What Were The Moral Principals Of A Knight

Are the knights of columbus a branch of masons?

The Knights of Columbus are not affiliated in any way with Masonry. Although as Freemasons, we have no problem with our members being Catholic, the Catholic church has declared that any Catholic who joins Freemasonry is in a state of sin and cannot receive communion. We have many Catholic members however.

The Knights of Columbus was created by a group of Catholics in the U.S. originally as an insurance benefit organization that was fraternally based with a system of ritual. Only Catholics may join. Although I am not a Knight of Columbus, my father is, and from what I hear, it is incredibly similar to Freemasonry, but to answer your question, no, they are not a branch of Freemasonry.

That said, you should know that you do not need to know or be affiliated with a Freemason in order to join Job's daughters. You might be thinking of the requirement to join Eastern star, which does require that you are a relative of a Mason.

If you have any other questions about Freemasonry, please feel free to ask.

What is The Joker's best dialogue in The Dark Knight?

People seem to have forgottenThis brilliant satire on society:Batman: Then why do you want to kill me?Joker: I don’t want to kill you! What would I do without you? Go back to ripping off mob dealers? No, no, NO! No. You… you… complete me.Batman: You’re garbage who kills for money.Joker: Don’t talk like one of them. You’re not! Even if you’d like to be. To them, you’re just a freak, like me! They need you right now, but when they don’t, they’ll cast you out, like a leper! You see, their morals, their code, it’s a bad joke. Dropped at the first sign of trouble. They’re only as good as the world allows them to be. I’ll show you. When the chips are down, these… these civilized people, they’ll eat each other. See, I’m not a monster. I’m just ahead of the curve.And this dialouge about his ultimate goal: Do I really look like a guy with a plan? You know what I am? I’m a dog chasing cars. I wouldn’t​know what to do with one if I caught it. You know, I just… do things. The mob has plans, the cops have plans, Gordon’s got plans. You know, they’re schemers. Schemers trying to control their little worlds. I’m not a schemer. I try to show the schemers how pathetic their attempts to control things really are. So, when I say… Ah, come here.When I say that you and your girlfriend was nothing personal, you know that I’m telling the truth. It’s the schemers that put you where you are. You were a schemer, you had plans, and look where that got you. I just did what I do best. I took your little plan and I turned it on itself. Look what I did to this city with a few drums of gas and a couple of bullets. Hmmm? You know… You know what I’ve noticed? Nobody panics when things go “according to plan.” Even if the plan is horrifying! If, tomorrow, I tell the press that, like, a gang banger will get shot, or a truckload of soldiers will be blown up, nobody panics, because it’s all “part of the plan.” But when I say that one little old mayor will die, well then everyone loses their minds!Introduce a little anarchy. Upset the established order, and everything becomes chaos. I’m an agent of chaos. Oh, and you know the thing about chaos? It’s fair!

I lead a small Australian cyber security company servicing government and industry which in addition provides strategic analysis and insights.

What is Joker's objective in The Dark Knight (2008 movie)? Why does he seek chaos? Would Joker continue to create chaos if there was no Batman?

Joker’s aim wasn’t to create chaos. Joker wasn’t the guy without plan, he was something more.Joker wanted to show the truth. He wanted to show how fragile we humans are. How we all can break, how our moral codes are just false covering. How the best of us can break down.Let’s see final actions of joker -He took down Harvey. Even batman thought that Harvey dent is better than him, Harvey was new hero of Gotham, incorruptible, but Joker manipulated him and thus made it visible that everyone is like him. He himself said (during his final talk with batman)- “I am just ahead of curve”Those boats were amazing part of his plan. He wanted to show how on facing danger we can sacrifice everyone else but this time he failed. No one pressed button.He said to batman(again during final conversation) - I chose the best of you and brought him down to my level. Now Joker lies a lot but it is highly unlikely that he lied on that conversation, because at that time his words matched with actions.So Joker’s objective was philosophical, to show true nature(what he though) of humanity.

