What Would You Be Doing Right Now If School Didnt Exist

Why does school have to exist?

I hate school and I'm tired of it. We shouldn't be forced to go to school if we don't want because that's our life. First of all, I didn't ask to be born on Earth. I respect god's creation but I don't want to be here if I'm forced to go to hell (school) everyday of my life and only get Saturday and Sunday off. If someone wants to be dumb and unsuccessful, that's their life and I agree because I hate school and shouldn't be forced to go. Just like everyone else, you're probably wondering: "I bet this guy hates school because he's bullied or something." But that's not the case at all. I hate school because it's school and it's a waste of my life and time (in my opinion). I just want to have a free life and do what I want when I want. And if our parents don't take us to school, they get arrested? What the fuq... that's stupid. I'm only fine with going to school for like Kindergarten through 3rd grade. Then everyone should be free to do whatever they want. Because once you've done Kindergarten through 3rd, you've done most of the basics like Addition, Alphabet, etc.. That's all I need to know. What the fuq is Algebra? That won't help me in life. I don't want to be a math teacher so I don't need to know all that pointless made up sh1t. If you are a deep thinker like me, none of this is real anyways. What is "A" "B" and "C". All of this was made up to keep life organized. There's no such thing as 2 + 2 or even these letters I'm typing right this second. How am I even communicating to all of you right now? See, it's that kind of sh1t. All I want to do when I grow up is be a Garbage man. You may laugh, but do you need school for that? Um, no. So fuq school I don't need to go there. I want to be a garbage man because they make a LOT of money for picking up trash. There highest salary is $80,000 dollars a year. That can get me a house, car and a life to live. If there's anyone at all who agrees with me, please help because School is sh1t and can't handle much more of this waste of time everyday. By the way, my grades are suffering somewhat as well, because I don't give a fuq. I sit there in school with a blank face because it's boring and a waste of time. Yes, I have friends as well. I'm not that kind of socially awkward kid with no friends. I may have left out a lot of things overall but I was so caught up in talking about how sh1tty school is that I might of missed out some big points. But it doesn't matter, please help me. Later.

Why does high school exist?

i'm almost done with my freshman year and i learned little if not nothing from school.

i learned so much OUTSIDE of school, but high school didnt do anything for me. i memorized a bunch of facts i was never interested in but didn't actually learn anything.

i just dont see the point in digging any deeper into these subjects. we learned the basics in elementary, built a foundation and developed as a person in middle school, but nothing from high school.

so do you think high school should even exist?(1) why not just have some kind of THREE year program after middle school where we can just explore different things that we're interested in(2)?

i look forward to your answers =)

If high school didn't exist, what would you have done as a teen?

Considering the fact that I’m still in high school and on my vacation right now. This question is a wonderful opportunity to tell people how I’m wasting my vacation and how I’d spend time if school didn’t exist.I’d wake up pretty early and get in on a runCome back home develop some good eating habits and actually eat something in the morning because I got all the time in the world.Learn a new set of skills or master the current ones for the entire day.Learn a skill which I like and can make a living out of once I’m old enough to work.Make new friends and build relationships and make them stronger. You’ll never know when you need someone’s help. And you need to meet someone to actually be friends and since school didn’t exist I’d need to go around and make some friends elsewhere.Go to bed early.Repeat with small changes.Take the entire week off.Get a job.I’d probably die of boredom after a few weeks or get really obese and unhealthy if school didn’t exist and I didn’t have a daily routine.Ciaaooooo!-Aniket

What would you be doing right now if Quora didn't exist?

Since I'm scrolling through Quora while on the bike at the gym, I'd probably be staring at the row of machines in front of me if I wasn't looking at my phone.

What would happen to me if I didn't exist?

Nothing. You don't exist remember? Sure the butterfly effect says that your non-existence might have huge consequences but no one would know that's because you're not there. The idea, the concept of you, only exists because you exist and with it your identity.Without you, the concept of you is as fictional and hypothetical as the multiverse theory and god. Even more, those two are still universal concepts which are greater than us and require answers. No one sits around wondering about a random fella named Duncan who doesn't exist.Edited update: Okay. You keep saying imagine it. Okay brutal truth. If you didn't exist. Nothing would be different. You wouldn't exist so there would be no you. No one would care or even spare two seconds of thought wondering. Your identity only exists because you exist. Without a body or a brain or anything how would 'you' even know about 'you'. If you didn't exist nothing would happen to you because you don't exist.You want imagination and an exact answer. That's not possible. Why don't you instead use your free time thinking about better things? Cure cancer or solve the theory of relativity. Seriously, you sound like a child. Trust me if you didn't exist there wouldn't be people answering this question (which is frankly, really ridiculous after your ‘update'). I'd say if you weren't born your parents would have saved all the money they spent on you and taken a vacay to Switzerland, maybe built a chalet. Those are literally the only things that could have happened if you had never been born. No, no one would have missed you BECAUSE YOU DON'T EXIST. I don't miss my imaginary childhood friends because they're not real.If you are a kid, go to school, study and stop thinking about ridiculous hypothetical scenarios. The world exists in reality, here.

