What Was The Song From Planes Fire And Rescue Trailer

What are some slang terms used among police officers?

The most derogatory terms for the bad guys and citizens who are just pains in the rectum:A.H. = Adam Henry (A-dam H-enry) If you don’t get it…..sometimes you will hear it as “Jack Hole”… what starts with an “A” that ends with HOLE ?RICHARD CRANIUM= What starts with a “D” and is a nickname for Richard ? What is the non-medical layman’s term for the Cranium ? Do these clues HEAD you in the right direction ?

What is the 'Jonestown Mass Murder' i was trying to research on it, but i don't understand it?

Try looking at the FBI investigation "RYMUR."

The other "defectors," as those wishing to leave were called by Jones and the other members, were taken in a dump truck driven by Eddie Crenshaw to the Port Kaituma Airport. After dropping the people off at the planes, the dump truck went to the end of the runway, where it turned around facing the planes and stopped. As one person was boarding he noticed a tractor trailer pulling up next to the dump truck at the end of the airport [obvious signs that something suspicious was about to happen].

After boarding the plane, one of the passengers was sitting in his seat when he heard the tractor trailer approaching quickly. Looking out the window, he saw the tractor trailer pull abreast of the plane on the left side, approximately 60ft. away. He saw three armed men taking aim from the tractor trailer. He identified the three men as Tom Kice, who was carrying an automatic pistol, probably a .45 caliber; Albert Touchette, who was armed with a rifle; and Joseph Wilson, who had a shotgun.

He called for everyone on board to duck down. After the shooting commenced, one person glanced out the window and saw these three individuals firing. The shooting lasted about two minutes, after which the tractor trailer drove around to the right side of the plane. The shooting resumed on the right side for approximately two additional minutes. One of the passengers hears the tractor trailer pulling away and when he looked out the pilot's window, he saw it heading back into the jungle towards Jonestown.

One person helped the passengers disembark from the plane. He told the survivors to go into the bush, since he was sure that the attackers would return. He went into the bush with the children and they spent the night near the airport in Port Kaituma. The next day they were discovered by Guyanese officials.

KIng of the monsters?

...well, per the very first film's title, Godzilla had been deemed 'King of the Monsters"; however, as far as being the most dynamic, eye-popping, and one who has been Godzilla's most formidable foe, and toughest to beat, that would easily be King Ghidorah...

What is the best movie you watched as a child?

Goonies, Stand By Me, Return of the Jedi……all-time great films for kids.But, nothing compared to Transformers the Movie.The animated one from the 80s.Everything was different from the tv show we were used to. Characters that had been blasted over and over for 2 years on TV, were suddenly dying these ghastly, smoking deaths. The dopey kid from the show was suddenly a man, with a kid of his own. There had been a time interval between the show and the movie and all these new characters with advanced designs were suddenly on display.And, that killer 80s soundtrack! Ha.One of my favorite parts of the movie Bumblebee, was when he’s flipping through radio stations and the song ‘The Touch,’ comes on for a moment. Big shout-out to us old fans. Haha.Then, of course, came the epic Optimus Prime/Megatron showdown. Still, one of the most emotionally-charged moments in animation history.The scene comes early and the fallout of that showdown determines a great portion of the rest of the story.However, the main antagonist does not turn out to be a simple Decepticon.Watch below for Unicron’s big reveal.And, the Touch…Hey, I didn’t say it aged well, but it was pretty cool to the 10-year-olds of that era. Haha.