What Would Be The Japanese Counter For Chicken Thighs

What do you do if your dog ate raw chicken?

For years my dogs ate a frozen raw chicken thigh every day, no problem.  My new vet insists that's wrong so I stopped doing it...rather than change vets again.  Her concern is that dogs are susceptible to salmonella if it's present on the bird. 

What would be the Japanese counter for chicken thighs?

鶏もも肉 = とりももにく = Tori Momo Niku
counted as Hon(本)
Without bone chiken thighs like

How much weight can the average size housecat carry in it's mouth?

A lot. There's a Youtube video of Japanese doing an experiment with how large a fish a cat can carry off if they left one on the ground. Google it, it's called Japanese Cat Weight Lifting. It's very funny!

Muay Thai vs point fighting Karate?

Very likely Muay Thai because its way tougher and more brutal. In Karate you use punches to the body or to the head, but with head protection. In Muay Thai you are allowed to punch the head, even with your ellbow. And your opponent is not wearing a head protection. In karate there are side kicks, roundhouse kicks and others, most of them to the head and body, but in MT you can kick an opponent to the legs, body and head - and use your knee as well.
Theres the difference Sports karate is point fighting, traditional MT is destroying.
excs my english, im german