What Was Life Like In 400 Bc

What was life like in the year 100 AD?

Lets compare the basic requirements !!! What we need now - Food, Sleep, a/multiple work(s)(which we like but usually don't get) to keep you busy and people to socializeWhat they had - Food(fresh), Sleep(without work pressure), work(which were their hobbies) and people who came with you everywhere you move you tent to(clans). Of course !! These are the assumptions of basic requirements of an average person. Clearly they were the winners(Let me reiterate the fact that these are for an average individual)!! Now lets come to the advancement part !! And because the time before 100 AD is too vast to analyse, lets look at what they did not have.If I were from 100 AD was made to walk through what I missed !! Paper(105 AD)(I had lots of other ways - Paper University - All About Paper)Reconstructive surgery(140 AD) (Renee Zellweger's then were identifiable easily !!)Modern numbers and zero(150 AD) and algebra(275 AD) (something would have been missing !! I would still live without it provided I get my food, sleep and favorite job)Tea(350 AD)(Rainy days wouldn't have been the same without this !! But then I would not have gotten used to it, so I would not have missed it )Alcohol (whiskey - 450 AD and brandy - 500 AD) (gatherings must have been really boring and the worst thing is I wouldn't have been able to express how much I love anyone!! )Postal Service(600 AD) (Ha!!! This would have saved so much trouble. To tell that I will be visiting my cousin next month, I would have to go meet him directly this month. So sad!! )Hospital(970 AD)(I know that my ancestors had survived relying on medicinal herbs !! Mehhh .. why spend my copper ) but I wish there were an ambulance(1000 AD) !! Reference: Inventions (1 AD to 1,000 AD)This list can be extended to things till date. But these things does not determine how your life was or how your life will be. Your way of thinking, your mentality determines how your life is. Now you can see extremely happy poor people and you can also see unhappy rich people. These people would have been the same if they were in 100 AD. If you were chased by something, your spidey sense would ask you to run and survive no matter if it were a dinosaur, mammoth or an extremist !! Situations make people who they are. And people's emotions make them what they are. P.S: If I were shown Whatsapp, Facebook, Quora and Youtube when the exhibit of inventions after 100 AD was shown, I bet I would have regretted being born in 100 AD.

What was daily life like in Ancient Sparta?

That depends on what class of citizen you were. But in general, Spartan life was brutal and designed exclusively to develop and maintain the war machine of their city state.At the bottom of Spartan social hierarchy were the helots. These slaves were terrorized into servitude by the rest of the society. Because the helots were constantly trying to rebel and gain freedom, the Spartans would host executions for any slave suspected of stirring resentment towards Sparta.The next social class is the perioeci. These were artisans and skilled tradesmen. Due to their value toward the warrior culture, they were respected by the Spartan soldiers. The perioeci would make weapons and armor for the Spartans and thus managed to gain wealth and prosperity. They were essentially the only commerce within the society itself.And of course on the top of the hierarchy are the Spartans. Their proper title is spartiates. As everyone knows they were the muscle of Sparta, and the focus of their entire culture, despite the fact that they made up such a small percentage of the population. They were the greatest warriors of their era, and dedicated their lives to war from the moment they were born.On the very top were 2 kings who would rule over a council of elders who made governmental decisions and enforced spartan policy.

What was life like for the average human 10,000 years ago?

10,000 years ago the last ice age was just ending and it was the late stone age. Our ancestors at that time had fire, flint weapons, a few tools, but no wheel or metal work. They had spears, knives, and bow and arrows. They made primitive rope out of animal sinew, skins, hair, and vines. They lived in small communities that had populations of a few people to a few dozen. They built shelters out of animal hide, sod, grass, and stone. Fireplaces were primitive open fire pits. Most of their time would have been spent either searching for food or preparing food. This was the very beginning of animal domestication and they had hunting dogs, pigs, goats, and cattle. This was also the beginning of agriculture, they grew a few grains and vegetables. Life was hard and it was short. Most did not live much past 35 or so. Infant mortality was high and many women died in childbirth. The major causes of death for men would have been accidents, wild animals, and disease. For women the main cause of death was child birth, then disease, and after that accidents and wild animals.

What does "c." in "Hippocrates(c. 400BC)" stand for?

For modern people, we usually know their exact dates of birth and death.
Martin Luther King, Jr. (January 15, 1929 – April 4, 1968)

But we often do not have any exact dates for people who lived long ago.
in that case, we give the best approximation of their time period by using "c." (an abbreviation of the Latin term "circa" which means "around, approximately").
"Circa" is also frequently abbreviated as "ca."

Sometimes we know the exact years, but not the months or days
Aristotle (384 BC – 322 BC)

Sometimes we can make no more than a reasonable guess about one or both
Genghis Khan (1162? – August 1227)
This could also have been written as (ca. 1162 - August 1227) or (c. 1162 - August 1227)

Sometimes there is no scholarly basis for picking any particular year of birth or death, but we still know when that person lived. In that case, you may see this usage:
fl. 200-180 BC
The abbreviation "fl" stands for "flourished' -- that is, the era when the person was doing their most important work.