Were the Knight's Templar Catholic before the turned in to the freemasons?

The Knight's Templar started out as a Catholic religious order whose job it was to protect pilgrims to the Holy Land. They Never Were connected with the Free Mason Society. The Society of Free Masons was started by the stonemasons and other professional craftsmen who built the European Catholic Cathedrals. The Knights Templar and the Freemasons have No Connection, despite what conspiracy theorists would have you believe. Do your own research and you will find I am correct.

Why is the The Dark Knight considered to be one of the best movies of all time?

Reasons why this superhero movie is considered as one of the best movies ever made:Christopher Nolan: It wouldn’t be fair if you don’t consider him a genius. With complex themes, great opening scene, a couple plot twists, narration, mysterious and theory inspiring endings, Chris Nolan never disappoints.2. Heath Ledger: Bringing back The Clown prince on the silver screen was always going to be difficult, especially after the performance of Jack Nicholson in Tim Burton’s Batman(1989). His role brought a whole new dimension to method acting, making him the only actor to win an Oscar for a superhero movie.3. Philosophy/Messages:"Sometimes truth is not good enough. Sometimes people deserve more. They deserve to have their faith rewarded". Two scenes which were connected to this : Alfred burns the letter that Rachel gave to Bruce. Which makes Bruce believe that Rachel was going to wait for him but that wasn’t the truth. The truth would have broke Bruce. Second, Batman asks Gordon to say that Batman killed Harvey because they can not let Joker win. So the truth is that Joker was successful in shaking up Gotham. He indeed took the best man and turned him bad. But Batman & Gordon hide this truth so that the people of Gotham don't lose their faith.How to deal with people (or one man in this case) who are not driven by "ordinary" criminal motives (like money) and don't react to the threats of "ordinary" punishment (like imprisonment or death), how easy it is for them to push an organized society (that is just not prepared for such an irrational person) into chaos and, most important, how far the society's executive organs (in this case the Batman) would go (or what he needs to become himself) to stop such a person.Special mention: You’d be lying if you say you didn't love the Bat-Pod and other bat-tools.

What do fellow nihilists think of the Joker's (TDK) principles and view of nihilism?

I think he’s cool.You don’t see many nihilistic villains so the Joker is a welcome change. The Joker knows that he is nothing in the grand scheme of things, which is almost a contradiction to being a villain. He must have come to the conclusion that life lacks meaning and that morals are human constructs so he started causing mayhem because he wants to.He definitely had prior mental problems and psychopathy and that combined with his nihilism would have caused him to realize that it doesn’t matter how much atrocities he commits, because none of it matters. He is also clearly a hedonist and causing destruction is what gives him pleasure.It is very likely that even if the Joker was not a nihilist, he would still be causing mass destruction but under some sort of other justification. The Joker justifies his atrocities through nihilism.

What is the chivalry or paternalism hypothesis?

Chivalry is regarding the the medieval principles governing knighthood and knightly conduct.
While Chivalry hypothesis is a hypothesis which echoes the perception of female inmates as victims, argues that women are treated more leniently than men at various stages of the supposedly male-dominated justice process as a function of the male desire to protect the weaker.

Freemason Knights Templar Rosicrucian connection?

I have asked many people about wether or not Freemasons have any connection to the occult (ancient knowledge) and some say yes, others say no.

Does it seem as though many Freemasons give out disinformation as to their beliefs?

For example, Some Freemasons will say that you have to be a monotheist to be a member.

IF that is the case, then why were many members of Freemasonry also members of other occult organizations such as the Rosicrucians.

I myself am a member of the Rosicrucian Order. The Rosicrucians Order is an ancient philosophical and initiatic society. Our meetings are sometimes held at Masonic lodges.. There is no conflict of interest.

Are some Freemasons just oblivious to these facts or do they intentionally give out disinfo to keep things hidden?