What To Expect On A Psychologist Visit

First psychologist visit soon. What to expect?

Most likely the psychologist will take a detailed history of your life and family. You might be given a few tests, but that is not real likely the first visit. S/he will explain to you the limits of confidentiality. You will be asked to explain in detail what your concern is and why are you coming NOW for is now different from a month ago. It is vital that you be as open and honest as you can be. Psychologists do not read minds..if you lie you are only hurting yourself. Therapy is a two way street and a process. You are both going to work hard. Good luck!

What should I expect at my appointment with a psychologist?

The psychologist is going to help you. They are going to ask a lot of personal questions, but you know what, you're going to feel better about yourself once you answer them truthfully. The psychologist is going to help you in every way to get over your disorder and make you feel better about yourself. Most psychologists become psychologists because they, too, had a problem growing up and now they want to help those out there who have problems, too.

So, be truthful with them and understand that they are just doing their job. You want to get help for your problem, so be willing to let them give you help. The more you corporate with them, the better off it's going to be the the less painful each appointment will be.

What should I expect on my first visit to a Clinical Psychologist?

You're not supposed to know anything yet. A psychologist makes you talk a lot, quite an easy job, just sitting there "uhuh uhuh". nah just kidding. During your first few visits you'll mainly have to talk about why you came there and general aspects of your life, you might even get some questionnaires to fill in. Each visit you'll get more specific about the problems and you might get some homework to do, some assignments that help you with whatever it is that's going on. You will also discuss progress. A psychologists job isn't to fix you, it's to help you fix yourself. And that ain't easy believe me. So cut em some slack and try to be as open and honest as possible. keeping things isn't gonna help you and a good psychologist will know what you're doing in seconds.

I am seeing a psychologist for the first time. What should I expect?

You can expect the following.1.There will be many other patients who want to consult your doctor with a mental disorder state more than you.—looking at them you might feel like returning home.2.Suppose you did not return and continued consulting a doctor ,following are the questions asked by doctor.a)Have you attempted suicide or do you get thoughts on that.b)Are you Depressed.c)etc..3.And in case the answer is no to all the above,even the problem being there/existed.He will make you return home saying you are fine.This is what happened to me when I visited psychologist for the second time.Because the first time I visited ,my condition was same as point number 1(I returned home).Now I’m good.So ultimately what I want to say emphasizing Now I’m good is that,its all mind game. Problem is with you,but not with a Doctor.Then why to consult a Doctor?(Only if it is a major injuries like accident etc.. you can go ahead). You are the only person who can cure it. Because even if the doctor gets you hundred ways to escape from the current problem you are facing ,you will finally do whatever your mind says,but not what the doctor says.You are the Doctor for your own mind and thinking.Only you can control your mind.So sit with yourself. And ask your brain-’Dude,Whats your problem’.Write it one by one .Last but not the least take action on those statements given by your Proficient Brain.

Psychiatrist vs psychologist?

Many people prefer to go to a Psychologist for counselling. The training of a Psychologist involves obtaining a Masters Degree or Doctors Degree in Psychology specializing in counselling and very little knowledge about Psychotropic medications or any other medications for that matter. They can't prescribe medications. A Psychiatrist is a Medical Doctor who has taken an Internship (1 year) followed by a Residency in Psychiatry (1 or 2 years) and then may specialize in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Adult Psychiatry or Forensic Psychiatry. They have a full Medical Training and are very familiar with Psychiatric medications and can order them and adjust them as necessary. Psychiatrists often care for the sicker patients such as those with Schizophrenia, Manic Depressive Illness, etc. who have major problems with Psychotic Behavior and Reality Testing. People with such problems as anxiety, mild to moderate depression, etc, often do well with 'talk therapy" or counselling and find a Psychologist with whom they feel comfortable in sharing feelings and talking about concerns and conflict resolution. Follow your heart and find a Psychologist with whom you can bond. The Psychologist can act as a liaison for you with a Psychiatrist if you both decide that a trial of medication would be helpful for you in addition to the counselling. Perhaps your psychiatrist thought you were getting counselling somewhere else. I am a Psychiatric Nurse Educator who taught Psychiatric Nursing in an RN Program for years. I specialized in Adolescent and Child Psychiatry and worked in that area in many different settings as well as had lots of clinical experience in Adult Settings too. You seem to be on the right track! Good Luck to you. Oh yes, I know Psychiatric medications inside and out all due to my clinical experiences and great desire for learning but I definitely have a warm spot for couselling.

