What Was The Right Thing To Do

How do you know what the right thing to do is?

Right thing, a tricky question to answer because right thing is subjective it changes from person to person but still there are times in our lives when the most difficult things are right thing and we do it just because they are right.Let me enumerate the factors that give a clear idea that what we are doing is right.You will always have “ Peace of mind”, right thing always yield positive energy that will help you restore your strength even in adverse circumstances,You will feel “fearless”, no matter whether people are against you, verbally slam you,backbiting about you these things will not deviate you,it may cause stress but always remember that greatest lessons are learnt the hardest way.You will “never regret” your decisions or conversations if it was the right thing to be discussed or told.You will have deaf ears to how and what people talk about you because its common that when you are right you often get rivals, and they work together to shatter you, thats the time when you sheild your esteem by being deaf to badmouthing that goes around about you.Thus whenever you feel the adrenaline rush or an intense mood to decide what is right or wrong may be above points will be of help, its what I treasured through life experience. A skill to define “right”.

Do the right thing? Or do things right?

When investigating an incident, it is evident that everyone has their own version of the story. To look at the big picture after carefully listening to several candidates is a humongous task. This is mostly because of the mixed opinions that people share about a thing or two. It is crystal clear that there is a clash of opinions when multiple parties are involved, especially when they have to express their thoughts on an incident. The priorities and preferences of the observer decides the rightness of the action. The opinions of the people affected by the results of the actions—decides the effectiveness of the action.It is obvious that it is impossible to please everyone you’re associated with. I’d rather sell ice creams than make an attempt to please everyone around me. The truth about the functioning of the society is that someone or the other is always offended by your deeds, no matter how good of a job you think you did. Sometimes you think to yourself, “Why does no one understand me?”. I believe it’s totally fine to think as such. Because the journey is yours, they don’t have to understand it. You keep doing things that matter to you, keep doing the things that makes you happy, keep doing the things that you think is right; but do it the right way. For where there is righteousness in the heart, there is honesty in mind.No matter in what corner of the world you dwell in, there is always someone that admires you and looks up to you. They try to take your footsteps and aspire to fill your shoes someday. You are the reason that someone wants to do the things they love doing. Give full commitment to your involvements and do things rightly. You never know who’s watching.

what is the right thing to do?

Thanks for the A2A! :) this answer is based on my own ethical philosophy.Ethically, the right thing would be to the greater good of yourself, others and humanity. Whenever you do something, ask yourself, 'is what I'm doing good for me, my friends, my family, my community, my nation or my species?' If all are yes, go ahead. If not, then you might want to weigh between the effects it might bring upon all these factors, and choose between the two of lesser evils (the less negatively impactful choice between the decision considered 'bad'; the not-so-good decision). If still in doubt, always compare your action to all of humanity, and you will realise, everything bad you do, no matter how small and insignificant, will affect humanity in all sorts of many ways.Still in doubt? Eg. Suppose that you stole. The owner of the store will become discriminatory. He may convince other shop owners to be discriminatory. The whole shopping mall becomes discriminatory. The news breaks out about your theft, and nationwide discrimination follows. Soon, those who steal and have common traits with you from your country or from other countries will become 'associated' with you in phenomenal ways, and now there will be global discrimination. After even more cases pop up, the world will then link you with all the poor people who stole because they needed food, or even all poor people. The world then announces that 'All poor people are thieves and must be condemned.' Your decision has now caused others to suffer, even if they didn't steal. Sounds familiar, doesn't it? Yes, every discrimination definitely would have a root cause, just that it's too diluted by time to figure it out.

What are the right & wrong things to do in life?

There is nothing as absolute right or wrong in life my friend. That is the main problem. (Even calling problem a problem may be wrong for some who prefer to call it a challenge.)A thing would be right in a given situation at a given time in certain place, but would be wrong in other circumstances.The understanding of what is right, when, where and in which circumstances is called VIVEKA.Let me explain.Let us take example of killing. Killing an enemy is right in war. Killing a friend is wrong. But if the same friend turns traitor ?Let us take another example. Lying to comfort and give hope to a critical patient is right but for cheating another for personal benefit is wrong.You take any moral code, it is right in certain circumstances and wrong in others.Let us take stealing; of heart is OK, but of any dead asset is not.An infant kicks mother, should he do it when grown up?Now let us come to the real problem (challenge). How to learn VIVEKA?Arjuna had the same problem. He was confused and did not want to fight the war. Krishna then clears all his doubts. That is Bhagvad Gita. In the last but one verse of Gita, Krishna says, “Arjuana, I have cleared all your doubts. Now do as you wish.” To which Arjuna replies, “ Yes, Bhagavan. I will do as you have told.”The point here is the ultimate judge as to what is right and wrong is the person himself. I or anyone else can only tell some stories.I hope this helps in your quest.Thanks for A to A Anirudh Chowbey.

