What Type Of Person Can You Imagine With Each Name

Does the name you have effect your personality?

Many of you might be thinking the answer is blatantly obvious, that yes, of course, names influence personalty, but does it really? Is it solely the name which you’ve been given that determines your personality, or is it the society that you grew up in?Take, for instance, a very unique name mixed with a very unique girl; the name clearly embodies the girl’s personality. Anyone that meets her would not be surprised in the least that this name was given to this girl. That her personality mirrored the true aspects and uniqueness of her name.What about a more common name for a more common boy? The boy goes throughout life not pushing too hard on both the law or society. He is normal and has a very normal name. His personality, like the unique girl’s, fits so perfectly with his name that it’s no wonder he has that common name.Plus, when meeting a person, usually the name of the person fits that personality and appearance. The name truly embodies the person who possesses it.But what about people with names that really don’t fit them physically or emotionally? If the idea of the name affecting the personality was true, why isn’t this sort of person also affected by their name?When picking names, what’s the most important part of the process? The parents. This may seem a bit shallow, as the name is made for the child, but it’s true. A parent isn’t going to name their child something they consider “unattractive” or downright “unfit.”Therefore, the parents are picking a name they find personally attractive. It not only embodies their ideology of a perfect child, but it fits their family.Children grow up creating their personality, true, but parents have a huge impact on the person their child becomes. Because of this, the child may be similar to their parents and this causes the name of the person to fit “perfectly.” A unique mother picking a unique name for her child will more than likely create a unique girl, not because of the name but because the mother.Of course, not all children end up like their parents. Wouldn’t this then explain the name not fitting the child? If the personality of both of the parents and child are extremely different, the name might not necessarily fit the child.So, do names affect your personalty? Perhaps, but more than likely not. More than likely, it’s because of the family, not the name, that helps create the personality of the child.Thanks®

Does a person’s name influence the person they become?

Hi Cathy,The genes, astrological names, birth dates, place of birth will decide the possibilities and the standard personality of the human vessel.Before birth, your Soul split into a subconscious part of your Soul and a conscious part of your Soul. Your conscious part of your Soul is your awareness. It starts in most cases with zero memory. Your parents, school and yourself, etc teach the awareness a perspective at life. This awareness what you think are your thoughts, are not the thoughts from your brain, but from your conscious part of your Soul, that projects the Soul as a kind of using the brain and using the human body.All choices you formulate with your awareness can be in line with the standard personality of your human vessel. When you emphasize different thoughts based on positivity and negativity, you can change what ever you desire. You can become your biological human vessel and genes plan, or you can become what your awareness desires, just by formulating and emphasizing the other thoughts and choices. What ever you prefer.Your personality is not WHO you are, but WHAT you think. When you don’t like your personality, change your thoughts.To research it, do an extended astrological description of yourself. You will see a lot of possibilities or personalities you like and some you don’t like. Than you understand which you have emphasized and which not.The genes are more how you are build and mentally capable of doing things. The astrological data is describing the cycle of your human vessel, what possible could be true for you. In the end still everything is depending on your thoughts and decisions you make with your awareness.So in the end, choose well.More questions, don’t hesitate to ask them.With best regards,Thomas Francisco Pelgero

If it is true that imagination is infinite? Can you imagine a new color and what is the name of that new color?

One can say that imagination is infinite in a poetic or expressive sense, but from a scientific factual view, the human brain is a limited number of cells, neurons, etc. with a massive but limited number of connections which are capable of producing a limited number of electrical impulses during a human being’s lifetime. Therefore creative imagination which is a conjectural based subset of that activity is also limited, and it is smaller by its very nature.Last week I was reviewing some basic color theory with my art to class. I pointed out that the traditional color wheel that I have hanging on my wall (which is a simplified Munsell system type wheel) is a lie from a certain point of view. The tertiary colors such as yellow-orange or red-violet are shown as if they are a single hue, when in reality there is a range of shades that are neither the pure primary color nor the pure secondary color. I find it humorous that most people consider art to be a vague and mysterious field of study yet when it comes to things like linear perspective and color theory we use rather precisely defined scientific terms.As for your new color, here it is:Pick any of the many variations of yellow-orange which is neither pure yellow (587 nanometers) nor pure orange (609 nanometers.)Add a touch of white to make it a higher value (tint), or some black to make it a lower value (shade), or else a bit of both (a tone), or perhaps some of the complementary color (blue-violet) to drop it’s chroma.When you are happy with that color, we will call it Irawan.Image via File:HSL color solid dblcone chroma gray.png

Why are names so important?

People give certain names to their children for various reasons - to honor someone, like a favored relative or famous person (like your uncle Michael, or John F. Kennedy); because the name itself translates to something special (like my name, Timothy, translates to "serving God"), to provide a sense of uniqueness in the world (like the name of someone I knew in college gave to her daughter - Tanji), or to be frivolous (as in the case of parents who might name their child "Lucifer" or "Messiah" or "23"). In some cultures which use descriptive phrases or nouns for names, as in some Native American tribes, it is seen as bestowing the gifts or talents described in the phrase, such as Running Rabbit or Flying Arrow. In any case, the name a person bears through life is something he or she must carry, and it is sometimes the only thing others have to judge you by before they meet you. Your name travels ahead of you like a portent of things to come, a thing from which others make assumptions about people.For instance, because of trends in naming children, you expect people (in the US, anyway) named Caden and Olivia to be children, Travis and Zoey to be in their 20s or 30s, Mark and Michelle to be in their 40s, etc. Surnames also say something about a person's heritage. O'Donnelly would be an Irish name, Bellini would be Italian, Hernandez would be Spanish, etc. And by knowing a person's heritage, one makes certain assumptions about the values they hold or do not hold, about the foods they prefer, and about how they raise their children.Are these assumptions always fair or accurate? Of course not, but people continue to make assumptions, regardless. That is why, when naming a child, one must take things like this into consideration. That's what makes it such a horrible forehead-slapping what-were-they-thinking thing to discover another human being has been named something frivolous like "Satan" or "Candlestick". It already proves the parents were frivolous, and by extension the children are assumed to have been raised to be just as frivolous as the parents, and thus are irrelevant as people.

Amber or Scarlett for a girls name?

My daughters name is Scarlett Nicole.

I find Scarlett to be classic, elegant and sophisticated but adorable, sweet and girly. When I envision what someone named Scarlett I just think of my daughter so I see a white blonde haired girl with large, round blue eyes.