What Type Of Person Don

Who was Dill? What type of person was he?

Because he hails from Mississippi, Dill Harris is an outsider, but having relatives in Maycomb, as well as being a child, grants him immediate acceptance in the town. Dill is an interesting character because his personality is a compilation of many of the story’s other characters. As such, Dill functions as a sort of moral thermometer for the reader in understanding Maycomb. Readers, especially those who don’t live in the South, are as much strangers to Maycomb as Dill is, and so he paves the way for the reader’s objective observance of the story Scout has to tell.

Dill is an observer much like Scout; however, he has no vested interest or innate understanding of the various folks he encounters. Dill doesn’t know his biological father, just as Scout doesn’t know her mother. In his attempts to lure Boo Radley outside, Dill’s not much different than Bob Ewell with Tom Robinson, although admittedly, Dill’s intentions are nowhere near as heinous. He tells enormous lies and concocts unlikely stories just as Mayella does during Tom’s trial. He often pretends to be something he isn’t, just like Dolphus Raymond does when he comes into town. He risks his safety to run away to Maycomb just as Jem risks his when he goes to collect his pants from the Radleys.

Dill’s fantastic stories bring the question of lying to the forefront of To Kill a Mockingbird. Dill’s lies incense Scout, but she learns that “one must lie under certain circumstances and at all times when one can’t do anything about them,” a statement that foreshadows Mayella’s predicament. Ironically, Dill, who so easily lies, sobs when the Ewell’s succeed in the lies they tell about Tom Robinson.

What type of person are you?

I'm a short pale lazy bony shut in cave dwelling anti-social computer addict and proud of it.

What type of person I am?

Take out 5 minutes of your daily hours​ and start talking to yourself. Why?? Because you are the only one who knows you better.Okay, now coming to your point that you are weak in studies and fat and shy. Then why aren't all the fingers of our hand are of the same length??NOT all fingers are of same LENGTH,butwhen they are BENT, all stand in EQUAL length.LIFE becomes easywhen we BEND & ADJUST to certain situations.The point is it's okay to be weak in studies, no one's​ perfect. I realized that learning is more important than education. Next comes you are fat , instead I think you are chubby and cute. :) And true ones who are going to be with you forever adore you for the way you are. And when it comes to being shy , it's just normal. Not everyone is good at showing emotions too soon. It's a great quality you have. So, here we are done with three of your problems.Insecurity comes with past experiences. If you had any evil past which holds you back ,try talking to your closed ones whom you trust. And there are numerous people with whom you can associate with. Just take it in a positive way, that you made few people smile. And you know what criticisms are faster than appreciation. But analyse the criticisms and change , but some just belong in the trash .Talk to yourself, will increase trust and self confidence.No one in the world hold you back, except yourself. Don't blame. Just act.Always try to find something good in every bad thing so that you can forget the definition of “Being SAD”.You are the one who is special to you no one else.Be your own best friend because most of the time you spend is with yourself so make yourself as interesting as possible."Start now. Start where you are. Start with fear. Start with pain. Start with doubt. Start with hands shaking. Start with voice trembling but start. Start and don’t stop. Start where you are, with what you have. Just … start.”—Ijeoma UmebinyuoAll the best :)Regards.

Are u an indoor or outdoor type of person?

Indoor! You are like me! I get impatient too when I go out for too long!

What type of person am I if I don't keep my promises?

What type of person am I if I don't keep my promises?Promising can be truthful, or from good intentions, or to con people. They might be broken for good reason, treat requests lightly or to dupe people. What kind of person doesn’t keep their promise?Let’s judge” not keeping promises” on a scale. So here’s a quiz for you to put these types on that scale from 1 to 10—Donald Trump is a person who notoriously doesn’t keep his promises. If a politician, business person or the like doesn’t keep their promises, they are deceitful. You can’t trust them. Eventually you won’t even listen to them.People who always break promises, are unreliable. You can’t depend on them.A person who frequently changes their mind breaks promises due to opinions or circumstances , they are a ditherer (in UK, “U-turn” or, in the US a “flip-flopper”). You can’t take them seriously.Promises are often made in a state of ambiguity by a pleaser; a person wants to please, but when they can’t say no to many, it’s unlikely they will keep their promise to any. They don’t make good on their promises to help or support or be there for you. They are a-don’t-hold-your-breath kind of friend.Someone who only breaks a promise for good reason but is reliable otherwise, is human.The saying, “don’t make promises you can’t/won’t keep” shows how, if you let people down, your reputation will drop. You know the saying, “the road to hell is paved with good intentions” so, anyone who doesn’t make good on promises too often, is dishonest.Dishonesty undermines yourself and the common good.

What type of person are you if you don’t trust anyone easily?

Well, that depends. You may experienced abuse, maltreatment, or being tricked, so you unconciously build defensive mechanism. You may hold introverted trait that makes you uncomfortable when someone invade your privacy. Or, you are a great analyst with strong intuition, and may have superior intellegent to concious enough of possible threats around you. Whatever it is, you must be grateful of yourself.

Are you the type of person that doesn't believe in anything, so does that mean you don't believe in yourself?

LOL, Maybe that is all they believe in. But what is in them. Where have they come from. Where the heck are they going.
Do they think they won't return. What goes around jumps back around.

Man. Maybe they can tell you if they believe that they have a soul.

Dang do they even believe that!