What Would Happen If You Broke Your Spine With Scoliosis

What happens if you don't wear your scoliosis brace?

hey, i'm 13 too n i'm wearing a back brace at this very moment.
i no, i no, it's annoying n irritating n itchy n everything but think of it this way: would u rather hav metal bars put into yur bak to hold yur spine together?
every 5 min u don't wear yur brace, u lose 1 degree that u've worked hard to get bak to normal. so DON'T EVEN CONSIDER IT!
n yur scolly's more severe than mine, i had a 25 degree curve to start with n i only hav 20.
remember, the more consistently u wear it, the quicker u get it off!
good luck to u (n me too lol) n just don't be dumb n WEAR YUR BRACE!
Luv Ti!
P.S. lucky u! i hav to wear mine 23 hrs a day n i actually pretty much do the whole 24! n i'm real busy with dancing n swimming too! do u do swimming for yur back?

What are the worst thing that could happen if getting a scoliosis surgery (read details)?

I have a curve of 68 degrees and I've done a lot of research on this. You will lose a lot of range of motion in your back. Basically what they do is put metal bars in you back to lock your spine in place, and these will prevent it from bending in any direction. Most people who have this surgery are considered disabled within 17 yrs of having it. The bars have also been known, in the past, to break inside of a person's back. I don't know how much this has happened in recent yrs. Basically, you won't be able to do nearly as much in the long run as you would if you chose not to have the surgery. I had a friend who had the surgery and she could not bend her back at all.
I've chosen not to have the surgery. I've found that reduction/progression of a curve is still possible even after you've stopped growing. Try Bikraim yoga. It's a little intense, but that's what scoliosis needs.. You could also look up the CLEAR institute. Also take a look at your posture, and the alignment of your hips and shoulders and make a conscious effort to correct it.

My mom thinks I have spine bends near the bottom of it.When I bend over my spine sticks out.Do I?
go to above link and look at scoliosis screening diagram...
if positive, go see a doctor...

Can people with scoliosis break dance after surgery? even if they are able to, are there certain risks?

If your scoliosis is mild (make sure you are being followed by a good doctor cause if you are in pain then it might not be mild anymore) then my experience is that with backs that strength training and controled stretching are helpful to keeping your muscles strong and less likely to pull, but you dont want to do stuff that actually causes you pain. Learn your limits.

Would you ever date someone with scoliosis (spinal curvature)?

Well, actually I look similar to that. I've never had a problem finding dates. My spouse actually knew me in high school. So he even got to see me in body casts and braces.

You have to have a strong sense of self and not let it mess with your idea of body image. I had a spinal fusion with iliac crest bone graft in 1985 (13 yrs old). I still have a 40 degree curve, a prominent shoulder blade, one shoulder is higher, my hips a little uneven, and rib prominence on one side. But my spine is stable, no breathing or cardiac problems and I carried to pregnancies without a hitch.

The one shoulder is higher makes it easier to sling a shoulder bag on. And those uneven hips...that one that juts out a little more is a perfect resting spot for an infant.

I have no problem wearing backless things. I think I have a great back scar. The hip scar, not so pretty. But everyone, EVERYONE, has problem areas on their body. I'm an RN, I've seen thousands of naked bodies, no one is perfect. Here are some other famous people who share scoliosis with us:

Some concern about one's appearance is normal, but an obsession with one's appearance is not. If you think you might be more than concerned, talk to a professional.

What if you fall and you've had spinal fusion for scoliosis?

If you fall after a spinal fusion you may hurt yourself...but so could someone who didn't have scoliosis. So nothing horrible will happen to your spine if you just fall down. You are totally healed from your surgery, everything is fused and set. This is supposed to last the whole rest of your life and that includes the bumps and scrapes that go along with living.
I know you are supposed to avoid repeated jarring movements. Like no bungee jumping or sky diving.
Just take it easy for a few days and if the pain doesn't go away or gets worse, make an appointment with your doctor. But I bet you'll be fine.