I wish I didn't exist.?

hey dude i kno kinda what ur going no geek or nothing i just been layed of from work its been like 3 months with no work i had to move bak in with my fam. im 20..samething with my mom..well i think your rite in alot of things specially if you know what school you want to go to but about the socializing thing..if you wanna move up in life you have to know how to be social...i think you can start trying to be social by making a facebook or myspace and find ppl to talk to...its not that bad or hard just try to random ppl if they shut u down owell keep moving forward...everybody is diff...its good that ur your own self..hey and in my moms house the rule is you use it you clean it..yea we slack off a little bit but its less of a mess...try making more and more friends you will like that feeling...and about the relationship thing u have to give yourself time! i lived with my wife for 3 years i love her to death we were young when we decided to be together its been the best time of my life but its also soo much work!! just start moving up younger bro is just like you and hes starting to even say hi to cashiers at stores...

Why do Christian Private schools exist?

I've taught in Christian and Catholic schools, and I'm trans. I liked the smaller class sizes and, to paraphrase a public school teacher who was applying for a job in my department, I didn't have to put up with the "educational philosophy of the month club". There is WAY too much bureaucracy in public schools, where you often have a 3:1 ratio of administrators to teachers. I also appreciated the fact that the parents of my students actually believed in education, something I saw rarely when I taught in public schools. The pay was only about 2/3 what I could have made in a comparable public school, but it was worth it.

Oh, yeah - I didn't have to ignore the existence of religion, either. I had Jewish and Buddhist students as well as Catholic and Protestant, and there were no problems.

Edit: Well, ok, if you didn't like any of those answers,. how about "to give people freedom of choice"? What would you have? Laws forbidding anyone to attend any non-public school? There are schools for special purposes all over the place. Would you forbid schools for students with learning disabilities? Isn't that "segregating the population"? I think your hatred of Christianity is leading you to make ridiculous claims. Heck, there are schools that are single-sex. Studies show that women do better in classes that don't have male students. Would you eliminate those as well? Segregation by force is pretty much always a bad thing. Segregation by choice is, well. a choice, and personally I agree with choices. Don't you?

What emerging career field, that didn't exist when you started school, would you have chosen if it were available then?

Interesting question that I had to think about a bit. I can think of a few careers that have emerged in the last 40 years that I find interesting:App developer. We didn’t even have cell phones until sometime in the 90s. This is one I’m not sure I would have chosen if I had to do it over again, but I might have focused more on computer science.Data mining. We had some computers, but the systems were pretty self-contained, and the internet (before the world wide web) was not this data-rich. With a degree in applied math (statistics) this would have been a great career direction.Sustainability experts. We had the idea of recycling, and we were somewhat aware of environmental concerns, but the idea of designing products and systems for long-term sustainability was certainly not a mature concept.

What will kids be doing nowadays if video games didn’t exist?

Probably they would become more innovative and sociable.Kids are curious by nature, they want to explore and learn new things. Apart from the entertainment, video games do not help much in the learning process rather they reduce the possibilities of exploring their own world.Kids will make their own world of entertainment which will include great deal of initiatives and innovations. In turn they become more sociable and confident.

What would happen if kids didn't go to school?

There are already kids who don’t go to school. They’re called homeschoolers.Some homeschooling families recreate school at home. So that’s not exactly like not going to school. But some families, unschooling families, support their children exploring their interests. It looks nothing like school. Kids who love animals are supported in exploring animals. Kids who love to write, draw, do puzzles, play sports, read, help people, sell things, build things, are all supported. Additionally the parents expose them to more of the world so they can discover new interests.Those children go onto college if they want when they’re ready. The big advantage they have is they know what they love doing and have already been actively exploring it. College for them is a continuation of what they’ve been doing.But if school were just removed? What would happen would totally depend on what families replaced it with. The wealthy could send their kids to private schools. Or, if there were no schools at all, hire tutors. The middle class has an expectation of learning. Without school. many homeschooling communities band together to offer classes, even creating learning centers. They aren’t schools but more like drop in centers where kids can take a class or meet up with others who share an interest.If there never had been schools, society would be highly stratified. Families or segments of society that didn’t value learning, their kids would likely remain stuck without the skills to move beyond what their parents know. A society can function like that if it’s heavily dependent on unskilled labor. For an industrialized society, it means there are too many unskilled adults and not enough jobs for them.If, though, society in general does value learning, everything kids need in order to become functioning members of society is readily available on the internet and in most communities right now. Families can take advantage of it. All they need is to want to and to see how others successfully do it.