont see her much, do you think it'd be good to text her about it? plus, i'm not good at expressing emotions out loud so i'd be more comfortable doing it over text. would that be good enough? i don't want her to be hurting, because if shes sad that makes me sad.

i'd tell her how beautiful i think she is and that i want to help her stop. i would write a whole paragraph to her.

If you go to the doctor and they see cuts on your wrist, what will they do?

If I saw cuts on a patient’s wrist, I would ask the patient about them. If the patient was a teenager and was there with a parent, I would first ask the parent to leave the room and then ask the patient about the cuts. As a doctor, I really want to help my patients in all aspects of their lives, both physical and emotional, so I would be very worried if I saw evidence of self-harm. The thing is, I don't automatically look at my patients’ wrists, so I might miss the cuts unless I was directed to look there. This is why it's so important (if you're the person with cuts on their wrist) to actually say something. If you're too shy or you have a parent with you and don't want to let them know, there are still other ways to alert the doctor to what's going on. For example, you could leave the room to “go to the bathroom “ and tell the nurse or medical assistant to let the doctor know that you want to talk to them in private. Another possibility is to point to the cuts while the doctor is examining you. Whatever means you use, it's important that this is paid attention to so that you (or whomever the patient is) gets help.