What Would The World Look Like If Liberals Had Their Way

What would the perfect liberal world look like...?

...if they got their way and banned the consumption of meat, banned the use of fossil fuels, banned alcohol, fatty foods, soft drinks, fire arms, toy soldiers, water guns, got rid of or borders allowing all to enter, subsidize bicycle paths, enforce political correctness, cradle to grave government health care, and forced kindergarten to college government education?

Would paradise have finally arrived?

In your opinion, what would the world be like if liberals were in charge of every country?

Every bad Liberal plan would probably be shown immediately so you’d end up with conservatives back in charge eventually after people get tired of whatever issue not being resolved.On the other hand, it would be harder for conservatives to reject any good plans that work particularly well.You’d end up with a bunch of policy and such which the opposing side says they’ve got an Even Better™ solution.So basically if you give it a decade everything will settle back to normal.Oh yeah, whichever Liberal was appointed to be in charge of Saudi Arabia or any similarly conservative/religiously extreme place would be assassinated. There’s that as well.

What kind of world do liberals want?

What is the end game? Please state what kind of world we would live in if liberals were in charge and won everything. Please include ideas on how you will make the world better (libs have few ideas)
Here is the world I see if libs won. Tax everything and anything. Give schools unlimited budgets but don't actually teach anything that matters. Concede everything to anyone who has ever had a beef with the USA. Outlaw Christians and re-educate thier children. Outlaw all conservative views. Form a soviet style government with Hillary as Grand Wizard. Make everything between the east and left coast a national park that no one can use except the elite of the Democratic Party. Pay women to have abortions so there will be plenty of stem cells for the elite of the democratic peoples party. Free health care for everyone if you can get past red tape and long lines. Good organic food if there is any. Hollywood will still make good movies, so we can forget our troubles.

What would America look like today if Liberal Benedict Arnold had gotten his way?

First of all, let's not start with the "Benedict Arnold was a conservative, because he was committed to the Crown" or what have you. Benedict Arnold was a liberal, because he believed in Big Government and because he had no problem giving away secrets that would cause harm to many people. Benedict Arnold had no problem betraying his fellow man and selling him out to the government..... a telltale sign of being a liberal.

What do you think America would look like today, or rather, what would the world look like today if Liberal Benedict Arnold had succeeded and gotten his way?

Help! 38 And Still A Liberal! WWYD?

Many intellectuals find that the things they are required to write don't have much of an impact on their readers if they don't bring a lot of emotion, drama, and exaggerated compassion to their writing. It just doesn't make for a very big splash when they write or speak, like a conservative,about how things are just peachy the way they have always been, and there's no real reason for change. So they innocently start introducing more sound and fury into their speech and writing. When they look in the mirror they now see a liberal.
Who wants to belong to the "party of the rich" anyway. It simply doesn't fit the image they have chosen for themselves, whether or not it's really the best thing for their country. Many college professors, and celebrities fail to see that they have unknowingly become submersed in this image building, and the welfare of their country has become secondary.
Liberal thinking often comes to a person who spends most of their impressionable years in college and not out among the struggles between labor and management , or the stress that develops between "the self made man" ( who worked his way up through the ranks), and the so called "little guy".
One needs to be in this enviornment to see and hear, at close range, the kind of problems that separate us. Hearsay is not a reliable tutor
Is the "hard working little guy " really working that hard? Or is he making excuses for not making the effort to learn new skills and educate himself?
If you spend your youth in academia, and away from the pimps, prostitutes, drug dealers, bookies, absentee fathers, unwed mothers , winos, addicts, burglars,illegal aliens , and others who are listed as unemployed and "poor", you may not see as clearly as you think.

It might not be the best thing for the people you care about if you allow yourself to become smug about all that you have learned.---It wouldn't hurt to take another peek at life in the big city ,or even back on the farm, but this time from a shorter distance away.
Bon voyage.

What would America be like if liberals always got their way and the Democrats were always the majority in the government?

When it happened between 2008–2012, America had a U3 unemployment rate of 10%, a pathetic labour participation rate and economic growth was restricted to between 1–2%. Energy prices were rising, and families were feeling the pinch of inflation, although the statistical rate of inflation was artificially low by failing to include many items in the “bucket” of commodities measured by statisticians.Millions of people were about to lose their health insurance and the doctors who provided their healthcare, due to the imposition of “Obamacare”, and post 2010, insurance premiums began rising drastically. Many people also began losing jobs, full time employment or benefits from work due to the nature of Obamacare and the steps employers needed to avoid it (or be hammered with unsustainable costs).Regulatory burdens on business would be increased, and business would collectively stop investing in order to avoid the uncertainty surrounding investment decisions. A few, politically well connected businesses would be raking in billions of dollars through government handouts and crony capitalism.But that is only one example, you might say. Fair enough.After the “crash” of 1929, we had another prolonged period of “Liberals” being in charge of the government. The economy contracted massively, millions of people were unemployed for prolonged periods of time and hardships abounded. Continuous government meddling in the economy caused business investments to contract, to the point that the worst year of the Great Depression was 1938, almost a full decade after the “crash”. Historian Amity Shlaes suggests the Great Depression was extended by up to seven years by the actions of FDR and his “Brain Trust”. Compare this too the rapid recovery of the Great Depression of 1921. Never heard of it? That’s because President Coolidge simply allowed the markets to clear, without any form of government intervention at all.Only 2 data points, you say?We can look at the actions of the Wilson Administration, and the vicious attacks on the rights of Americans, the reimposition of segregation and the rapid expansion of government agencies and controls, all in open defiance of the US Constitution, but pushed through as an expedient measure during the Great War.So overall, I doubt you or I would like it if the liberals got their way and the Democrats were always the majority in government.