I had a spinal fusion in '03 and a few years ago I broke my tail bone and went to the ER. The doc's there freaked out when they learned I had a fused spine and wanted to do an MRI and have me meet with their orthopedic surgeon. This would have taken HOURS and I just wanted to pop some Vicodin and go home. So to appease them I got a regular x-ray to confirm the break and made an appointment with MY orthopedic surgeon. A week later he saw me and when he looked at the x-ray he just laughed. It was a really bad break but there was nothing he could do. He couldn't imagine what I'd done to mess up my tailbone so bad. Not in the least bit worried about the rest of my spine. The moral of this story is that doctors do work that can withstand life.

How much does a backbrace cost!!! (scoliosis)?

The brace question first:

There are several kinds of braces. Which one is best for you is determined by your scoliosis specialist. The brace cost is covered by insurance. If you don't have insurance, I can't answer the question because each person is different. I have called orthotics businesses and asked the cost and they wouldn't give me a number without seeing the patient. But since the brace is plastic molded to your body, its probably going to be more than the couple hundered that another person guessed.

As to who do you listen to:

Your family doctor should give you a referral to a scoliosis specialist. When you see the specialist, he/she will be able to look at the xray you've already had taken. If that xray isn't good enough, you might have to have another.

Some background on scoliosis...

Any curve under 10 degrees is considered normal and probably isn't monitored.

Curves from 10-25 degrees are mild but should be monitored, especially if you're still growing.

Curves from 25-40 degrees are moderate with bracing possible. You will need monitoring, especially if you're still growing.

Surgery may be recommended if your curve doesn't respond to bracing. Bracing will do no good if you're through growing. The purpose of a brace isn't to make your curve better, but rather to keep the curve from becoming worse.

Curves greater than 45 degrees is major. Surgery may be recommended. This depends on many things, but whether you're done growing, whether your curve is increasing, whether your heart and lungs are in danger of being squeezed by your curve, whether you're in pain, quality of life, etc.

Unfortunately, nothing can *fix* scoliosis. Surgery can keep the curve from getting worse, and in most cases, will reduce the curve but most likely your spine won't be straight (unless you are very flexible in the area to be fused, then you might be lucky). There are cases where the surgery is less invasive than other cases, but having the usual posterior incision isn't too bad.

Chiropractors, message therapists, acupuncturists, etc., also can't fix scoliosis. These people adjust the soft, connective tissues and that may (or may not, you can't tell ahead of time) make you feel better, but remember, scoliosis is not a connective tissue disease. Your spine is growing curved.

How do I fix my crooked spine?

ScoliosisScoliosis is often congenital (called “idiopathic scoliosis”), but comes out only during the growth spurts between age 10 and 16. Less frequently it can also be acquired.In the age group of 10 to 16 about 2% to 3% develop scoliosis and about 70% of them are girls (Ref.3). Scoliosis is a sidewards curvature of the spine with a degree of rotation as well. This leads to an abnormal posture of the ribs with a chest hump, which is most visible with forward flexion of the spine (see below). As we do not know the exact reason why some children get scoliosis compared to others, it is called “idiopathic” scoliosis meaning “we don’t know” the reason. These cases are the most common ones. The other cases are called “acquired scoliosis” as they occur following back injuries.Scoliosis may be entirely without symptoms. It presents by physical appearance where one shoulder is carried higher than the other. Or the clothes do not fall straight due to the reverse S curve of the spinal column. With forward bending a shoulder hump is visible as the upper rib cage and shoulder blade sticks out more on one side than the other. Orthopedic surgeons have classified scoliosis into various degrees of severity, which can be determined with X-ray examinations.ScoliosisTreatment of scoliosisMild cases are left alone, moderate cases are treated with bracing and severe cases can be treated with corrective surgery. Untreated severe scoliosis can seriously affect circulation through the lungs and lead to congestive heart failure. The exercise tolerance would be severely affected in these patients. However, with the introduction of Harrington rods and spinal fusion surgery techniques, also called ankylosis, things have changed considerably.Harrington rods are steel rods that are inserted parallel to the spine. Although this has been useful in the past, it was found subsequently that perhaps this surgical procedure was too heroic and unnecessarily stiffened the spine too much. Since then King has classified idiopathic scoliosis into 5 types and a more conservative approach with limited fusion surgery in the thoracic spine has been introduced (see Ref.4 and 5). Only a minority of patients have to have this surgery done. The majority can be observed or treated with bracing.Moree info and references here: Scoliosis - Net Health Book