What To Say Instead Of

What to say instead of "Huh?"?

I have a bad habit of saying "Huh?" when I didn't hear (or "didn't catch") what someone said. What is a polite thing to say instead ot his?

What can I say instead of "we"?

Added detail - It is my business website. That's why I'm having such a problem! We seems to be the only thing I can think of....Us, they,etc doesn't seem to work! There may not be an answer to this question!

What to say instead of lol ?

i say "hahaha" or "heh heh" or "hehe" depending on how funny it is. i dont like lol much because people over-use it!

What can I say instead of "I know"?

If you keep saying “I know” it can make the other person feel as though you’re not interested in what they are telling you and I would advise that you use any and all of the examples provided by others. Of course, I wouldn’t advise you using a different version every time in one conversation that might sound weird or even as though you are making fun.My answer is a bit of a cheat really because I just wanted an excuse to provide the following link to a clip from one of my favourite shows.

What can I say instead of, That Sucks?

That stinks
That smells
That rots
That's bullchit
That's crappy
That's life
That's the way the cookie crumbles
(That's the end of my input.....and I think that sucks! :-) )

What to say instead of oh my god?

i think it might be offensive to many people to say, oh my god, or even oh my gosh.
so, instead of "god", what could i say? one of my friends says , "oh my cheesee!" which is rlly cute and original. so what could i replace god with? thankss!

What can I say instead of "people"?

I'm writing a research paper about technology. I don't know what to say instead of people" it's like "people usually do this" or "people who use Facebook" or "many people keep in touch with Facebook". I'm not supposed to really use pronouns such as I, you, they, we etc. what can I say instead of people? It really becomes redundant.

What can we say instead of “hi” or “hello”?

The choice of greetings could depend on whether you would like to start a conversation or not.A simple nod or a smile is a legit greeting if you want to avoid an awkward silence after a ‘Hi’ or ‘Hello’.‘Good day’ is a more formal way of addressing someone with a hello or bidding them goodbye. But it is mostly used for the latter. It is important to note that this greeting cannot be used after sunset but if absolutely necessary, it makes more sense to say ‘goodbye’ or ‘Have a nice evening’‘Good morning’, ‘good afternoon’ and ‘good evening’ are commonly used pleasantries too. You could cut it short and keep it simple with just greeting people with ‘morning’, ‘afternoon’, ‘evening’ especially if it is a repeated daily exercise.You could also start with a question such as ‘What’s up?’, ‘How do you do?’, or informally ‘Howdy?’ (an American usage which could be used with friends).If you happen to cross paths with someone you are likely to meet again during the day, you could smile, nod and say, ‘Cheers!’ or ‘See you around’.You could also choose other languages to say ‘Hello’ or similar phrases commonly used across the world. Examples - Ciao (Italian), Hola ( Spanish), Ola (Portuguese), Namaste (Hindi), Salaam (Persian), etc.Hope this helps!

What can i say instead of "this means"?

It really depends on the context - what you're saying in the rest of your sentence and how strongly one thing implies the other - but here are some possibilities.

this demonstrates
this gives rise to the conclusion
this shows
this indicates
this gives the impression
this proves
this suggests
this confirms
this tells us