What To Use To Make A Primitive Basket Fish Trap

What did Native Americans and Europeans trade with each other during the colonial era?

I was taught “furs” from beaver, mink, otter, marten, fox, etc. and that makes sense for high value and rarity. Further reading indicates the Native Americans provided a great deal of ready to eat food (corn, beans, squash, pumpkins, dried meat and fish, acorns, berries, etc.) as they were better farmers than the Europeans up until 20th Century yields.They also trade deer hides more than anything else, with bison hides a close second, for their broad utility in apparel, harnesses, footwear, packs and bags, rawhide strips as the equivalent later on of baling wire or bungee cords as universal fasteners and straps, and material for light and heavy coats.The edible and medicinal plants known to the local Indians were also very high value, literally life or death products in many cases.The Europeans traded them rum particularly (as they’d keep coming back for it while most physical goods they were quickly sated on), fabrics (Wool, Linen, Cotton, Canvas, Silk) generally dyed in colors not locally available, needles and thread, steel knives, cast iron cooking pots, iron traps for all sorts of animals (most trappers were actually Native Americans), firearms of any sort and vintage, gunpowder and lead for bullet-making over a campfire, gun flints (English preferably, French lower value), refined cane sugar, wheat flour, dried fruits, glass beads made in Europe, India, and Africa, tomahawks/hatchets, axes for tree felling, horses, cattle, candles, etc..Consumables to both sides had the greatest trading value as it meant they’d be back to trade more in the future.

How do primitive funnel fish traps work?

A lot of fish cant swim backward and some traps have projections that are pushed out by the fish but spring back after the fish has passed, acting like spear points.

Would any alien ever consider visiting us?

would they have reason to visit us? are we that boring of a species that no alien would ever consider visiting us? As a bonus question, do you think that there could be life in a different state of matter, such as gas or liquid but that has a conscience and has technology?