What Was Here Before The Existence Of The Universe

The universe has always existed.?

No matter what theory is put out there the universe has always existed. Ether out universe has always existed in its current state, or it has always existed in a small form before the big bang. If the big bang is correct that the universe has been sitting in nothing for forever, because for nothing to exist it must always have existed and the universe must have always existed along with it. Because the universe did not appear out of nowear.

How did the universe come into existence?

Now the universe was created by the big bang, simple. But people wonder what created the big bang. There are many theories to this. One example is that 2 membranes collided, creating a huge amount of energy. These membranes are an irregular shape which is why they can create multiple big bangs when colliding. This could be the reason our universe was created since the big bang occurred in many places, and not just one. Now it's too much to explain membranes here, you might have to do some research on it since it's way out of my league. There are also other theories like colliding universes and the holographic universe but I suggest you research for yourself as I'm not a theoretical physicist. Anyway, about the law of conservation of energy. This is where it gets tricky. You're right, energy cannot be created nor destroyed. This means that no matter what we discover about the universe and how it was created, it is in human nature to always find a cause for the cause. Now either this is an ever receding question or there is something misunderstood in physics. All I can really give you is this. -1 + 1 is still zero. It is entirely possible that all the energy and dark energy cancel each other out to give a universe of no energy. The problem is that there is more dark energy in our universe than energy. But if there are multiple universes which is very possible, then it could explain the differences between energy and dark energy. This question you ask is incredibly difficult, far beyond any human's knowledge. When you start to ask questions like this, things get really weird. Our reality becomes more and more confusing. All you can really do is ignore it, because I don't think us humans are going to have an answer to this question any time soon.

How energy came into existence in the universe?

Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. It can change from one form to other or to mass and vice versa.According to quantum theory,virtual particle pairs are spontaneous in vacuum due to quantum energy flux,resulting in annihilation energy.When summed up over all the points,it could yield a phenomenally high value for quantum vacuum,as virtual energy.My theory is that it could be tapped thru QGP hydrodynamic state equivalents ,in blackhole like domain centers.

What was there before the universe was created?

who said theres a before?

If the universe couldn't have made itself, how could God exist before it.?

When people speak of evolution or the creation of the universe some refute with that the universe couldn't have created itself, but then go on to say God created it. But if that's the case how did God get here? Did he just spawn out of nowhere? Why do some find it hard to believe the universe came together and exploded and created a beautiful place but it isn't difficult to believe some unknown all powerful being has always existed... It seems like a paradox to me.

If everyone on Earth died, would the universe cease to exist? Does the observable universe have to be observed in order to exist?

Everything around us exists because we wanted them to, we needed them to, we expected them to, and we think that they exist. Or someone else is doing this for us.If all humans in the universe cease to exist, the concept of the universe and everything in it will cease to exist. That is, assuming that only humans is the only being capable of thinking and is in possession of this thing called consciousness. If nothing is capable of consciousness, the universe will simply be nothing, and there will nothingness.But that is not the case, for the universe is here even before conscious humans existed.There must be something then that was able conceive everything prior to us, or more extremely, this thing was able to conceive us, thus we existed.I think therefore I am (Rene Descartes)What would cause us to think is something that is beyond our ability to fathom. Consciousness would be the closest thing to describe it.Something that has the ability to conceive everything. The cause of all, and is present in all. The thing which was able to crank up entropy and moved every particle of nothingness to create something. The cue ball that started the game.Something that started entropy.Now the question will be directed to the extent of the existence of that thing.When will that thing stop?UNTIL SUCH TIME THAT ENTROPY OF THE UNIVERSE IS EQUAL TO ZERO.

Was the universe born or has it always been here?

Big bang cosmology does not deal with origins. It only deals with the evolution of the universe after it 'began'

We know from modern physics that the universe CAN come from nothing. The rationale behind this is that the universe's total energy is zero (positive energy from matter is canceled by the negative energy of gravity). We know this because our universe is flat. If it had positive or negative energy, space would be warped and bent. This is not what we observe.

Add quantum mechanics into the mix, and we know the universe can come from a quantum fluctuation

Increased cosmic expansion is due to dark energy. At this time, we have no idea what it is. Theorists have come up with models that explain what dark energy is, but until experiments verify their claims, we do not know.

Space itself is expanding - specifically, the vast regions of space between galaxies. According to Einstein, space is not simply emptiness; it's a real, stretchable, flexible thing. In fact, understanding the properties and behavior of space is a major goal of modern physics.

The notion that space is expanding is a prediction of Einstein's theory of gravity, which describes a simple but universal relationship between space, time, and matter. But it was a prediction that Einstein didn't believe; in fact, he tried to modify his theory to get rid of it.

In the late 1920's, the astronomer Edwin Hubble first observed that distant galaxies are moving away from us, just as would be expected if the space between galaxies were growing in volume - and just as predicted by Einstein's theory of gravity. Since then, astronomers have measured this recession for millions of galaxies.