What Would This Phrase Be

What would this phrase be in Spanish?

soy un perdedor bebe , asi que , por que no me matas ?

What would the phrase "call me crazy" mean?

The phrase is usually used in the context "call me crazy, but..." then there's a statement that might sound crazy, such as "call me crazy, but I love the taste of chalk". The phrase is more often used ironically like "call me crazy, but I like to stay out of jail" The "call me crazy" part sometimes comes afterward. "I like to stay out of jail. Call me crazy." It's an ironic way to indicate that you just expressed the obvious.

If the world were square, would the phrase ‘around the world’ still be relevant?

A2A (by Quora on behalf of Anu Aakash)Question: If the world were square, would the phrase ‘around the world’ still be relevant? [Original: If the world was square, will the phrase ‘around the world’ still be relevant?]Our planet is almost spherical. The “if” is nonsensical.The phrase has been coined to somehow describe the itinerary that covers the full perimeter, or approximatively the full perimeter, hence it would still be relevant [cfr. “around the square”, “around the park”, “around the classroom”, “around the school”, “around the block”, etc.].Have you listened to the “Rock around the clock” (Freedman & Myers)?Well, it works even if, in this case, “around” would mean along the whole day. [despite there are clocks that are square :-) ]

What would the latin phrase be for "Put the needs of others before the needs of yourself"?

alius pro ego more literally means 'another before myself', however ego should be ablative case. I also don't care for the word pro here because it can also mean 'on behalf of', so it might read 'another for myself' or 'another on behalf of myself'.

How about this:

necessitates aliorum maiores quam meae
The needs of others are greater than my own.

You could also use the word priores instead of maiores.
necessitates aliorum priores quam meae
The needs of others are before (i.e. more important) my own.

I think this is a better translation (just don't tattoo it on your body as my Latin is a bit rusty).

If you were a superhero, what would your catch phrase be?

Wherever I go evil cries like a baby.

What would harry potters catch phrase be?

Expelliarmus because he uses that spell a lot.

What does "con mucho cariño" mean? When would this phrase be used?

It would likely be used at the end of a letter to someone you esteem or care for, “With Much Affection”

What would the phrase 'eat more cucumbers' be referring to in Microeconomics?

The first clue that came to mind about your professor is he wants his students to come into class not hungover. Cucumbers are known to help cure hangovers the morning after as well as many other benefits. As for relating to Economics, it seems your Professor has some exercise planned with basic supply & demand principles. Study up on total utility and diminishing marginal utility since cucumbers will likely be related to another vegetable like tomatoes. There is a good chance that your Professor gave you the answer with "eat more cucumbers" and you just need to explain your logic.I want to lean towards, he is more concerned with his student's health and well being with their binge drinking. You did happen to ask this on a Friday.

What does the phrase "be careful what you wish for, it might just come true" mean?

They are talking about irony in life.For example, I wished for a puppy badly a month ago. I went to the pet store. Unknown to me, an adoption service was waving the adoption fee for that one day. I was so happy to have him. My pup has hard to treat separation anxiety. If I leave him alone for even 20 minutes (he cries and howls if he his kennel or confined to a room and had great chewy toys): he will chew and destroy many items as many times as I leave.Note: The dog will stay in his forever home, I will train him by leaving for a couple minutes at a time and coming back.