What Weight Are These In Lbs And Pounds;

The weight of air in the room in pounds?

weight you mean mass of air? if that is so, then

mass of air m = Volume V x density d = 40x20x12x1.2 = 11520 kg

= 11520 x 2.2 = 25344 pounds. (nearly) that's it.

Calculate the weight of air in pounds?

I used P=(density)(R)(T).
R is 1716 ft*lb/slug*Rankine and T is in Rankine.
I know P is atmospheric pressure and when 2116 is divided by (1716*519) The density that comes out of the equation is .002376 slugs/ft^3. When multiplied by the volume of the room 2400 ft^3 the result is 5.688 slugs. Multiplying by gravity (32.2) gives 183.1536 lbsf.

Does 100 pounds of cotton weigh the same as 100 pounds of iron?

Questions like these are simply a waste of resources.

Are pounds (lbs) used for weight in the UK? Do people in the United Kingdom measure their weight in pounds or just in stones (14 lbs)?

Pounds alone are no longer used for much at all, except for weight of a person as part of a stone. So my weight is 12 stone 8. Okay 12 stone 12. So when a British person loses weight they usually think of their weight loss in pounds, not kilos.Otherwise, pounds are barely used, and only informally. The weight of food products is always in kilos, including local street markets where the labels on produce will be in £ per kg. However if, as many older people do, you asked for “two pounds of potatoes” a market vendor would know exactly what you mean. A very young and/or clueless vendor might think you mean £2-worth of potatoes, but it’s unlikely.

How much does the "ark of the covenant" weight in pounds?

"There are extensive records about the physical characteristics of the Ark and some of these are included in the Tanakh and Talmud (See Baba Batra 14a, Sota 35a). Jewish Priests and other sources have attempted to estimate the weight of the Ark and its contents. According to this speculation, the Ark alone weighed something like 150-200 kilograms or 330-440 pounds. This figure does not include the two cherubim at either end and records indicate that the cherubim of the Ark were solid and not hollow. Nevertheless, the Tanakh contends that they were made of hammered work thereby heavily inferring that they were constructed of sheet metal. Be that as it may, if solid they are thought to have weighed thousands of kilos or pounds each. According to Levitical tradition, each stone table weighed 40 Se’ah and this quantity of this unit can be converted to about 500 kilograms or about 1100 pounds avoirdupois. Since there were two of these, their combined weight equals roughly 1000 kilograms or 2200 pounds. If one adds the estimated weight of the Ark by itself of 150-200 kilograms plus the estimated weight of the cherubim plus the weight of the stone tables, it immediately becomes clear that it was extremely heavy."

How much would a 100-pound person weigh on an asteroid?

About a pound or 2 -- example , Vesta has an escape velocity of about .35km/second compared to 2.38km/s for the moon.

the link below will give you your weight if you were on other planets/moon in our system

How come a pound of steel and a pound of feathers weigh the same?

A pound is a pound, no matter of what. However, you might be thinking of something different: if a pound of feathers weigh the same as a pound of steel, will they fall down to the earth at the same speed? The answer is yes if they are in vacuum, and no if they are in earth’s atmosphere, or in any liquid for that matter. The feathers are less dense and will therefore displace greater volume of the atmosphere resulting in a greater bouyancy counteracting the force of gravity. Also, the friction force of the air will affect the falling feathers to a much greater extent, again due to their greater volume.One may even pose that a pound of steel will fall faster toward the sun than a pound of feathers due to the solar radiation, but that takes the discussion to past “stratospheric” levels.

Gravity: Does 1 pound (lb) of mass weigh the same all over the world?

If you mean to ask if a specific object has a weight of one pound at one location on Earth, will it weigh one pound everywhere on Earth?, the answer is, "No."The apparent gravitational field strength at the surface of the Earth, as indicated by locally measured accelerations in free fall, varies from about 9.78 m/s^2 at the Equator to about 9.83 m/s^2 at the poles (a little less at South Pole because of the extra elevation).  That's a variation of about 0.5 % overall.In practice where most of commerce takes place, the variations are less but still significant if one is trading in precious metals.  This is why mass, which doesn't vary from location to location, is implicitly used in measurements of the amount of the substance being traded or exchanged rather than weight.Even when something is apparently being measured in pounds, the measurement is done with a balance rather than a scale if the issue is economic.

I need to know the copper weight by pound per foot of the types of finished copper wire noted in the details:?

14-2 NM W/G Romex
12-2 NM W/G Romex
14-3 NM W/G Romex
10-2 NM W/G Romex
8-2 NM W/G Romex
6-2 NM W/G Romex
10-3 NM W/G Romex
8-3 NM W/G Romex
6-3 NM W/G Romex
#4 Bare Copper Solid

I am trying to obtain conversion factors so I can calculate how much actual copper is being purchased when a certain footage of finished wire is purchased. Thus, I need to get just the copper weight excluding plastic sheathing or any other items added in the manufacturing process.

Thanks for your help.

Which weighs more, a pound of gold or a pound of feathers?

You might think that this is a trick science trivia question.But,if you guessed that they weigh the same. You’re wrong a pound of feathers weighs more.Why?Gold is weighed in the troy measurment system.Therefore when you convert them both to a uniform system, a pound of gold weighs approximately 373.24 grams and a pond of feathers approximately 453.59 grams.