What Would Happen If You Ate Nothing But Cheerioes For A Month

Can a 7 month old without teeth eat cheerios?

Technically, most babies don't chew until they have molars. They really just gum the food to mush.

The real test is to put a Cheerio in his mouth yourself. If he gags and thrusts his tongue out, he is too young.

Once he is able to keep it in his mouth, the next test is to see if he can pick it up and get it to his mouth on his own. If he can, then let him munch!

What would happen if I ate nothing but cereal?

Depending on the cereal, you’ll lack a daily intake of specific vitamins. Although milk has calcium and protein and all that good stuff, it doesn’t make up for your daily values. You’d be eating all carbohydrates and fat, so you’d either gain or lose weight depending on your consumption of the milk.Also, too much calcium will cause your bones to develop abnormalities through extra growth.

Can I give me 7.5 month old Cheerios?

Yes but its best to get the PLAIN, not the honey nut. They can't guarantee the honey is botulism free, and nuts are potentially an allergen. The multigrain is ok but its got a lot more sugar.
Many parents worry about babies choking. However, there is good reason to believe that babies are at less risk of choking if they are in control of what goes into their mouth than if they are spoon fed. This is because babies are not capable of intentionally moving food to the back of their throats until after they have developed the ability to chew. And they do not develop the ability to chew until after they have developed the ability to reach out and grab things. The ability to pick up very small things develops later still. Thus, a very young baby cannot easily put himself at risk because he cannot get small pieces of food into his mouth. Spoon feeding, by contrast, encourages the baby to suck the food straight to the back of his mouth, potentially making choking more likely.
Milk only

From these observations and her own studies she developed her feeding programme, called Baby-Led Weaning.

According to this programme, during the first six months babies should receive milk only.

She said: "In 2002 the World Health Organisation backed research that found breast or formula milk provided all the nutrition a baby needs up to the age of six months.

"That research said feeding a baby any other food during the first six months would dilute the nutritional value of the milk and might even be harmful to the baby's health."

These findings have been incorporated into government recommendations on baby feeding.

Can I eat some cheerios while water fasting?

Nothing would happen, except that you would not be fasting anymore.

How many Cheerios can/should an 8 month old eat?

My daughter is 8 months old and has decided Cheerios are the big thing. She loves them, and I think she would eat them all day if I let her. She was refusing her baby food, so I tried giving her just small pieces of cut up fruits and veggies and those don't top the Cheerios either. She will eat a couple bites and then just scream. I have tried not even bringing the Cheerios out at all for a couple days and she still doesn't want anything to do with baby food or any other food.
So I'm curious how many Cheerios she can have without consitpation or something like that happening? I'm glad that she likes something and its not packed with sugar (I don't give her sugar anyway) but I don't want to overload her on them!


What will happen if I only eat fruits and vegetables for a month?

I'd say that's a start. But, if you are going to just eat fruits and vegetables. I would take my workout routine down a notch.

You will not have enough protein to sustain your muscles.....and you just might cause yourself to be even hungrier then before by eating more junk. Because trust; fruits and vegetable will not sustain you if you are working out for long periods of time, strenuously.

If you still want to maintain that rigorous training schedule you have, i'd say incorporate some kind of meat in there. Otherwise, stick with the fruits and vegetable, but work out 3 times a day, take out the 8 miles and make it up to 3 miles every three days or every other day or 20 minutes every three days/every other day.

You don't want to lose to much weight too fast. yes, it would be nice. But think of the after affects....SAGGY SKIN, and LOOSE MUSCLE.
I think it will be fine what you are doing, but don't strain your body too much!
Hope you do well!

What happens if I don't eat for a week and just drink water and green tea? How much weight could I lose?

If you starve yourself for a week, which is what this is, you might lose a few pounds. Then you would probably gain them all back and then some. Starvation is literally the worst way to try to lose weight. Don’t do that. Diets don’t work anyway, and nothing you do for a week will have any long lasting effect. Changing your lifetime habits is the only thing that will keep the weight off.All you need is a moderate, sustained calorie deficit. See The best weight loss diet.And note that Green Tea does not do magic, does not help with weight loss, and should only be taken in moderation.

When can babies have Cheerios???

Its best to give them cheerios when they have teeth, but watch your son when you feed him, does he mash the food with his gums instead of just moving it with his tongue? If he's mashing its a good time to give him cheerios, because cheerios when soggy by saliva, are easy to break apart in the mouth. My son didnt start on cheerios untill he was about 10 months because i was scared of him choking...but i postponed a lot of things because i was too paranoid. But i go to my states program of WIC and they gave me a pamphlet about cheerios saying that if they can mash they can chew or something. But if your paranoid like i was, you can go to the store and check out the gerber products in the older baby sections. They have these things called "Veggie Puffs" that instantly melt in your babys mouth. That was the road i took before i started the cheerios.

In regards to:
"they cant choke on them because they have a hole." Thats the dumbest thing i've ever heard!!! LFMAO where did you hear that from?

Chloe, it doesn't matter if it has a hole in the cheerio or not. Have you tried breathing through a cheerio? The hole is not big enough to get adequate air through it.

Can I feed my 2 month old puppy Honey Nut cheerios? Ran out of dog food. Pet stores are closed.?

Anytime you run out of food, just simply boil rice and lean hamburger for him/her. It will not give your dog any stomach/bowel problems. It is also good to feed it to him/her if you decide to change the brand of dog food. Just simply feed the rice and hamburger meal for three or four days, and the new dog food won't cause any problems.