What Would You Do Keep It

How do YOU keep the Sabbath Day holy?

Curious as to if Christians keep the Sabbath Day holy how do they keep it holy?

What would you suggest? No tv, internet, just visiting and basking in the Lord or what?

I knew of a mormon that every Sunday he wouldn't watch any tv, no internet, no shopping, all he did was go to church and visit other people. He would go to an extreme to not talk about such deep topics like sex.

What can you do to keep our republic alive and well?

This is a good question i'd like to hear answers from these childish & miserable whiners on this section. Who spend their time sitting behind their computer screens thinking of more pointless things to say.

They must be living off of social security or something. Maybe unemployment ? I wonder how they spend so much time on here typing.. absolutely nothing. Could they possibly have a life of any sort ?

EDIT: the person below me is my prime example.
i see him (or whatever it is) on here every time i sign on leaving the same bs as the usual.

If you found a bag of cash what would you do? Would you just keep it?

Take it to the police. The only way I would do otherwise is if that suitcase was found in a property I owned, maybe stashed in an attic or basement and forgotten, I might be tempted to just hang on to it. And then, I am thinking, there are a lot of unsolved old robberies and other financial crimes. So amend that to: On my property that I own, obviously old, obviously associated with the previous owners or relatives of mine, should the property come down through the family. The more I think, though, unless that suitcase of cash had papers directed to me personally, nope, it would have to go to the police.

My husband's ex keeps trying to befriend me. What would you do?

If she had cheated on your hubby in the past, not to mention acted crazy when you guys hooked up afterwards, I could understand why your hubby wants nothing to do with her. What I don't understand is why YOU are having such a hard time deciding?Ask yourself this. If she was a really good friend before you and your hubby or even her and your hubby then yes, I could understand, BUT by the sounds of things you were your hubbys friend first.

If HE wants nothing to do with her, neither should you really. Have you talked to your hubby, I am sure he is or would be just as confused as most of us on your problem deciding whether to be her friend or not.

She has wronged both of you in the past and you even say as of now does not seem that "stable" so I would just plain and simply tell her.
"Look, my hubby is very uncomfortable with you being in either of our lives as am I. We are not sure what your intentions are and if it is just to be our friend, maybe try and remember why we stopped talking in the first place. Please do not contact either of us any more".
Plain and simple. Or keep up the blocking, that should give her the hint!

Over all, my answer is no, mostly because your hubby has no interest in a frinedship with her and this is with REASON.
Your obviously having doubts about her, listen to your intuition, it rarely leads us in the wrong direction.

What would you do if you could shrink the hottest celebrity and keep them as your pet?


What would you do based upon this info? I am Josh Please keep in mind no attorney wants to help!?

Hi, I would get a lawyer , I dont know if the military would help with that, and take legal action against the woman for false allegations, against the employer for selective prosecution in terms of your firing.

You should have a good case against both. You can certainly make the womans further career very difficult , since any inmate she has contact with can claim abuse and use the fact that she is a known liar against her.

Ladies, if the engagement is broken you get to keep THE EXPENSIVE ($3-10K) DIAMOND RING?

Or, do you return it back to the unbetrothed man?

If you DO keep it, it is considered as "income" according to Federal Income laws.
Have you ever declared a kept Diamond Engagement ring as "income" for tax purposes on your return?

(this question is prompted by a segment that just appeared on Fox News where their legal analyst, Liz Wiehl, clarified that an Engagement Ring (from a cancelled engagement) that is not returned but, kept by the bride-to-be because she claims it as being "given to her", is "income" and should be declared on her tax return.)

What if someone you know keeps cutting themselves? What would you do to stop it?

People cut themselves because it is a natural analgesic for pain. It’s like taking an emotional aspirin.The only thing you can do to ease someone else’s pain is to sit with them in their pain and not freak out. It’s called affective empathy. The reason that affective empathy works is that the brain is constantly looking for a calibration to understand where the pain threshold should be.A too-low pain threshold will cause someone to be in pain when nothing really bad is happening. This is dangerous only because of the self-destructive things that people try to do to stop the pain. Pain itself can’t kill you. It’s only an alarm.People in emotional pain generally have a too-low pain threshold that makes every emotion feel like pain. Cutting actually lowers the pain threshold because it helps a person stop feeling their pain.When a person wants to raise their pain threshold they have to actually feel their pain and recognize that it’s ok to be in pain. They can’t soothe it or ignore it.Being with someone and feeling their emotional pain along side them helps them see that their pain is ok. When you don’t freak out about their pain, their brain silently notices that things are alright. You don’t need to say or do anything. All you do is sit next to them while they talk or cry or cut. You can cry or listen or watch and say little or nothing. Tell them you love them. Not like a sympathy love that comes about because of the pain. Instead, they need to hear that you love them for no good reason. You love them simply for being. Just because you can. Just like a run of the mill, matter of fact “I love you.” Then you get up and leave in such a way that they know you can do this all over again tomorrow if they want.Your question is how to do stop people from cutting. The short answer is that you accept that cutting is ok. The moment you do that, it shifts things in a big way.