What Would The World Look Like If Neither Of The World Wars Happened

What would the world look like if none of the world wars have happened?

The world wars affected the whole world and brought with them chaos, starvation, mass killings, etc. But it also contributed more funds and research development, which brought us to a whole new level of technology and with it came drastic changes in society and the world order as people knew it before them.Anyway, to be short, it’s simply stupid to try to make this kind of alternate scenario, because it will affect so much that it’s unpredictable. Not that I mean people that asked this is stupid, but trying to answer this would end up making the person hypothesizing sounding like an idiot because he or she would have not precise facts to back up anything that they could come up with.So to conclude, this question is not predictable and trying to predict it is not possible, unless you ignore all the facts that is on the table.

What would the world look like today if World War I did not happen?

The Russian Revolution might not have happened. If Russia's armies had been free in 1917, they might have put down the rebellion before it really started. If the rebels had even tried.The Great Depression might not have happened. One of the triggers was Germany ceasing to pay its war reparations from World War I.No Holocaust. Hitler was a reaction to the Great Depression and the loss of World War I.No Cold War. Without communist Russia and World War II, what starts the Cold War?No communist revolution in China. The communist party in China was founded in reaction to events in Russia.Of course, it also could have been pretty much the same. The assassination of Ferdinand was the trigger for the war, not the cause. All the same pressures would have been there and the war might just have happened later, with a different triggering event.Also, consider limiting your time period more. Note that some of my changes are dependent on previous changes. If you select different assumptions, then they are no longer valid. For example, the Russian Revolution might have happened in 1922 if World War I started in 1919 as the result of a different trigger. And then we'd get back the rest of the changes that were dependent on no World War I as well.You also may want to consider limiting the question geographically. For example, without World War I, what would have happened to the government in Russia? Would the Tsar have stayed in power? Would there have been a military coup? Would the Bolsheviks have ended up in power anyway? There are a number of possibilities here and which one you choose will influence what happens later.If you want to know what the world of 2017 would be like without the assassination of Ferdinand in 1914, you need to figure out what the world would be like in 1919 (end of war in our world), 1929 (start of the Great Depression), 1939 (start of World War II), 1952 (Eisenhower elected), 1959 (Cuban Revolution), 1991 (dissolution of the Soviet Union), etc. Many of those events would not have occurred without World War I--perhaps none. At each step, there are a number of possibilities that depend on previous choices. What choices do you make initially?

What will happen if 3rd world war happens and for what it will happen?

It could be 28 minutes from now or 280 years from now. When the superpowers square off against each other in two camps, then come back and we'll talk world war 3.

Until then, just think regional conflicts, wars between rump states, proxy wars and brinksmanship. If you recall the Yom Kippur War in 1973, a coalition of Arab States (Egypt, Syria and Jordan) were soundly defeated by the Israelis. That was a worse situation than the current conflict and it didn't raise a blip on the world war radar (not that it didn't have the potential to spark a global war).

The next World War will involve a nuclear exchange, how could it not. In the first 30 minutes, nearly a billion people will have been vaporised, mostly in the US, Russia, Europe, China and Japan. Another 1.5 billion will die shortly thereafter from radiation poisoning. The northern hemisphere will be plunged into prolonged agony and barbarity.

Eventually the nuclear winter will spread to the southern hemisphere and all plant life will die. You ask when is the apacolypse, you are asking when will we commit global suicide. My answer is it won't happen soon because the larger superpowers are more rational than the rump states in the middle east.

Our biggest risk is an accidental launch of nukes by one of the nuclear powers....long before we run out of water, fossil fuels, coal and other natural resources.

Could world war 3 happen WITHOUT nuclear weapons?

Every time the theoretical topic of a third global war comes up, it is always assumed to be a nuclear holocaust. But why? it just seems entirely illogical, end all life on earth? really?.

Looking at this from a logical standpoint, wouldn't it be much simpler for warring superpowers to utilize military resources to fight and control certain areas instead of blowing up the entire earth and killing everybody forever? it almost seems lazy. Like, me and this guy at the pub disagree with eachother, so instead of fist fighting, we will both simultaneously press buttons to blow the building up killing everybody inside including ourselves.

Seems like a total copout, an insane one at that.

Will world war 3 happen?

The US is against syria and Russia supports Syria. Yet Russia just the other day joined the US and canada in hijacked commercial airliner exercises. They wouldnt do that if they were that unhappy with us. Russia understands the use of chemical weapons is not a good thing. They were just pissed that the US had its going to war big boy pants on without analyzing the situation. But now it is being analyzed. The UK which was more for going after syria than the US ever was, just voted to not intervene. Obama is now asking for permission from congress to intervene even though recent acts like the patriot act give him the power to not have to ask congress. With that its looking like the US is just going to be playing a support role for whatever the UN decides.

Will we ever see a Russia on US all out type war like ww2? I don't think so. Technology has advanced to the point where nobody would win that war and politicians understand that. Wars these days are fought over the internet, in the economy and through the use of proxy third world countries. Why would say, China, invade the US that would kill millions and destroy the economy and infrastructure of both countries to try to secure some resources when they can accomplish all those goals by hacking computers on the internet?