What Would You Do If You Get Superpowers For One Day

If you could have a superpower for a day what would it be?

The ability to change probability.(Disclaimer: Not an original idea)What's the probability that all living beings get enough to eat everyday? Slim. Zero, I guess. Let me make it 100%.What's the probability that I pass my 12th boards, NEET, AIIMS, and all other exams with flying colours? Slim, again. (You can probably guess the reason) Let's make that 100℅, again.What's the probability that the autistic girl I see everday will get bullied or misunderstood wildly in the future? Really high. So let me make that 0%.What is the probability that someone faces any kind of abuse in the future? Make that 0%.What is the probability that my hands turn cold as I type this answer? 100%. I'm gonna make it 0%. Cheers to me!What is the probability that everyone finds a reason to laugh today? Quite average a number. Again, lemme make it 100%.What is the probability that all governments in the world make really good decisions and go on to uplift all people? I make it 100%. With all my might.What is the probability that we all have a 'happily ever after'? 100%. Because I'll expend all of my energy there.Yes, I'm going to be such a fairy.

If you have a superpower for one day, what would it be, and how would you it use it for the day?

I will ask for the power to take anything out of my back, looney toon style. I’d then go around revolutionizing the world, Medi-guns from tf2 given out for free to increase health-care around the world, hypnotizing guns to make the world leader believe that a united earth would be better than war and to pull out a box with plans, blueprints, ideas, formulas, everything humanity needs to lead the world to a type-IV civillisation. I’d then at my last hour, pull out a magical genie lamp. Wish for like a number so large that it’d be impossible to run out (999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 or something like that, maybe 999 googolplex or something) and then continue developing the world. Conquering others, making humans immortal, destroying the need for school by making humanity able to have implanted memory banks able to learn anything in an instant, making humans immortal by age, meeting other aliens. I’d practically be a god and finally when the universe is about to extinguish as the few final human civillisations live on the last red dwarf, I’d wish for the genie and me with all my wishes travel back to the exact point where I’d wish to go. It’d be a great life, wouldn’t it? One good day is enough to propel humanity into a time of unmatched technological limits, a literal Diamond age.

What would you do if you had superpowers for a day?

What kind of superpowers? Just anything I wish? Well here you go.Teleportation:- I'd directly get into a bank locker, steal a lot of money then teleport myself to the most beautiful and expensive places on earth and enjoy.Wolverines superpowers:- I'd go rob the most corrupt person of my country(see I think so much about the well being of India) then search for my Jean and marrg her. And then live happily ever after.Speed:- I'd go slap my maths teacher more than he can count in his life time. Then I'd sneak peek into Area 51. After that I'd take a camcorder and record myself running over water surface(yeah, if i have enough speed I can very easily do that)Read and control minds:- I'll find everyone on quora and lead them to follow me(Thats too selfish. ;). Then Search for an HR of the biggest construction company of the world and fill it in his head that he'll have to recruit a guy named Musharraf after 3 years from now, no matter how big a dumb ass he sounds during his interview.Elasticity:- I'd stretch myself in all directions, proportionately just a lil bit beyond my elastic limit so that not all the stresses induced in my body may get away and leave me with a taller and stronger looking physique. One more thing. I'd come under someones vehicle, turn into a thin sheet looking thing(like shown in cartoons) and then sit up and laugh loudly to scare the hell out of him when he comes to check out if I'm alright or not.Hulk:- And you know, I can do only one thing with this. SMASH.

What superpower would you like to have (only one)?

I would like to have the power to refill things. You could fill up you drink, jar of Nutella, bank account, enemy's bladder, hourglass (turn back time), pockets, battery, etc

If you woke up one day with a superpower, what would your course of action be?

Waking up one day with a superpower? Damn, that would be so awesome beyond comprehension.Power: Mind ManipulationOh, let the war begin.I’d probably be the youngest person to ever grasp professional degrees and work in different areas. I can alter a person’s perspective against his will while I can do whatever I want.I will easily breeze in on security checks without a single scratch embedded on me. I will travel all around the world even without a single penny.I will get anything for free just by manipulating a person’s mindset and surrounding.I will trick people into doing my bidding! Just literally everything and anything!I am going to be hell of a lucky teenager.

If you woke up one day and you have a superpower, what would it be?

I would choose The Ability to Manipulate Probability.Think about it! I could do anything and everything! Half the universe gone in a snap? 100% probability. All known superpowers under my control? 100% probability. My own pocket dimension that I can control fully that is outside time and space? 100% probability. Do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING??? One. Hundred. Freaking. Percent. Probability.I win.(More examples of this in my profile. Feel free to check it out!)

If you could have one superpower what would it be, and why?

Superior intellect.

Superior intellect would give me an amazing mind that could somewhat give me other superpowers. I could change my molecular structure using advanced science and mathematics. I could build weapons and machines that could enable me to fly, lift heavy objects, move super-fast, etc. It would be all the superpowers in one. I could also solve all the world's problems, so not only am I a warrior with superpowers, but I'm a diplomat and peacemaker who can save the world. I'd get a full ride scholarship to college. :-)

Do I have super powers??!!?

I'm not sure if you have specific "powers' but there is definetly someting going on - this happens to me too, but a little differently. With me, a thought will breeze through mind mind, and I don't think twice of it, and then later, something results becuase of it! For example, I was in the ocean one day, and was thinking to myself how so many people had died in the ocean that I was swimming in. Then, about 4 hours later, a man had a siesure, and drowned. I was so freaked out, and felt like I almost caused it! This happens a lot for me - like thinking about tripping and then someone falls, stuff like that. I think me and you, both have some sort of way into the future, and we can't control it! I think it's pretty cool! We are lucky =]