What To Do/say To My Depressed Girlfriend

I'm depressed my girlfriend left

how old are you? how long was the relationship? just let her do what she needs to do, and do your best to move on. dont mope around, get out and do things you like to do. the last girl that broke up with me, i played basketball, like over 5 hours a day. it was the only thing that cleared my head. so give yourself time and move on. women come and go, never sweat any of them. theres nothing you NEED a women for in this life!

My girlfriend says she's depressed? What do I do to make her happy?

This is way too complex and too little information to give you a correct "shoot from the hip" type answer. There are many valid reasons for people to be depressed given the state of life and the world now. Family, personal, financial and many other problems can overwhelm people. It might even be caused by a vitamin or mineral deficiency. The fact that you say she is on medication indicates that she probably suffers from clinical depression rather than the more temporary type caused by environmental conditions.
The best advice is to go to the doctor, tell him the medication isn't working and try to get one that does. Also, don't watch the news. So many people cause much of their own depression by watching the problems of others and "internalizing" them. For example: I know several people who were depressed for months because they got involved with Scott and Lacy Peterson or that girl that went missing in Aruba. Every night they would tune in and get their dose of depressing news. You don't know those people and their problems are not part of your life - unless you let the news make it part of your life.

My girlfriend is depressed. How can I cheer her up?

We are sometimes surrounded by negative thoughts and which leads to depression. When a person is in depression he or she needs to spend time with herself. What ever we say that would have a negative answer to it. So it's better we live them alone for a while after sending them a message.    A message which addresses our feelings for them and make them realise there importance in our life.     For example " I know you are upset and that effects me too. I am not at your position and will not be able to understand your pain but I can feel the pain of seeing you in pain. Share if you feel so and remember that I am always there for you with you. Love you my love "     You can share few stories of your experience with her, all the lite and romantic movement.

What can I say or do to help my depressed girlfriend?

Just let her know that you will always be there for her if and when she needs you, and fulfill that promise. If you love her, just make sure she knows that, and that you'll always be ready to drop what you’re doing and help her.Sometimes all that someone needs is to know that they're loved and valued, and that someone is there to help them if they need it.It is often not, as thought, the help given that keeps a depressed person going, but the knowledge that someone is willing to give the help. The knowledge that someone cares enough to check how they're doing, and to bug them when they're lying until they admit that something’s wrong.They need someone who won't leave them alone even when they're told to.

My girlfriend depressed and is taking it out on me, what to do?

She has been in a little debt with her money issues, school is coming up and it's also putting stress on her because she's changed her major, and just recently a close family friend died. She tried breaking up with me a little over a week ago saying she doesn't know if she loves me anymore, then she realized that yeah she does still love me so we're still together - but she's being kind of a huge ***** to me lately. The woman who used to make me feel like I was on top of the world now makes me feel like I'm nothing to her at the moment. We have had a very mature loving relationship up to this point (I just turned 20 and she is 23). I understand the stresses in her life at the moment, but what should I do since she's taking it out on me?

How do I break up with my depressed girlfriend when I am 1500 miles away?

Two weeks ago I left my home in Madison WI to visit my father in Seattle. My girl friend, who is very depressed and dependent, freaked out in response to my best friend keeping her laptop computer, which he had agreed to fix, for a few more days than intended. She believed that my friend had stolen it and in response went into his apartment and stole about $1500-$1700 worth of personal items, money and drugs. Following this she lied to me first about taking everything, then the drugs, then the money. I proceeded to convince her that it was the right thing to give it all back and that I wouldn't tell my best friend that I knew she had taken it. I called my friend that evening, said I had gotten to the bottom of it, that he would get his stuff back, and not to ask questions.
The following morning my girlfriend called me saying I was "immature, insensitive, and a ************." It was pretty evident that my best friend had put two and two together. She had a key (we had all been roommates in that house for a time before all this) and her computer was gone. Coupled with her severe emotional issues it wasn't a stretch to assume she had taken these things. I told my girlfriend that i was only trying to mediate the situation between the two and gave no one any names.
What it boils down to is:

This coupled with all the **** she has put me through in the past eight months is totally not okay.