What is one word for doing the right thing?

When I looked it up it said integrity, but since it came from an unreliable source I'm not so sure. I think it's right, and if it is, can someone please give me a synonym or two? Or do you think integrity would be a good word to use? It's for a report and I'm using it as a character trait.

Is doing the right thing always a good thing?

No it’s not, but that is because you are constrained by a set of rules that you find to be ethical and moral when you do the ‘right thing’.Other people around you that are not doing the ‘right thing’ are not restricted by such ethics and will in these circumstances always win in the short term. That’s because they see the chance to do the wrong thing as a type of gamble and if it’s worth it they will take it.This is why crime pays, as does stabbing colleagues in the back to get a promotion or sleeping with someone’s wife etc.The list of unethical and immoral behaviour is endless and a permanent part of the human condition, but immoral behaviour always pays a dividend in the short term otherwise people wouldn’t do it.Whilst it is satisfying to see these ‘bad people’ upended when they lose occasionally lose at the ‘right thing/wrong thing’ game such as the cheater beaten up by an angry husband or the petty thief that is unexpectedly caught by their boss or the office sociopath that is revealed to be the cause of the company’s problems (and not Jim form accounting as previously thought) and sacked, this doesn’t happen very often which is why it’s a gamble that’s worth taking for these types of people that get a rush out of doing the wrong thing.It takes great self discipline to do the right thing and avoid these temptations, which is why the rewards of being good are largely spiritual or mental, i.e. the peace of mind you get when you don’t have to look over your shoulder to see who is coming for you next.

What is the wrong time to do the right thing?

I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth, I know. But why was I born with a silver spoon in my mouth? Because I was taught personal responsibility for choices you make. When we talk about a commitment to excellence, that’s a choice you make. What do you want to do? See there’s a rule of life that says you’re either growing or you’re dying. The tree’s either growing or it’s dying. So’s grass. So’s a marriage. So’s a business. So’s a person. Doesn’t have a thing to do with age. We want to give you a simple plan. Life doesn’t have to be complicated. We try to keep life simple. Do you realize there are only seven colors of the rainbow? Only seven. Look what Michelangelo did with those seven colors! There’s only seven musical notes. Look what Beethoven did with those seven notes! There’s only 10 numbers. Look what Bernie Madoff did with those 10 numbers. The point We make is, it doesn’t have to be complicated! See more at Slay motivation

Why is doing the right thing important?

Doing the right thing is important because of the universal laws we live by and are subjects to. I'm not talking religion, I mean simple laws like gravity.When dealing with others its most important because just like you abuse others, you can also be abused. Life moves like our planet, in revolutions, so while it may not be the same person who pays you back for doing them wrong, retribution is coming.When no one is watching you, or sees you're decisions, that's when your decision to do the right thing is most important. These are the moments when you're really being tested. These are the moments when you learn who you are, when you can see how much you've developed as an adult from being a child. Children are egocentric, they suit themselves by their nature, which is normal. The difference with adults is we can predict outcomes based on past experiences and then make a decision.Choosing to do the right thing is really about who you want to see when you look in the mirror. I like who I see. She's a good person who trys hard to be a good person. She could do better, but at least she's trying.

What is the difference between "doing things right” and “doing the right thing”?

If you are in charge then it is your responsibility to do the right things, while if are following the orders of your boss then you have to do the things right;Doing things right = being efficientDoing the right things = being effectivePlay the Right Games vs Play the games right OR Getting the right design vs Getting the design right are bit similar to the question posed.I believe that doing the right things" or effectiveness is far more important. Being effective is choosing the right goals (things) from a set of alternative and reaching them. Efficiency, on the other hand, assumes the goals (things) as given.