What Travels Most Slowly

Sound travels most slowly through which of these?

Here is the list for you and if the distance was 1000m
metal pole = 0.19 seconds
wood block = 0.44 seconds
pool of water = 0.67 seconds
area of cool air = 2.94 seconds

As you can see the denser the material the quicker does sound travel through it. This is because in a dense material the atoms are packed much more closely together and therefore pass on the sound pressure wave quicker to the next atom. So as we can see from above sound travels slowest through air as the atoms in the atmosphere are less packed together compared to the other mediums.

In which material would sound travel most slowly? ?

Air, because the more dense the material, the faster it travels. You would think its cotton since cotton balls are often used as ear plugs to block sound.

The speed of light is constant, but light travels more slowly through glass than air. Why is this not a contradiction?

Because the first part of your statement isn’t true. Or at least, not by itself. In any consistent medium light will travel at a constant speed. However if you change the medium (but it remains consistent), that speed will be different.Light travels fastest through a perfect vacuum, and slows down when introduced to optically denser mediums. This is due to photons being absorbed and re-emited by particles they collide with, which takes more time than simply traveling the same distance with no collisions (i.e. in a perfect vacuum).If there existed a perfect glass which had no imperfections, light would pass through it at a constant speed as the optical density would be constant throughout. However that speed would be less than through a vacuum, as the optical density of glass is greater than a vacuum. The speed of light is still constant within the glass, but it’s a different speed compared to the vacuum.And in the real world, where the makeup of glass is hardly consistent, the speed will fluctuate as the light passes through more and less dense spaces. Very sudden and significant changes in medium (i.e. glass/air boundary) change the speed enough that light can noticably refract.

Which travels more slowly in glass, a red or a violet light? Why?

White light is a combination of all colors; using a prism, white light from our Sun can be separated into the spectrum of colors. Light-speed is different when traveling through glass than it is when traveling through air, so that the wave-height of each color will bend at a different angle when entering and exiting a triangle shaped glass prism. Einstein said to think of this chromatic aberration as a column of soldiers marching in lockstep; wider columns with more rows of soldiers will take longer to make the turn then a column with fewer rows. Red-light will experience less aberration of its path than orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet light, in that order. Red-light is the long-wave end of the spectrum and violet the short-wave end of the visible spectrum. With red-light experiencing less bending of its path, it must be shorter in height than blue-light. There is an inversion in the length to height ratio.The difference in speed is at entry and exit at an angle not perpendicular to the surface, from that point it travels at light-speed of the new medium.

Why does light travels through matter more slowly than in the void?

Actually light travels at a constant velocity.It never slows or speeds up than its usual speed.The only thing is when light travels in a medium (water,glass etc) the atoms present in water,glass etc absorbs billions of photon (particles of light) and get energized and then emits them after sometime.So,it seems like speed of light gets slowed down but actually it travels at a finite speed which is equal to 299,792,458 m/s, no matter of what medium light travels through.

In which medium does light travels slow?

Light’s speed in a medium is determined by the index of refraction of the medium, so it moves slower than it does in air if the medium has a higher index of refraction than air. The index of refraction determines how much, when light hits the edge of the medium, it is deflected from its original path as it goes into the medium (or out of it). This is called Snell’s law Snell's law - Wikipedia (you can google “Snell’s law animation” and find some cute animations.)If the medium is transparent light moves through it - if the medium is not transparent it’s absorbed and/or reflected near the surface.Air has an index of refraction that is almost like vacuum, so light moves through air almost as fast as it possibly can, and moves more slowly through just about everything else.

Why does a car going up a hill travel more slowly than one going down a hill?

When you attempt to go up a hill, you are increasing your gravitational potential by going to a higher elevation. This takes energy, wich you can either supply from your Kinetic Energy (thus lowering your speed) or from your power source (pedaling harder on your bike, burning more fuel in your engine, pushing harder eith your leg on your skateboard, more current from your battery to the electric motor, etc)Same reason speed increase going down hills, you are gaining Kinetic Energy from the reduction in Gravitational Potential!:)

Most rivers curve or meander. Water travels more slowly on the outside of the curve and more quickly on the inside of the curve. (See More)?

Which statement is true?

A). The pressure on the inside of the curve of a river channel is less than the pressure on the outside.
B). All the water is part of the river, so the pressure is the same throughout.
C). The pressure on the inside of the curve of a river channel is greater than the pressure on the outside.
D). The pressure is greatest in the middle of the river channel.

Which color travels more slowly in the prism? Why does a rainbow arc appear red on top and purple on bottom?

When two colors of light (X and Y) are sent through a glass prism, X is bent more than Y. Which color travels more slowly in the prism?

Why does the arc of a rainbow appear with red on top and violet on the bottom?

Do alpha ray, beta ray, and cosmic rays travel more slowly than gamma ray in a vacuum?

Alpha and beta are particles with mass. Specifically alpha is a helium atom without electrons, only two neutrons and two protons; and beta is an electron. It is a disservice to lump them in with radiation – the only thing in common with electromagnetic radiation is that alpha and beta ionize. But anything with mass travels much slower than electromagnetic radiation. They don’t even have a constant velocity like light does.Cosmic rays are a broad category composed of light, neutrinos, and particulate matter. As such the light travels at c and somewhat slowed by the interstellar medium, neutrinos travels at c, and particulates travel slower than c but at relativistic velocity.There is also neutron radiation, which is particulate and slower than light. It is responsible for the formation of radioisotopes.Gamma is electromagnetic. Light, but much shorter wavelength than visible light.In short, alpha, beta, and the particulates of cosmic will travel slower than light. Light is gamma and the EM-portion of cosmic.Remember: mass=slower than light.