What Would You Name Three Kids

What would you name your seven kids?

Child Number one: (Son) - Jack Newton
Child Number two: (Daughter) - Joana Darwin
Child Number three: (Daughter) - Juliet Chaucer
Child Number four: (Son) - James Galileo
Child Number five: (Daughter) - Jillian Rousseau
Children Numbers six and seven: (Twin Boys) - Jacob Twain & John Thoreau

The middle names are the surnames of great thinkers and writers.

Jack, Jo, Jules, James, Jill, Jake & John

Anyone had three kids back to back...?

I am a proud mommy of a 2 year old (b-day oct 14th) and a 1 year old ( dec 5). it was hard at first just getting used to it all but it really is amazing they play together all the time. An they watch out for each other. I guess the hardest part is right after you have the baby not being able to pick up the other one, ie a c-section wasn't able to lift him.. Good Luck and congrats!

My three kids have name starting with L. Should I continue that with my 4th?

Wow, that must make it hard for letters! I mean like having Louisa, Laura and Leia Smith would all be Miss L Smith.However, you have a little gang of three children all with names beginning with L. You have a new addition to the family. The way I see it I don't think you should break the tradition at this point (I don't know what else I could call it haha). The little one might begin to feel left out and quite possibly wonder what made them different in your eyes for you to set them out like this. Congratulations by the way! :)

If you had three children, what would you name them if they were boys? What would you name them if they were girls?

I always wanted to name a daughter Jessica. Unfortunately my husband had bad memories of a mean girl from his childhood named Jessica so that didn't happen. I also liked the names Summer and SkylaAs for boys, I had a baby boy two years ago, I desperately wanted to name him Caius but my husband wanted a traditional name for his only son. I also liked Silas and Cameron. I considered Cameron to be a traditional name and was frustrated that my husband was being so difficult with the naming process while offering the most boring of suggestion: Ben, Adam, John. In the end I settled on the name Jonathan and while my toddler goes by the nickname ‘Jonny’ which suits him, I wish so badly that I had fought a little harder to choose a more interesting name.

If Johnny's mom had three kids,one named nickle,one penny,what's the others name?


What are the three ways of naming star.?

Heredity,discovery, and IAU commision.
Some stars have been given names thousands of years ago, hence we have kept those names.

If you discover a new star, the naming of that star MAY be given to you, or named after you (i.e. Barnards Star, doscovered by E.E. Barnard)

The IAU (International Astronomical Union ) is the only group on the planet that can officially name stars. Companies may try to sell you a naming right, but the name is not 'Officially' recognized, except by that company.

Name three daughters and three sons?

first and middle

mine would be
- Wren Isabella (Wrennie)
- Gianna Summer (Gia)
- Haven Eliza (Aves)

- Tyler Gavin (Ty)
- Braeden Elliott (Brady)
- Shael Henry

What would you name three daughters and three sons?

Name three sons & three daughters according to the rules. Each child will have two middle names from the corresponding list. No repeats. For bonus points (and a higher chance of BA), describe each child's personality & looks.

• Daughters FIRST NAMES: Matilda, Mathilde, Miriam, Melody, Moira, Maeve, Molly, Magnolia, Mirabelle, Marisol.

• Daughters FIRST MIDDLE NAMES: Lorelei, Laurel, Lucienne, Lavender, Lilac, Lilou, Lula, Linnea, Lark.

• Daughters SECOND MIDDLE NAMES: Ruth, Rosalie, Ramona, Rowena, Rosalind, Romilly, Roxanne, Romilda, Rosamund.

~ ~ ~

• Sons FIRST NAMES: Remus, River, Ronan, Riordan, Rafferty, Rupert, Ramsey, Roman, Rhys, Rowan.

• Sons FIRST MIDDLE NAMES: Schuyler, Sebastian, Stellan, Sawyer, Sage, Solomon, Seymour, Sidney.

• Sons SECOND MIDDLE NAMES: Leopold, Luca, Leonardo, Lionel, Levi, Lachlan, Lennon, Louis (LOO-ee)

All girls first names must come from the first list, their first middle names from the second, etc.

Thank you & enjoy :) (Star if you want more!)

Anna’s mother has three kids, two of whom are called Faith and Natasha. What’s the name of her third child?

Anna.On the other hand, Faith and Natasha might well be the names of the two goats owned by Anna’s mother, whose children (including Anna and her two or more siblings) probably enjoy feeding these animal ( “kids”) on their farm. In that case, Anna could be the third child; otherwise the names of the remaining children cannot be determined from the information (nor can the name of the third “kid”).Since the question used two different terms — kids and child — there is no reason to conflate them nor to assume that both nouns refer to the same thing.Furthermore, there is no reason to assume that Anna’s mother has only three children; if she had ten children, and Anna was her seventh child, the statement that “Anna’s mother had three …” would remain true.If we assume that “kids” and “child” refer to the same set of only three offspring, then Anna might still be the eldest, with Faith in the middle, and Natasha is the name of the third child. Likewise, Natasha might well be the first born, followed by Anna, so the name of the third child would be Faith. Four other permutations are possible, but the set of possible solutions remains {Anna, Faith, Natasha} — if we assume kid == child.