What Would Your Hand Look Like After You Punched A Window Stupid Question I Know But Answer

Is it true that punching hard things toughens your fists?

NO! Not at all. And if you try you will irreversibly damage your fist. People have got to stop believing Kung Fu Flicks, it is all Fiction!A Boxer’s bread and butter are their fists. There is a reason why they take care of them to the extreme. Back when boxing used to be bare knuckled, almost every fight would end in hands being fractured, and sometimes early in the fight where the bout would end prematurely. The hand isn’t made to be used as a weapon physically. The bones between the knuckles and wrist are as delicate as chicken bones. When they come into contact with something as hard as someones forehead, which is the hardest bone in the human body, they can break and cause Boxer’s fractures which will ruin your hand and your hand will never be the same. Once gloves were introduced, countless boxer’s careers were saved. They preferred the gloves as fights would last longer and even more knockouts would occur. Gloves actually make the force behind a punch more blunt and more damaging to the brain. Bare knuckled would mostly cause cuts and fracture bones.Kung Fu flicks trick the naive martial arts nerd into thinking they can make their hand into iron weapons by punching into a bucket of sand and gradually moving up to rocks, False. Your hand will not grow stronger nor develop resistance, you are weakening your bones and shortening your career with them. These monks who actually practice these tactics do not make a career out of fighting, they do not even train to fight. Being a monk is the most obscure thing in the world in my opinion, they are pacifist who learn martial arts for its own definition, as an art and not to be used in combat sports. So do yourself a favor and don’t damage your own body, believe science over Chinese folklore. My trainer has some torqued up hands from just punching heads and punching bags and I guarantee you even though he can’t break cinderblocks he can knockout more people than a monk could. Hope that helps.

Disturbing yahoo questions?

how can some people have the guts to ask stupid dumb Q. or very disturbing questions in yahoo answers like "what are u doing rught now", or just to say hi, and other really disturbing questions that i dont even wanna type them because is just sad, i hate spammers of yahoo answers

I punched a window. Cut. What to do?

Yea thats a lesson every guy learns at some point. Looks like you did a good job too! Just make sure it's real clean, put the skin back together as seamlessly as you can. The skin will end up sticking together, don't pull it apart to clean again. Keep it bandaged, and try not to open back up. You seem to have it under control though. Lesson learned huh? The worst cut I ever got on my hand was when I was a kid I jumped over a chain-link fence with the three strands of barbed wire at the top. Somehow I caught the barbed wire on my way down the other side and ripped a jagged hole(for lack of a better word) about 2 inches long in the palm of my hand. 16 stitches.... :(

How hard is it to break a car window with your bare hands?

You can break them with a sharp object but there is no way to break them with your bare hands if they are rolled up. They are tempered glass, which is very hard, hard to break even with a hammer. If you use something sharp to create a flaw in the surface then it will go ahead and shatter but you can't do this with your bare hands

BTW- Side windows do not have a membrane between the layers, only the front windshield does. Side windows are only 1 layer with no membrane except maybe window tinting.

How to punch a window/mirror without bruising/cutting yourself?


What are some stupid clichés in movies that wouldn't happen in real life?

ClicheReal lifeThe happy, family breakfast feast every day before work.Snooze, snooze, snooze, no time for a shower, no time for breakfast, no time for anything, risk life driving to work at warp speed.Runs from zombie, trips inexplicably, crawls inexplicably, gets eaten.Runs from snail paced zombie, gets away.Shoots car, dives away from explosion.Shoots car, nothing happens.Walks casually away from massive explosion with a swagger and rap music.Gets thrown 60 feet and ends up in hospital or dead. No cool guy music.Geek girl takes off glasses, instantly hot and popular.Geek girl takes off glasses and can’t see.Runs from serial killer. Serial killer teleports in front of them and kills.Runs from serial killer. Keeps running until one tires first.Jumps off tall building, tucks and rolls and continues running.Doesn’t jump off building because they aren’t stupid. Or idiot jumps off tall building and breaks legs.Goes out with friends to expensive cocktail bars and gets drunk every night. Normal, healthy, working life continues.a) Goes out drinking every night. Severe hangovers, underperforms at work and early death.b) Goes home from work and binges Netflix until bed. Repeat.Works as a waiter and lives in 3 bedroom apartment in central Manhattan.Works as a waiter and lives in a closet.Hero surrounded by bad guys. Fights one while others stand and wait their turn.Hero is beaten to a pulp by eight men.Car won’t start when trying to escape a serial killer.Car starts as it does 99.9% of the time and drives away.No phone signal in the city centre where you usually always have signal. Gets killed by murderer.Phones police and is saved.Closes mirror cupboard and screams at ghost behind them.Closes mirror cupboard and screams at own ugly reflection.Every possible door is locked when trying to escape own house.Front door is open and escapes to get help.Happy endings 99% of the time.Life is shit.

Help i broke my glass window! URGENT!!?

Well, you could always say you tripped and fell against the window if it isn't too high up. Or you were picking up something and it hit the window. I don't think I have to tell you how stupid it is to punch a window - what on earth were you thinking? But that aside, it isn't the end of the world, a window broke, you will survive and your parents won't kill you over it. Fess up that you broke it, but don't tell them you punched it.

Bad temper aside, hitting walls makes sense, slamming doors makes sense, shouting and hollering makes sense, punching glass makes no sense at all - the temper it completely irrational and out of control - and for you, dangerous, you could have had far more to deal with than a broken window, consider yourself very very lucky you didnt' cut up your hand. You need to get yourself under control and stop that nonsense. That is no way to get anything resolved.

Can I legally punch someone if they spit on me?

That is a question that has layers. First, if someone spits on you, you are not in control of your emotions and you are easily baited into dying. Seriously. Does spit enter the artery? Will you bleed out? NO. Then take this into consideration. As much force as necessary. Your ego is what is bruised when someone spits on you, and trust me, the urge to take a few teeth will arise. But that is ego. Wanna be a man? Reign in that ego. It is NEVER you against them. It is always YOU AGAINST YOU. This is a perfect example of this. Like kicking a guys ass for whistling at your girlfriend. Childish, insecure and bullying. Did the spit hurt you, or did the spit make you look like a bitch in your eyes, his eyes, some watching’s eyes? Think about it. An illusion could cause you harm, including with the law, but maybe worse. Control your senses. Control your actions. Be a real man. Tighten up.