What Workout Is Best For Thighs And Increase The Chest Muscles

Building lean muscle, best workout plan?

Hi Brandon, my hubby is a gym instructor, so He is always talking about work whether i want to hear about it or not : )

However doing light weights and lots od reps + an hour of cardio is not going to build you much muscle. This is because you are using a lot of energy and calories raining in this way. To build muscle you need plenty of calories and a good workout plan.

You need to stick to a handful of the big exercises which include the dead lift, the squat, bench press, dips, chin ups, bent over rows etc.

Forget the exercises like leg curls, leg extensions, triceps exercises, and any machine work. Exercises like these will not build much muscle.

The big exercises hit lots of muscles in one go. For example the dead lift will it your legs, your back, your chest, your shoulders, forearms, and your neck.

Your body has to work really hard to do the big exercises, and it will grow to cope with them, so stick to just the big exercises.

Day 1.

bench press
standing press

Day 2.

dead lift
pull ups
bent over row

Always do a warm up set with a light weight and then 3 sets with a weight where you can just about complete 8-12 reps on each exercise. Once you can hit 12 reps for an exercise, add a couple of pounds and start again. Keep repeating this and the weight will keep going up and so will your muscle.

It is important not to train too much because these exercises take a lot out of you, so always have 2-3 days of rest between each session. Your body will only grow if you give it enough rest and plenty of healthy calories. Too many people train too often, and it is this that prevents muscle from growing.

Hope this helps, take it easy.

What gym workouts are the best to build muscle mass for beginners for their chest/triceps, back/biceps, core, legs, and shoulders?

Start here, add in some arm work such as chin ups and maybe replace the cleans with bent over rows since it seems like you already have a pretty good sense of your goals.The prescribed program here will get you to where you should go, from there you can pivot into an intermediate program which focuses on hypertrophy but you need to build a baseline of strength first.Follow me on Instagram for more content and help at Joe.Lifts.Bro

What are the best muscle group combinations to workout together?

The best combination is the one that works for YOU. Every body is different (and every personality too), so you can only find out by trying them, and seeing which you like the best.

The exercises you like to do for each bodypart, will affect how you prefer to combine them. For example, you might combine tricep pulldowns and lat pulldowns in the same session, because the 'pump' you get in your lats will help you to stabilise the shoulder for tricep work, and getting a strong pump in both muscles improves your motivation by making you feel like a monster!

If you don't get much 'pump', then this combination may not be so appealing. And if your prefer to work your tricep with overhead extensions, then this can be a lot more comfortable if you haven't worked your lats in the same session. You might combine bicep and tricep work, because tiring your bicep before performing overheads can make the tricep exercise more effective. But this doesn't work for everybody.

Because everyone has a different physique, you should TRY as many different combinations as you can think of. You might find that some combinations are more effective when you are working light, others work better for long sets, and that you prefer to mix other bodyparts when you superset.

Some combinations allow you to use 'pre-exhaust' techniques, and others help to focus effort on 'trouble spots'. For example, some people find that their calves refuse to grow unless they are hit hard with lots of different exercises in a huge number of sets, so they dedicate a whole session to this bodypart. You might benefit from treating your 'quads' (the correct name is 'vasti'; the quad is an important muscle in your back!) and hamstrings as different bodyparts, just as you do with your upper arm muscles.

Most recommendations are based on the discovery that something has worked well. But unless it worked well for your identical twin, there is no reason to think that your own body will react to the recommended method in the same way.

The best plan is probably VARIETY. Most physiology responds very badly to constant habitual stimulation. Your body is designed to recognise changes and novelty, and it benefits from the process of adapting to new circumstances.

What are the best exercises to increase chest muscles and abs?

The thing that most people don't understand is that the bench press does not necessarily give you a bigger, more well defined chest. In fact, there is a lot more to LOOKING BIG than just increasing the density of the muscle. See, the bench press being a compound movement, recruits a number of muscles, like the triceps, the deltoids, which are the primovers (the muscles that actually exert the force required to move the weight) and the lats, the rear delts, traps and maybe even the rhomboids, which are the stablisers (the ones that support the primovers). So you see, the bench press is more of a full upper body exercise, rather than the chest. It could even be, depending on your body structure and muscle anatomy, that your triceps and delts do a lot more work on the bench press than the chest.And this is why, you need to do exercises like the dumbell fly, the cable crossovers, cable flies and the dumbell pullovers. These isolate your chest and spread the chest to a greater area. Also, the thumb rule is, ''pull twice as much as you push''. That is, concentrate on your upper back and do exercises that make your upper back and rear delts stronger. This will help in thoracic extension, that is, a stronger back will help you to stand more upright and square out your shoulders, thereby making you LOOK BIGGER.As for abs, I personally don't directly work them. I just do squats. Thousands of them. My abs get enough workout from squats alone. If you want to get a stronger midsection, go for crunches, sit ups and without fail, the plank. Do not go for all the weighted bullshit.

