What Would Someone Who Doesnt Believe In Diversity Say

If evolution doesn't exist how did humans become so diverse?

Consider this

Fingerprints of Creation

Mysteries In Science

The Young Age of the Earth

The Origin of Man by Dr. Duane Gish

The Origins of Life

Evolution: Challenge of the Fossil Record - Part 1 of 6

Skull Fossils - As Empty as the Evolutionary Theory

Neanderthals - Smarter Then We Thought

Dinosaurs: Those Terrible Lizards

Atheist's NightMare: Evolution

My pastor says diversity is a curse and is evil. Is he correct?

Diversity, as practiced by left wing cultural Marxists, is based on the idea that there is some inherent virtue to whites and non whites being together.

They say it's a good thing that blacks are moving into your neighborhood, and going to your kid's schools. In Europe it's culturally enriching to live around Muslim migrants. It doesn't matter the kind of people they are. It doesn't matter how they behave. It's great that they're here and you're a Nazi if you disagree.

This absurd thinking is what got Europe into the mess it's in now with the migrant crisis.

Meritocracy, not diversity, is strength. I, like most people, want a quiet, safe, neighborhood with respectful, hard working, and friendly neighbors. If I get that in an all white community, great. If if I get that in a racially mixed community, great. If I get that in a black community where I am the only white guy, great.

But I will not live next door to a bunch of lowlife thugs and hoodrats, or send my kids off to school with Laquisha's bad acting children because it makes virtue signalling liberal idiots feel all warm inside to have whites and blacks living side by side.

Do you believe that diversity is beautiful?

Diversity is one of the most beautiful things we can have in our awareness. Diversity has no bias, it doesn't discriminate or thinks with prejudice, it gives us understanding which give us knowledge. Not just on a ethnic/racial level but also how we think, we have to be diverse in how we live. Life is evolving everyday, technology, science, education, politics, entertainment and even our mental growth is constantly changing, we have to change with the times, it is vital to our survival to be diverse, on an individual level as well as a collective level. A civilization that doesn't strive for diversity will at some point supplant its growth and development, it will effect the masses in many ways.Nations are in turmoil because they lack diversity, political chaos is prevalent because politicians in subtle ways fail to support diversity, governments world wide have committed countless acts of crimes against humanity because of their continued disregard of the diversity of its own citizens. I can go on and on, but you get what I'm saying. Diversity is paramount, if you lack it, at some point you will suffer the consequences.

Why do many people say "blacks are only diverse in skin tone due to admixture during slavery"?

Thank you very much. I am Nigerian and this is what I never understood. We are many different colors and not descended from slaves or mixed at all.

In response to Clyde, perhaps the person who used the picture to claim that they are of another tribe is wrong. Because I am an Igbo and I know what my people look like. And you're talking about Black Americans, this question is about Africans.

EDIT: Clyde, you still fail to address what I am saying about Africans. I, being Nigerian, have met many light-skinned ones. (lighter than O'bama). However, we are not mixed people. My family has light people, however, there is no mixed ancestry. I think it's ridiculous when people tell me how my people are supposed to look. People tell me I don't look "African."
Halle Berry does not appear in any of the asker's links. Please look at the pictures again. All I see are African women. I'm surprised you don't know what Halle looks like since you're such a student of skin tones.
Lastly, the "light skinned Nigerians" pictures are Nigerians. These are pictures from a traditional Igbo wedding. Look it up online. I am Igbo and Igbos are Nigerians.

EDIT: Clyde, this is my last response to you. Please ask around. Their faces are completely different. She is NOT Halle Berry. If the asker is trying to prove that you can be lighter without being mixed, why use Halle as an example? Does that make sense to you?

Is it bad if I don’t think diversity of gender, ethnicity, sexuality, etc are inherently desirable qualities of a society? Or at least, that I don’t think they’re worth being pursued as much as some folks pursue them today?

The thing about diversity is that it's not something that can be avoided. Diversity is, regardless of how anyone feels about it. Even in the most homogeneous societies, there is diversity and always has been. As the world becomes more accessible for all groups of people, the more diverse those homogeneous societies are going to get.A place in which there exists only one gender, one sexuality, one color of people has never been a reality and is becoming less and less of a reality daily. If you're actively searching for a reason to be against that, you should look into the reasoning behind why you have a problem with it in the first place. What's undesirable about someone being a different sexuality or ethnicity from you? Why is there the assumption that anything that includes people different from you is being “pursued”? The reality is that these people exist and they don't need a reason to exist or to be in a certain place.Of course we shouldn't be accepting unqualified people on simply on the basis on them being “diverse" but that goes both ways. Just like we shouldn't exclude or overinclude certain groups for the sake of diversity, we shouldn't assume that inclusion is some sort of forced effort that accepted unqualified people.Historically, the second one has always been an issue and maybe that's why what we see today may be seen as a “pursual”. When only white people were allowed on TV for several years, it may seem forced to suddenly see Indians, Japanese, Jamaican people on TV. But the reality is that they’ve always been there, they've just been excluded from the norm.When you take out exclusion on both sides, the end result is still and will always be a group of diverse people.

A Harvard political scientist finds that diversity hurts civic life - liberal scholar finds out truth?

A Harvard political scientist finds that diversity hurts civic life. What happens when a liberal scholar unearths an inconvenient truth?

IT HAS BECOME increasingly popular to speak of racial and ethnic diversity as a civic strength. From multicultural festivals to pronouncements from political leaders, the message is the same: our differences make us stronger.

But a massive new study, based on detailed interviews of nearly 30,000 people across America, has concluded just the opposite. Harvard political scientist Robert Putnam -- famous for "Bowling Alone," his 2000 book on declining civic engagement -- has found that the greater the diversity in a community, the fewer people vote and the less they volunteer, the less they give to charity and work on community projects. In the most diverse communities, neighbors trust one another about half as much as they do in the most homogenous settings. The study, the largest ever on civic engagement in America, found that virtually all measures of civic health are lower in more diverse settings.

"The extent of the effect is shocking," says Scott Page, a University of Michigan political scientist.

What do the people who have little experience in 'diversity' feel about these results?