What Were Some Of The Other Rebellions Mentioned In The Fires Of Jubilee

Main Idea of Nat Turner's fierce rebellion?

The main idea is still pertinent to the real Nat Turner- rebelling against the institution of slavery by utilizing the sheer force of numbers that Africans in America had at that time.

Where can I find a summary of the book "The Fires of Jubilee: Nat Turner's Fierce Rebellion"?

Well, if you can't find a summary for this book, maybe you could read that book for yourself and write your own summary. This way, you can post it to one of those sites for others to view.

What are the most important novels in the history of American literature which largely concern race relations?

Though post-moderns often criticize James Fenimore Cooper for his depiction of Native Americans, you have got to hand it to the man for identifying issues in the early history of our country that still occupy Americans 200 years hence: environmental concerns, independent womanhood, the importance of personal character, survivalism, heroism, religion, cultural relativism, nature v. nurture, independence v. inter-dependency, and race relations. Though there are African-American characters in Cooper’s Leatherstocking Tales, the race relations germane to the novels are primarily those between the English settlers and Native Americans. Chingachgook, the Native American friend of Cooper’s hero Natty Bumpoo in The Deerslayer, and his son Uncas in The Last of the Mohicans are key characters in the Tales, and there is considerable dialogue in the books about “Indian gifts” and “white man’s gifts,” which today we would call “cultural characteristics.” In Chapter 3 of The Deerslayer, we see this conversation between Natty and his friend Hurry:“I look upon the redmen to be quite as human as we are ourselves, Hurry. They have their gifts, and their religion, it's true; but that makes no difference in the end, when each will be judged according to his deeds, and not according to his skin.”“That's downright missionary, and will find little favor up in this part of the country, where the Moravians don't congregate. Now, skin makes the man. This is reason; else how are people to judge of each other. The skin is put on, over all, in order when a creatur', or a mortal, is fairly seen, you may know at once what to make of him. You know a bear from a hog, by his skin, and a gray squirrel from a black.”“True, Hurry,” said the other looking back and smiling, “nevertheless, they are both squirrels.”“Who denies it? But you'll not say that a red man and a white man are both Injins?”“But I do say they are both men. Men of different races and colors, and having different gifts and traditions, but, in the main, with the same natur'. Both have souls; and both will be held accountable for their deeds in this life.”Some people find Cooper hard to read because of the early nineteenth century sentence structure, but the more you read, the easier it gets (as with almost anything we do). His works provide food for thought for people of all races on the issue of human differences and similarities, and I wish that more people would take the time to read them.

About the author Stephen B.Oates and his book on Nat Turner's fierce rebellion?

Does anybody know what instigated Stephen B.Oates to write a book about Nat Turner's Fierce Rebellion? What part of his background persuaded him to write this book? Or any idea about how the author's background influenced his writing?