I never have called her names or blatantly lied to her. Especially when asked if I was lying.

I can not be with someone as dependent as she is and still take care of myself and my other relationships and responsibilities.

I am afraid that when I break up with her, her depression and dependency will cause her to do something rash. (Long history of depression, self harm, and suicidal thoughts)

I feel I need to break up with her now even though I will be gone for another two weeks still. (This would necessitate a break up on the phone)

I am only 17. I have no idea what to do. Any advice is welcome. Thank you.

How can I help my girlfriend with depression?

We've been together for 3+ years and last year she was diagnosed with depression. She also has severe anxiety issues. For the past few days she's been really depressed and cries on and off throughout the day, and I don't know what else to do except hold her and tell her how much I love her and care about her, and sometimes it makes me feel like a bad boyfriend because I'm just not sure what else to do. It's got so bad that her best friend said he was getting tired of it and he gave up on her. I never get tired of it and I won't ever give up on her the way he did ... I just want her to be okay again ... Help?

How do I support my depressed girlfriend?

about two years ago when we had first started dating, my fiancé changed my life. we were having a casual conversation about life and I decided to share with him some of my darker feelings to see if he could understand me. He gently but firmly told me that my feelings are valid and real, and insisted that they are the real result of possibly a real mood disorder, not symproms of being a bad person or having a bad job/family/self image/etc. basically he said that its very likely that what I described is depression that is very likely to respond to medical then once we were close enough, he insisted that I see a paychiatrist, and I resisted but agreed to mention it to my general practitioner at my next regular womanly visit. I still frame it like this: “so i always thought this was normal, but people keep telling me that i shouldn't be feeling like death itself and the infinitude of existence is pressing in on me like the pages of a book versus an oxford comma that ought to to be edited out of the script.” So she prescribed an SSRI and i agreed to give it the benefit of the doubt. I can safely say that my fiance was instrumental in helping me stick to the program as we adjusted the dosage and ultimately get my mood under control. now that my mood is more stable, he frequently checks in to see how I'm doing and doesn't freak out when I have a bad day. i can count on him to let me know when things are starting to get symptomatically bad, as opposed to normal bad day bad; he picks up on my mood patterns quicker than I do sometimes.So in a nutshell I would say the best type of support for my depression was when he refused to agree that dark feelings and bad days are something that I can just “deal with.” My depression was telling me that nothing could make my life any better, that it's not even worth it to try. And in my illness, he was ultimately the one who helped me make the decisions I was unable to make for myself.

How do I please my girlfriend when she is depressed? I always do sweet talk and compliment her. I do my best to make her feel special and tell her that sadness isn’t for her, but it never works.

If your girlfriend is depressed, there may be nothing that can “please” her at times. Depression often involves anhedonia, or an inability to feel pleasure.So you need to ask a different question: When your girlfriend is depressed, what kind of support does she want from you?Does she want to talk about her feelings and have you listen empathetically? Does she want you to help her brainstorm solutions? Does she want you to distract her with jokes or games? Does she want you to sit beside her quietly and simply make sure she’s not alone? Does she want you to remind her to eat and go outside when she feels like doing absolutely nothing? Does she want you to encourage her to use particular coping skills she’s learned over the years but may lose sight of when she’s feeling low?These are all things I have wanted when my depression was bad. And often, I have specifically, explicitly asked for them from people who love me. Often, people who love me have inquired about my wishes, and I have responded. And often, people have guessed; sometimes they have guessed right, but other times they have guessed wrong. I recommend asking rather than guessing. Especially since your first guess — giving her compliments and telling her not to be sad — has not worked.Ask your girlfriend what you can do to support her when she is depressed. If she doesn’t know how to answer, list some of the options I mentioned above. You could also show her these two comics, which have spoken to many depressed people I know. They might be good conversation-starters.From Robot HugsFrom Things Without Arms and Without Legs