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Help making a speeding ticket program in Java for computer science class.?

The way speeding tickets are computed differs from city to city.
For this assignment, we will use these rules, which need to be applied in this order:
1. All tickets will start with a minimum amount of $75.
2. An additional $6 is charged for every mph over the posted speeding limit.
3. If you are traveling over 30mph over the posted speed limit, an addition $160 is charged.
4. If the speeding occurred in a school zone, the cost of the ticket is doubled.
Assuming that data is always entered correctly, create a program that will correctly calculate the
charge for a speeding ticket and issue a bill to the violator.

Can you leave your car in a parking lot?

At school the free parking space is always full by 6:50 (School starts at 7:30) and parking on the street costs too much money, so I was just wondering can you leave your car in a parking lot for a while, or will it get towed?