What Would Be Good Food Dishes And Drinks For A Large Lunch

Large lunch birthday party - serving sandwiches and pizza but now...?

I was trying to serve sandwiches and pizza for lunch since it was easy and honestly not too expensive. But now my parents are saying we should do something other than pizza? Does anyone have any ideas? We'll have an assortment of salads on the side - but i'm not sure what else we can serve with sandwiches as a second option for food for lunch for a large group of people that's not going to be so expensive?

One of the most popular dishes that people eat in Honduras is beans and rice. Each day, many Hondurans eat bea?

A. Each day, many Hondurans eat beans and rice for breakfast, lunch, and dinner because they do not have the money to purchase other foods.
B. Often, they cook a large pot of beans early in the morning and let them cook all day, because the beans get soft and tender.
C. They add different vegetables and spices to the beans and rice to vary the taste of the food so the people will not get too tired of eating the same thing every day.

Vegan lunches for work?

On a good week I make large dishes at night or over the weekend and pack the dish into several zip-lock containers. On a bad week I am eating tofurkey sandwiches with a side of applesauce, fig bars or humus and veggies.

Party stores sometimes have large bags of frozen fruit. You can take out a little bit from the freezer to eat each day. This way your fruit will not spoil easily.

Mock tuna salad from a can of chickpeas, 1/4 cup veganaise and several green onions can make several days worth of sandwiches. Black bean burgers with a can of black beans, grilled onions, 2 slices of crumbled bread and garlic powder and pepper can make 4 days worth of burgers and is super cheap.

I hit up the dollar store on occasion and buy all the edible snacks I can eat so that I have a variety. I don't like microwave dishes because why spend $4-$5 on microwave food when I can get an order of General Tso's Tofu for $10 and pack it for 2-3 days.

I also find that veggie sandwiches are super yum. Just pack the sliced veggies separately and add them and your veganaise or humus on bread when it is time to eat, otherwise you will find you packed a pile of mush.

Overall I think you should have your man make exotic dishes every day like on the veganlunchbox site. He can wake up an hour or so early every day and make you something intricate and beautiful.


What is a typical lunch like in Nicaragua?

anthony bourdain just did a great "no reservations" episode on nicaragua. i think it's posted up on the website.