What Tricks Could I Teach My Dog

What tricks can i teach my dog?

My sister taught her daughters pits a cute trick. She gives them a treat and says This is from (put in a name of someone you know), the dog takes it from her but when she says This is from the Dog Catcher, the dogs turn their heads to the side and put their noses in the air and won't take the treat. She taught them by saying that statement and then quickly saying no and pushing their faces to the side. Eventually they associated the name with the action. It makes everyone laugh.

What are some cool tricks I can teach my dog?

You can teach her to:
Cross Paws-



Play Dead-

Sit Pretty-

Walk on Hind Legs-


Weave Through Legs-

Walk Backwards-

Backwards Crawl-

What are some good tricks to teach my dog?

Dog tricks stimulate your dog's mental ability and also creates physical activities for your dog. Some of the basic commands such as sit, come, heel and down needs to be mastered first before you have the full attention of your dog. Usually, a new dog owner will try to teach complicated tricks to their dog before their dog has learn the basic commands. This will prove to be more difficult (though its still possible) to train your dog to perform advanced tricks.Intermediate tricks such as High Five, Roll over, and Fetch are pretty popular. You can also include tricks such as opening of doors and the opening of the fridge. Other popular tricks include toy keeping, newspaper fetching and catching of objects in midair (frisbees).One good resource to get the step by step instructions together with relevant videos is on here: Dog Tricks Complete List From The Easy To Intermediate It is a comprehensive list of instructions to teach your dog how to perform the tricks. Hope this helps.

In what order should I teach my dog tricks?

In my classes the first thing I make sure all the dogs know and understand is "come". without a good "come" all other training is worthless. From there we go to "sit", "stay" (a very useful command for prevent jumping on people and running out of the door), "watch me" (for leash work to prevent pulling), and finally a "down" (which is usually the hardest to train because most dogs do not like this position and it is usually accompanied by a "stay" command). I also insist upon dogs learning "wait" vs "stay". Wait means stay until I tell you to do something else, and Stay means stay there until I get back. Dogs quickly learn the difference.
I have my students use treats (the smaller the better) in order to reinforce the commands, and I do not allow prong or e-collars under any situation. For leash work we use "let's go" instead of "heel" because the "heel" command means the dog has to be in a specific position and is only used for competition training, so "let's go" means walk with me and don't pull.
After the dogs learn these commands, we have a tricks class, and owners come to class with something they specifically want to teach their dog, either a "bow", "fetch", "roll over", "high five", "find it"(on of the more fun games to play), and anything else they desire.

Can you teach an old dog new tricks?

Is she to old to learn new tricks?
No not in the least bit. Actually dogs are not considered old till there 8 years of age. In human years, she is equivalent to a 35 year old woman. And 35 year olds are still young. And a 35 year old learns things each and everyday. The term "you cant teach a old dog new ticks" Is not correct.

Can this be accomplished in the amount of time I have?
Yes i believe so. Dogs are smart animals. And labs are very quick learners. I believe if you work hard everyday you can.

What types of things can I have her do?
Well following what you have said, You want her to act out a book. What are somethings the book says? You can have her sit up for some parts and speak for other parts. It totally depends.

Do you have any other suggestions?
Clicker Training. Its very fast and affective. Here is a link to clicker training-

Good Luck!!

What are some unique tricks I can teach my dog?

Dancing is a trick that is more easily done by small breed dogs, but the larger breeds can learn to dance with some encouragement and training.While your dog is standing hold a beloved treat up over your dog’s head. Then give a command such a “up”, “dance” or even “spin” until he rises fully on his hind legs. You may need to gently bring both of your arms under his front legs and lift him as you give the cue words so that he understands that you are wanting him up.You may need to move the treat just a bit behind your dog’s head to get him completely up. Once he is up click and treat, or praise and treat. Continue to do this for several practice sessions until your dog rises on his hind legs easily at the cue word.Once your dog has mastered this, then it is a matter of once he is up moving the treat slightly to the left of his head to get him go left and then to the right to get him to go right. Use the cue word, click and praise for any effort in this. As you continue to practice and he easily follows the treat, then begin giving the cue word and giving him the treat after he has accomplished. It is a good idea to have an end cue word such as “release”. As he progresses you can add a spin into the side to side routing.If you have a dog that is large and gets excited, be careful when giving him the standup command. Some dogs will use their front paws to push against you for leverage if they get excited and could be problematic if they weight more than you do. Smaller breeds are usually better suited for this trick, but a variety of breed can do this trick with slow methodical training.Do training sessions about ten minutes or so, if you or your pet begin to get frustrated, then stop the training session. Go back to a trick that they know well, and make sure you end on a good note. It will take several days to master this trick.Food for Thought:This trick is adorable but would not be recommended for dogs that are overweight or for dogs that suffer with hip dysplasia. If you dog has any hip issues or suffers from problems with their hind legs, this trick will put unnecessary strain upon them and should not be taught.

Why can’t we teach old dogs new tricks?

Simple answer is “we can”. I have rescued a 7 yr old Labrador. Think about it. He has to learn a complete new set of rules in a completely new environment . He was emaciated and gawd know what else he has been through. Five months down the road he is free to be outside with out running off which was a big deal for him. He was never loose before. He has now learned where my 11 acres begin and end and loving life. He has learned there are no rules regarding my bed or the couch and loves it. Too, he has fit in great with my other Labrador. A whole new life for him. All had to be learned.

What are some good tricks that every dog must know? How to teach them those tricks?

We all love to teach our dogs tricks. Some are frivolous like "play dead" and some are important, like going potty only when outdoors. But there are other tricks to teach our furry friends that could save their lives.I would suggest to train your dog for Army crawling that is a fun trick to teach to your dog that helps him improve his physical fitness.Dancing is generally considered to be a skill for smaller dogs, but larger breeds can also learn it with some gentle encouragement.Read more about dogs - 8 Surprising Facts You Didn't Know About Dogs!