What Woman Always Think In Mind

She's always on my mind. Why can't I stop thinking about her?

Yeah, well, she's always on my mind, too.Willie Nelson suffered from it so badly he famously sang a song about it.Love is literally chemical and behavioural. Infatuation is, literally, purely chemical.You are infatuated. You may even be in love. Congratulations, my friend, your heart is working perfectly.Would you rather feel nothing?(Rhetorical)

Why is she always on my mind?

If you've answered or seen my previous questions you guys know I have a pretty long history with the girl I like again let's refer to her as Girl A. So a short recap Girl A and I act like we hate each other but other times we simply just click. We both hate it when people say we like each other in fact I beat the living **** out of this kid for saying it too much. Now school recently ended and I can't talk to Girl A because she is on vacation in Europe. This wouldn't be a big deal if it were anyone else mainly because I have forgotten previous crushes, girlfriends, and ex's in similar situations but Girl A is different I can't seem to get her out of my head in fact I have put rubber bands on my wrist and I give myself a little snap everytime I think about her. So yea could someone tell me what makes this crush different from all the other girlfriends, ex's and crushes I have completely forgotten about countless times before.
P.S Me and her are going to the same school next year so that's a bright side.

Is sex always on your mind?

For me, there is almost never a day when I do not think about it, (even if just a little) but that does not mean I always have it or act on it. Usually it can be sparked by like a cute face, slim waist or other hot female extremities…lol

But I want to know if this is just me? I am pretty sure it is not, (especially if your around my age. I am 21, so I am like at the age of sexual high). But what about you? I am especially interested in if girls have this same dilemma.

Why does my mind always think of sex with different women. I have a great wife and lovely children. I love them but I cant stop thinking about other women. What should I do?

If you romance your wife, spouse or SO everyday, it will refocus your energy and mind.Men have a tendency to chase the woman, and then when they have won her, to take her for granted. Love is a tree that needs constant attention and tending.A woman is like a fire that requires constant stoking and attention to generate maximum heat. Leave it unattended and it will go out.Women think and respond differently than men.A sensual arousal for a woman can begin days before they physical. Be attentive to her, with small acts of service. Do the things you used to do to court her. Tell her how beautiful she is, write to her describing what you love about her. In the bedroom, make her needs and desires priorities first. If you make her first, truly love and cherish her, chase her like the young girl you married and courted, she will respond with a passion and intensity that will amaze and astound you.

Why do girls always change their minds?

Because regardless on what you want to believe we're humans and can change our minds just like you can. Not all women do this though. My sister is almost twenty and still doesn't want children just like she always said she wouldn't.

Why do women always ask men "What are you thinking"?

It's such a buzzkill !!! I will be cuddling up with a ladyfriend on the couch and she will flutter her eyelids and ask "What are you thinking"?!


I like having my own personal thoughts! So why do women always try to invade my head by asking me what I'm thinking?! Can't I have thoughts I keep to myself?!

What is to be gained from this stupid question...and more importantly, what is the right answer?!

Men don't care what women think why do women?!