What To Paint For A Family Who Is Grieving A Death

How long is normal to grieve for a dead pet dog?

Grief is unique to you and your circumstances. Never let anyone tell you it's not okay to grieve for your lost doggy friend -- I'll bet she/he was more like family right? My sister grieved for ours for a couple of years. At first we thought it was strange but in hindsight it was more about family and circumstance. Being only three when we got him, my sister had never known a life without our dog Sam. Within a one year time span I moved across the country, our parents spilt up and our dog died. It was rough. She even started making us sister scrapbooks of him. With duplicates of all the photos she could find, she intended to make two almost identical scrapbooks, one for each of us. About three years after Sam died my mom sent me a huge box. Inside was all of the goods for making the books. Turns out my sister had been trying to make the books to surprise me but every time she took the pictures out she'd cry and end up doing very little. I must admit I cried when I saw all of them too, it was like seeing a lost bit of your childhood, but I finished the books, which were about half done, and now we both have one!I have another dog now, a different breed but thy have similar traits, and even now I bring that book out every once and a while. Our pets are more than pets, they are family and we should grieve however we please!

Does it mean anything when one nail is painted black and the rest are normal?

No idea why people would do that, beside the fact that they think they are being "LIEK SO KEWL!!!11!", or that they just want to be a little more individual.

However, painting just your pinky nail, or painting your pinky nail a different colour is associated with heavy metal, and a lot of heavy metal musicians (usually guitarists) do this. No particular reason for it, it's just something they do. Maybe some people have seen heavy metal artists painting only their pinky nails and decided to paint only one of their nails from now on?

What are some dos and donts after a death in a Hindu family?

On hearing death of a person in family the family members are supposed to be in profound grief and thereby not in a position of thinking in proper manner. It is the duty of relatives, friends and neighbours to help the family to do all the necessary things. In villages this is done by same community people. In urban areas if there are community/organisation they will take care. Otherwise people need to volunteer for such jobs.Dos:-water/food should be served by neighbours at their house for first few days.Cremation of the body as per the rules& regulations of the respective community (if the deceased & family follows community rules).If community laws are absent, general Hindu laws can be applicable.Inform creamation ground authorities and get permission and timeInform all near & dear ones… relatives or society membersCleaning/Dressing body as per the regulationstaking body to cremation ground and do all kriyas as per the needAfter 3rd day sanchayan has to be done…Bones to be immersed in holy rivers with respect and purity …Mourning period is 10 to 16 days normally and it differs place to place and communitywise… In urban areas where people are busy and time is very important it can be reduced to 5 days to 10days.During these period kriyas need to be done after cosulting the end of the mourning period every one involved must be invited and given a satwic vegetarian feastPrayer meeting, Gifting Bhagavad Gita book/audio/video etc are considered very good…Visits to Theerth sthans… Shiv Temples…Don’ts:- (During the mourning period)No cooking for 1 to 3 days at the house where death occured..No sleep in the day time..No oil bath…No make ups or fancy dress /new dressNo Temple visitsNo games / PlaysNo TV/Radio listeningNo haircut/Shave etc

Death and bereavement.?

The grief of losing someone you love is very difficult, and can take a very long time to get over. You have made the first step in that you are recognizing that you have not been able to move on, and you know that you are stuck somewhere in the grief process. Be gentle with yourself. Everyone gets through grief in different ways and using different methods. But the overall process is always the same. Knowledge is power, so read about the grief process. If you understand it, that alone might help you. It sounds like you are in the depression stage, and keep in mind that it is normal to feel this way for a time. Check here.

Then you have to think about your dad. What would he want you to do? How would he want you to fee? I am absolutely certain what he would want. he would want you to be happy and to get on with your life. He would want you to have an amazing life, and to live the best life you can live, in his honor. He wants you to do all those things that he never got to do. When you go and do things that you enjoy now, you are also doing them for him, because he can't do them for himself. That is how you honor his memory - you live the happiest and best life that you can live.

I have suffered the loss of many loved ones in my life. This is a poem that has helped me many times. I hope it will help you.

Do Not Stand at My Grave and Weep

Do not stand at my grave and weep
I am not there. I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow.
I am the diamond glints on snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain.
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you awaken in the morning's hush
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circled flight.
I am the soft stars that shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry;
I am not there. I did not die.

Mary Elizabeth Frye

Your dad will always be with you in your heart and in your memories, and you will see him again in the eyes of your own children and grandchildren, and he will live forever through you and through them.

How to accept death as a part of life?

I am OK with everything . With sadness with bad luck . I almost can say that the bad part of life for me is more interesting and inspiring than the happy part for me . But i cannot accept death . Every time that i remember that i am gonna die i am crying . And sometimes i don't know what's harder , feeling death coming or watching my dog and my family dying . I wanna live and i want everyone that i love to be alive . And i know i really deeply know that death is a part of life. Flowers also dying but that doesn't mean that they're not beautiful . My aunt died in February and everyone was like come on to hug you and know she is in a better place and she had a nice death . I mean how death can be nice? Because you don't be in pain? Death means that you are stop being alive .
You can't paint , you can't sing , you can't make love with other humans , you can't be miserrable about life when you are dead . And personally when i am sad and when i have to faced the death i don't want hugs or lovely people crying around me . I wanna stay alone and cry so bad till i feel my body dry and empty . And how people know that heaven is a better place ? And i don't want to go in a better place , i prefer hell in this situation . Sometimes i am telling to myself that i wish to could live forever with my lovely people even if i live into sadness. This is why death hurts . Cause life it's so much beautiful . I love life so much i love everything about life . How can i accept death?

What should i get a Vietnamese family as a condolence gift?

My neighbor of many years has recently passed leaving his wife and 2 little girls behind. We are unsure as to whether they are of Vietnamese or Laotian heritage. My family and I would like to present a special gift to the family members but do not know what is appropriate. Any ideas or suggestions are greatly appreciated.