What To Do When Your Dad Says He Will Think About It

Why does my dad say he thinks my teachers would think I have hoodlum parents if I dyed my hair?

Your father is worried about what society will think of him to let you do this. Dyed hair, tattoos, piercings, to some, are signs of being a rebel and a hoodlum. As a minor, what you do reflects on your parents so he is worried how he will look.I would speak with him and state your reasons why you want to do it, not just “because I want to.” And in reality, anyone who judges you for things like dyed hair, or makes assumptions about who you are because of that, isn't someone you need in your life.If your dad views people with dyed hair as hoodlums, then he may be worried people will see you like that.

What should I say to my dad in jail?

I love you. They can never hear it enough. Let him know you support him. Really anything. Life behind bars is so boring. He wants to hear every detail about everything. Doesn't matter. He is not talking to another criminal. These conversations are precious. He doesn't care . Hearing your loved one read from a phone book is better than anything he was doing.

Do you think what my dad told me as a kid was bad?

He always said "Engineering is the best career field by far. If you want to get a good job, that's what you have to try to get a job in." Then if I ever mentioned another career path, he would say it's bad.

Mom says yes and dad says no?

it's not that her word is final, it's that the "no" is final. Since she usually says "no", it was her that had the final say, but this time it's your dad that says "no" so he gets the final say.

they have an understanding concerning you that they will be in agreement with whatever it is you want to do. If they can't agree then you don't get to do it.

so for the future, you have to convince both of them that what you want is worthy or worthwhile.

What if your dad says he hates you?

He can go straight to hell.No father should tell their kid he hates them. He can say he hates what they did. But if he tells them he hates them and means it, then he’s a poor father.

I'm 14, and my dad says he doesn't me to be naked around the house. What should I do?

I really hate to say one thing and allow another or to make one set of rules for the guys and another for the gals, but... I think your father has a point, a young woman walking naked is likely to arouse the attention of even a brother or dad, possibly leading to more, maybe dads had a passing thought or noticed your brothers interest and is putting a stop to it before it begins. Remember, gals are always the pray and guys the preditors, maybe. With that said, I'm a mom and I often see my teenage boys naked and none of us is uncomfortable about it. Double standards, maybe.