What Year Would You Have Been Born If You Are 46 And 48

What year would you have been born if you are 46 and 48?

June 21st 46 years would be in year 1967
CHinese horoscope is: SHeep - Gemini

Feb 18th age 48 would be year 1965
Chinese horoscope :Snake - Pisces

What year was i born if im 48?

1961 or 1960 depends what month

If my dad is 47years old, what year was he born in?


What year would someone be born in if they were 46 now?

Depends on how long they have been 46. Could be 65 or 66.

If you're born on February 29th, when do you legally turn one year older?

Great answer from Keith Winstein. Astronomically, a year is currently 365.25 days, minus a little. So every four years, there is a leap day, and every 100 years, not, and every 400 years, one. 2000 was a leap year, unlike 1900 or 2100, in the Gregorian calendar.However, legally, age is measured in calendar years. We don't look at the time of day of birth. If a child was born before midnight at the end of a day, they are a year old at the beginning of that date. But not the day before. They are that old for the entire year after that, until their next birthday.Legally, if someone is born on February 29, the leap day, they are not yet a year old on the next February 28. They will turn one as soon as the next day starts. I would interpret their "birthday" as being March 1 except in leap years. This is totally routine, I expect.When we go to get a drivers' license, they will look at the year and date. If  the date is not yet the birthday, we are one year less  than the difference in years. Any day after that, we are then the difference in years, old. February 28 is before February 29.February 28 is the last day that one's legal age is a year younger than the difference. So the next day is legally the "birthday."  It makes complete sense.

If leap years are 364 days a year and regular years are 365 days. Do birthdays move around?

The solar year is not so neat. It is 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes and 46 seconds. That is why we have leap years, but a leap year every 4 years is too much, so leap years are skipped in AD 2100, 2200, 2300, 2500, 2600 and 2700...but 2400 and 2800 will be leap years, and 2000 was one. Observances of birthday move about, but the actual one does not.

A father tells his son,"I was your present age when you were born." If the father is now 36 years of age, how old was the boy five years ago?

The boy's age five years ago was 13.From the question, it says father was of his son's current age at the time of his birth. Father's current age is 36. So, current age of the son should be 18. As 18 years ago, at the time of the son's birth, father's age would have been 18 which is same as the current age of the son.Now that we've calculated the son's current age to be 18, five years ago it would've been 13.

How old is Boruto in the anime? How old is Kakashi?

Many here made wrong guess/assumptions:Seelentau/Naruto TimelineThis is the complete Naruto timeline.According to this:Kakashi was born 14 years before Naruto was born, September 15th of that year.Naruto was born in October 10th.Himawari was born when Natuto was 22, while Boruto was born when Naruto was 20.Naruto became Hokage around the age 24–25, it was never said if it was before or after October 10th.When Naruto was 27, Boruto joined the academy.5 years later, when Naruto was 32, he and his friends graduated the academy.It made me realize that we actually watched 5 years of Boruto’s life, and Boruto didn’t change much appearance wise.So when Boruto graduated Kakashi was 14+32= 46 years old, and 41 while Boruto started the academy.Hope this helps(;

Is it terrible to consider starting a family at age 44+?

no enjoy the moment