What is the best all around weekly workout routine to build muscle?

I am going to be training in a gym so I need a workout routine. I don't need to lose weight at all, just build muscle. If you can post links that would be okay. I would like specific instructions please, including rest time between days, target muscle groups for certain days,etc. Thank You

What workout is good, day after chest?

Here is my plan. It is a new plan I do.

Monday - chest, shoulders and triceps
Tuesday - cardio (45-60 mins of jogging) and abdominal planks, light jump rope routine
Wednesday - Legs and biceps, play 60-120minutes of dodgeball (depends ons work schedule)
Thursday - same as Tuesday
Friday - back and whatever I missed on Monday and Wednesday
Saturday - dodgeball for about 2 hours.
Sunday - jog 2 miles with girlfriend (in the winter I play floor hockey).

If I was you, I would try and give your body a rest from lifting day after doing chest. I would also combine chest with triceps. If you are bench pressing or doing most chest exercises you are using your triceps and shoulders also. So, they need a rest.

Can swimming build upper chest muscles?

Yes, but not very effectively.Swimming falls under the category of an aerobic exercise. Though it does provide several resistance when doing the swim, however, it does not build as much muscles compared to if you were doing exercises such as resistance training.If you wish to know more on how to build a bigger upper chest, be sure to read more at the following article below:SevenFitness - How to get Bigger Chest at Home

How can I lose my belly fat while at the same time increase the muscle mass in my arms and legs?

Yes you can! Just need to eat at a calorie deficit with proper cutting macros and proper training schedule with focus on legs and arms to help you achieve this goal. In general you can't lose fat and build muscles at the same time but if you are a beginner, it is very possible to do so (it is called the beginner's gain and it can last for over one year until you have to bulk then cut). Nutrition: eat at a slight calorie deficit (about 200 to 300 calories deficit a day) and eat with proper cutting macros to maximize fat loss and build muscles:Protein: 1 to 1.5 g per pound of body weight (1 g of protein is 4 calories) Fat: 20 to 35% of your total calorie (1g  of fat is 9 calories)Carb: remaining calorie after protein calorie and fat calorie ( 1 g of carb is 4 calories)Once you know your cutting macros based upon your weight and calorie goal, you can eat any foods you want as long as you fit them into your daily macros and 25 g of fiber a day. For some delicious breakfast, lunch, dinner, and healthy dessert/snack recipes with macro information to help you meet your macro goals: Healthy Lunch and Dinner RecipesHealthy Breakfast RecipesHealthy Side Dishes (Tasty Veggies & More)Healthy Dessert RecipesTraining: since your focus are on arms and legs, you can focus on this weight training routine with maybe 4 min tabata HIIT cardio at the end of your weight training but focus on weight training for fat loss and muscle gain: Day 1: Legs & Calves Day 2: Arms Day 3: Chest & Back Day 4: Legs & CalvesDay 5: Shoulders Day 6 to 7 : active rest or just light yoga or cardio For a complete leg and calves muscle building routine: For a complete superset style arm muscle building routine: For the complete chest and back and shoulders workout you can check them out below : Dumbbell & Barbell Workouts & Tutorials Hopefully this helps and with the training and nutrition you should be able to reach your goals within just a few months.

Do chest muscle building exercises get rid of man boobs?

If you are using exercise to get rid of man boobs (and you should be!) then you need to have the bench press at your disposal. Yes the lowly old bench press has been the stable of an athletic figure for years and its not about to change now!Now I know what you're thinking? If I do exercises for my chest wont this make my chest just look bigger and even worse? Let me try and answer that. I believe exercise and healthy eating are two of the best ways to get rid of man boobs, however, I do not recommend that chest exercises are the only exercises you do! No, no, no!Your chest workouts should form part of an overall exercise program that work the whole body not just the chest. That said, this article is going to teach you how to effectively use chest exercise to get rid of man boobs.The bench press builds the Pecs, front delts and triceps, building the top of the chest into a more muscular appearance it can often detract from the saggy appearance of man boobs and helps hide this when wearing t-shirts.To strengthen and build the upper chest both flat and inclined bench are recommended, with 8-12 reps during each of your 4 sets. It is important to keep good technique by maintaining control of the weight during each rep, as well as using the full range of motion - not stopping halfway.If new to lifting and if lifting heavy weights, keep your feet flat on the floor. As you lift the bar try pushing your shoulders forward and squeezing your pecs at the top of each rep to keep maximum tension on those muscles. Remember to keep a slight bend in your elbow so that you do not lock out.Keep your hand grip on the bench just outside shoulder with when you really want to build the thickness of the chest, having your hands too close together will result in you using your triceps more than we want to in this particular instance.The bench press is a fudamental exercise to get rid of man boobs and should be a staple of any good program.For more great tips and info on how to get rid of Gynecomastia and man boobs once and for all visit How To Lose Man Boobs Naturally.