What Will Be The Question If The Answer Is Space

If you could ask a space alien only one question, what would it be and why? Assume he/she/it is known to generally be honest and forthright with answers to questions.

How did your species keep from destroying itself given your advanced state of technology?The reason I would like to know is obvious.Edit:Should I delete this answer?Dan Dascalescu pointed out that London Rook's answer to this question quoted Carl Sagan's character saying basically the same thing as I said.I hadn't seen Dan's answer when I wrote my answer and I don't know which answer came first.  I thought I would delete my answer but I've decided for now not to because of the ten people who expressed their appreciation for my answer by giving it an upvote.Dan deserves credit for pointing out Carl Sagan's character's words.  If more people feel I should delete this answer, I will.  I want to do the right thing.

Please give me a research question on the human body or space. ill pick best answer for most interesting question.?

For space:
Why is there more anti-matter than matter. The big bang should have created a symmetrical amount of each.

For the human body:
If you believe in evolution, will the human evolve any further?

How much time will pass on Earth if I travel one year in space with speed of light and return?

Let me rephrase your question in a minor way. Suppose you travel at a velocity v that is made arbitrarily close to the speed of light c. Let’s make it velocity v = c - e, where e is a small number. Then how much time will pass on Earth? The answer is 1 year (your time spent) multiplied by [math]\gamma[/math], the function that appears in the Einstein equations, and given by[math]\gamma = \dfrac{1}{\sqrt{1-(v/c)^2}}[/math]If we now put v = c - e into this equation, and assume that e is much smaller than c, it is not hard to show that the answer you get is approximately[math]\gamma = \sqrt{\dfrac{c}{2e}}[/math](If you have trouble with the math, there are many on Quora who can fill in the steps.)This shows that if e is much smaller than c, that [math]\gamma[/math] goes to infinity. So the answer to your question is: as you get arbitrarily close to the speed of light, the time that passes on Earth gets arbitrarily close to infinity.Suppose we go to the limit? That’s your original question. Then in the usual terminology of mathematics, the answer is “infinite”. However it is worthwhile pointing out that in this limit, the energy we have to give you is also infinite, and that is more than the energy of the entire universe.

2 mechanical physics conceptual questions? I would like to verify if my answer is correct.?

1. An astronaut tosses a ball out in space where gravitational forces may be neglected
what will happen to the ball?

a. it will stop as soon as force the astronaut gave it is used up
b. it will stop as soon as energy the astronaut gave runs out.
c. it will stop shortly because there is no gravity to keep it moving
d. it will move in a circle like a boomerang.
e. it will be slowed down very gradually by collisions with molecules in space.

2. Two bodies with masses m1 and m2 are both moving east with velocities of magnitude v1 and v2.
where v1 is less than v2. The magnitude of the velocityt of the center of the mass of this system of two
bodies is

a. less than v1.
b. equal to v1.
c. equal to the average of v1 and v2.
d. greater than v1 and less than v2.
e. greater than v2.

on number 1 I picked a.
on number 2 I picked c.

am I right on any of these questions? I want to explain my reasoning, but theres not enough room to type.

In 12th Board exams, should I leave space for those answers I don't know or should I write them at the end when I remember them?

It would be better if you write them at last rather than leaving space in between the answers because the one who is going to check your answer doesn't know good or bad you are in your academics. So,the way you write down your answers from the beginning will create the required impression of yours in the examiner's mind.Leaving space and then not remembering the answer later on will not create a good impression.But don't do this for every other question(especially in english)...try to minimize it as much as you can.ALL THE BEST!!