Psychiatrist what to expect?

The psychiatrist will ask about your symptoms. Your psychiatrist will not ask about the emotional challenges that you discuss with your psychologist. The psychologist helps you deal with the details. The psychiatrist is just choosing the medication that will be best.

This actually frustrates many people because the psychiatrist doesn't want to know about the details. The details don't matter for choosing the right medication.

Think of it this way: If you have a headache, your doctor wants to know whether it gets bad when you are stressed or bad when you exercise so that your doctor can recommend the right medication. The psychologist will talk to you about why you are stressed.

What should I expect from a first appointment with a psychologist?

The first appointment should consist of administrative duties and serve as the beginning of an assessment process. How can a professional conduct therapy if they have not gathered historical and present day data?Depending on the orientation of the therapist, the first two or three sessions consist of this information gathering process. It is only then, that a treatment plan can be formulated.It is also the time for the therapist to create a working alliance with her patient. What may surprise many people is that a large percentage of people do not return the next visit. That is why it is important to form an alliance as quickly as possible.I hope your first visit goes well. Always know that if you are not comfortable, you can always leave the practitioner and try a new one.

What is it like to have a session with a psychologist for the first time?

I am close to a lot of people who struggle with mental health issues, so I value the importance of mental health. Therefore, last Thursday I went to my first therapy session as a "wellness checkup" sort of thing and to prepare myself mentally for college.The worst part was walking up to the front door. First, the fact that our culture stigmatizes therapy as something you go to only if  something is "wrong" wrong with you made me feel pretty awkward when I found myself on the front door. But that was no big deal. My biggest fear was that I would get a psychologist who would just throw prescriptions my way without fixing any problems or give a lazy diagnosis. Thankfully, despite my fears, things turned out well. After filling out some paperwork, my therapist and I set ourselves up in a secluded room. From there, it was just a normal conversation where my therapist acted much like a "life coach" for me, and I found it an interesting experience. Really, all he did was talk a little about himself and ask me a few questions, but what really impressed me was the quality of the questions he asked me. He was clearly paying attention because any problems I would tell him, he would be able to steer the conversation in a way that led me to discovery after discovery about myself.In the span of a single 45 minute session, I had got to reflect on issues like my shortness of breath and racing thoughts (which surprisingly might go hand and hand for me!). It was nice to know from my therapist's questions that the problems I had are not unique to me. My therapist must have seen dozens of people with the same problems as me, and just that fact was comforting. Now, I recall when I was filling out forms, the top of the forms said "Minor Patient", so I assume I got different treatment than someone else who might be in more dire straits. However, from my experience, I can heartily recommend that anyone who has never done so should consider therapy. We're all human, so we all have problems, however minor they may be. And even without problems, a therapist can help us become more of who we want to be.Best wishes =)

First psychiatrist visit?

a psychiatrist is a medical dr.-basically it's just like seeing your family dr, but with some questions about your emotions and your work,school and home don't need to tell your life story. it's nothing to be scared of,after awhile you'll be bored when you go for your appointments. please ask for the lowest dosage of medication if he gives you any. make sure he tells you exactly why you need anymore than one medication and make sure to ask him exactly how long you'll be on medication.usually antidepressants aren't recommended for more than 1 year. that's why a therapist is will have side effects on all the medication.if they get too much then go back to the dr. and change the meds.some dr.s want you to wait 4 weeks to see if a med is working.that's so old school. if there isn't any improvement in 2 weeks,go back to talk. the '4 weeks' should be the max improvement from the drug,not the time spent waiting to see if it's going to actually work. don't take something that makes you feel miserable because sometimes the medication is worse than the problem.

-a psychologist/therapist should be the first line of treatment before you go get medication.sometimes it helps just as much. anyway,the dr usually always recommends that patients see a therapist. the therapist makes sure you feel very comfortable in his office. if you don't like him/her,don't go back.
crying can be a good thing if it helps get rid of the pain inside so you don't have to keep carrying it around.. having emotions are natural and nothing to be ashamed of. you'd be surprised at the percentage of people who cry in the dr.s office. don't stress about doing that. talking about your problems can be painful,but it's the only way to make progress in getting better. you don't have to tell anything you don't want to. just say you don't feel comfortable talking about whatever subject. a good dr. will never push you. if you feel uncomfortable at anytime with your dr, please leave.there are many others and it's important you find one you like.