What Was The Document That Organized The Connecticut Colony How Did It Work

Benedict Arnold Confusion?

I think I know what book you are taking about. I just read it.
It is "Eye of the Eagle" by Robert E. Wilczak.

It is a great book. Wilczak did his work and researched Benedict Arnold extensively. If you look in the back of the book there are 100 pages of facts.

If you are still confused, send him an email.

What is the capital of Conneticut?


Why did the constitutional convention decide to write a new constitution instead of amending the articles?

The Articles of Confederation were replaced because the Federal Government had no power and was left unable to function. The states had too much power and were acting like individual countries. The Government could not even raise a standing army because none of the states would agree to support the war effort.

Why didn't the US colonize other countries like Britain did?

What are you talking about?The US colonized a sizable portion of North America and conquered or purchased vast tracts of land:Too many Native Americans to even bother listing (all conquered)France (The Louisiana Purchase)Spain (Purchase of Florida; Conquest of Cuba, Puerto Rico, Philippines, Guam)Mexico (Conquest of Southwest, later ratified by purchase)Texas (Annexation after it gained independence from Mexicothe UK (Independence, Oregon Territory, Parts of the Dakotas, Minnesota)Hawaii (conquest)Russia (Alaska Purchase, with no regard for Eskimos/Aleuts living there)The US is one of the few nations of conquest to do a really damned good job of [a] homogenizing that empire and [b] holding on to it as if it were "native" land.  Quite a feat.Note:  Remember that by the time the US was a "global player" the colonizable lands were all gobbled up by someone else.  The US, however, being highly self sufficient at home simply never needed those lands.