What Would Ya Be Like Under Socialism

Would the US survive under socialism?

Would the US survive under socialism?Dear TamaraFirstly you need to define socialist,Do you mean the full dictionary definitionDo you mean as it is defined by central and particular right-wing US centric viewsDo you mean as it is enacted by Nordic countriesDo you mean as it is enacted by the UKDo you mean as it is enacted by most of EuropeThe last three could all be applied to the US, if the population actually realised what it actually meant and what aspects of socialism they currently enjoy. However as the brainwashing is so complete in the US it would require a massive cultural change in attitudes. This may happen if the is sufficient upheaval comparable to the affect of ww2 on Europe. Most of the social change came from the impact of ww2.

What is it like to live under socialism?

When you reach retirement age you are guaranteed a basic income and health insurance so you don't die homeless.Everyone gets to go to school until 12th grade for free.If you become disabled and cannot work, or become unemployed, you can get some benefits so that can keep feeding yourself. You can travel on most roads for very little or no cost.If you're charged with a crime and you cannot afford a lawyer, the court will appoint you one for free. If you are really very poor, your health insurance will be covered and you might be able to get assistance buying food. You will get some tax relief if you have children.  The police and fire companies are a public service so you don't have to hire private security or a private fire department in case of emergency. Finally, people that make high incomes will pay more in taxes. I forgot the question - was it "what is life like under socialism?" or "what is it like living in the United States?"

How would the world be without socialism?

As it is now, the present global economic system is Capitalism where production is carried out with a view to making a profit, a buying ,selling , trading system where wealth accumulation is the name of the game.What is Capitalism?Socialism is a global moneyless, stateless, wageless, classless society where production is for use not profit and there is free access to all goods and services, where all work will be entered into voluntarily, What is Socialism? regards ian.

What is life under true socialism like from the POV of someone who has lived under a socialist government?

No one has lived in a socialist society , as yet socialism hasn’t existed and there won’t be any government/s in a socialist society . Socialism is a global moneyless , stateless , classless , wageless society where production’s for use and there’s free access to all that’s produced , such a society cannot come about until the overwhelming majority of the worlds workers understand the concept and want to organise for its inception What is Socialism? , Our Object and Declaration of Principles , From Capitalism to Socialism. . . how we live and how we could live Regards Ian.

What would happen if the whole world fell under socialism?

I’m not sure what you mean by ‘fall under’. Socialism is a form of economic governance. It’s not a form of government.Socialism: a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.Capitalism is pretty great at growing a country and advancing technology by incentivising people to create new things in order to get rich. But how rich does someone really have to be? By constantly seeking more, more, more, capitalism has created a terribly destructive system that is not only bad for the entire world but even for the rich. Think about it - how many Lamborghini sports cars does one many need? Why does a super rich person keep looking to make more, and is never satisfied? Is that person mentally healthy or sick?Socialism, which has never existed in reality on any scale larger than a small corporation or large farm, is fantastic at giving everyone an equal share of the product of their work. Instead of laboring to enrich someone else because they think they have to just to survive and be miserable or because they think they may have the chance to get rich one day and escape misery they actually get a share of what they make.Put a cap on wealth. It would help the super rich say, “I did it - I made it to the highest level,” and stop them from feeling they have to keep raping the planet to make more money. They could say they achieved the maximum. And the rest of the money could go to help everyone.There’s a big misconception that socialism means giving away wealth earned by the rich - it’s not true. Right now the wealth created for the rich is made by the poor. And they stay poor. Even their own land is screwed because they can’t afford to replenish the nutrients. Because of this soon the price of chocolate will be too high for the people who grow it to even eat it!Every day in the USA grocery stores throw away enough food to feed the world many times over. That’s capitalism.

How would you describe the difference between Socialism and Communism?

the stage of society, in Marxist doctrine, coming between the capitalist stage and the communist stage, in which private ownership of the means of production and distribution has been eliminated

a hypothetical stage of socialism, as formulated by Marx, Engels, Lenin, and others, to be characterized by a classless and stateless society and the equal distribution of economic goods, and to be achieved by revolutionary and dictatorial, rather than gradualistic, means

As you see, they're both part of the Marxist hypothetically utopic society. You can also tell by the definition that most economies that claim to be Communist are really just socialist that wish they mimiced Marx' Communist Utopia but have fallen short. Venezuela is a very Socialist country and some countries have target specific sectors for Socialism, like education and medicine.