What Was Adolf Hitler Called For

Why was adolf hitler called the fuhrer?

Führer (/ˈfjʊərər/; German pronunciation: [ˈfyːʁɐ]), alternatively spelled Fuehrer in both English and German when the umlaut is not available, is a German title meaning leader or guide now most associated with Adolf Hitler. The word Führer in the sense of guide remains common in German, but because of its strong association with Nazi Germany, it comes with some stigma and negative connotations when used as the meaning of leader. The word Leiter is therefore used instead.

Why was Hitler called Führer?

Hitler copied it from MussoliniIt is a known fact that Hitler admired Mussolini.Mussolini was, of course not called Führer. Mussolini was called Duce which means leader in Italian.The title Duce is derived from the latin dux which means leader and was commonly attached to royal names, example: Rober, dux Francorum (Robert leader of the Franks).Duce, not unlike Führer, is therefore approachable through the native language and yet posseses an air of nobility derived from it’s ancient usage. It therefore represents quite nicely how Mussolini tried to make himself an everyman and yet a better man. Hitler did the same always walking around in his uniform and not insisting on being addressed with by outlandish titles, but by the familiar Führer.As has been mentioned, Führer may indeed mean guide and leader. The Bergführer is a mountain guide and the Anführer is a pure leader

Why is Adolf Hitler never called a terrorist?

There is an easy rubric that can be used to understand armed groups. The reason I like it is because it disproves the saying "One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter". False idea!The rubric has to do with 2 issues:A)conventional/unconventional forcesB) military targets/civilian targetsThere are 4 categories of armed combatants:A) Soldiers are conventional forces used against other Soldiers.B) Guerrilla Fighters are unconventional forces used against Soldiers.C) War Criminals are conventional forces used against Civilians.D) Terrorists are unconventional forces used against Civilians.Hitler was the leader of conventional forces used against Soldiers and also the leader of conventional forces used to exterminate Civilians.As the leader of the German military, he was a Soldier, or more precisely, a Commander of Soldiers.As the leader of the SS, he was a War Criminal, or more precisely, a Commander of War Criminals.Hitler as der Fuehrer was not a Terrorist nor a Guerilla Fighter. Those groups are unconventional. Hitler's armed forces were conventional. As were Hitler's War Criminals (SS).However, an insightful Quoran pointed out that prior to his rise to governmental power, Hitler was indeed the commander of the Storm Troops.They are best described as terrorists: irregulars fighting civilians or other irregulars. So Hitler was originally a Terrorist, or more precisely, the Commander of Terrorists. Quite true!

What do you call people like Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himmler?

I'm doing a list on the 5 most important people during the Holocaust (not important, just evil I suppose) and I'm not sure what the title would be: The most influential mass murderers doesn't sound quite right?!

What was Adolf Hitlers middle name?

Born Adolph Schicklgruber - he later took to using the last name of his stepfather ("Hitler").

I can find no reference to him ever having had a middle name.

Did Adolf Hitler have children?

It's actually a question still being looked into. Officially Hitler only married the day before he committed suicide and was most likely to committed and busy to be a father but there was one person, Charlotte Lobjoie, who claims that in 1917 when she was 16 and Hitler would be 28 they had sexual intercourse and that she had become pregnant because of it. She gave birth to Jean-Marie Loret who is the claimant son of Hitler.Unfortunately he died before DNA testing was around but we do know his blood type was the same as Adolf Hitler's, facial and bodily characteristics were very similar and that both had almost identical handwritting.Jean-Marie Loret did have children who have been offered DNA testing and their solicitor had been trying to get them to do it as if it turned out this was true and they were related then they would be elegable to receive royalties from Mein Kampf, although as you can imagine they are in no rush to say there related to Hitler...Note: As of now Hitler's family tree stops at him and Jean-Marie Loret is not a recognised descendant.Loret wrote a memoir in 1981 called Your Father's Name was Hitler, which is where he discusses finding out, the affair he was told about, and what his mother said about his father before she died and is a very good read if you are interested how he must have felt finding out his father was arguably the most evil person of the 20th century.

What does "fuhrer" mean and why was Hitler called it?

Führer means guide or leader in German. Before Hitler coined it the phrase tended to be used to describe factory floor managers or the other major use (as others have mentioned) was in Reiseführer- meaning travel guide.Hitler’s use of Führer as a title was a political move, the Nazi ideology placed Hitler as an almost semi-divine ruler who was destined to lead the German people and therefore couldn’t be referred to with the same titles used for the leaders of the Weimar and Imperial periods of German government. By titling himself as Führer Hitler placed himself above the government and civil service and therefore above politics and plots.The Nazi’s actually borrowed quite a few words from industry to use as ideological mottos, Volksgemeinschaft- people’s community, was initially the World War One version of those silly quotes managers use to inspire people and the Nazi’s later coined it to promote their ideology.Führer - Wikipedia

What was Adolf Hitler's POLITICAL ideology?

His political ideology can be described as National Socialism.

Some planks that make up (but are not limited to) National Socialism include

Nationalism (meaning extreme pride regarding your nation)
Anti-Semitism (duh)
Hatred for Socialists, Communists, liberals, and even certain aspects of capitalism
Etc. You get the picture.

And the person who put Nazism is wrong. He was a National Socialist, but that ideology is in no way related the socialism. He hated Socialists, which is one reason he hated Jews (many Jews at the time were Socialists).

Hope that helps