What You Consider To Be The Differences Between An Author And Authoring Similarities

What are the similarities and differences between Tony Robbins and Jordan Peterson?

Huge difference.Tony Robbins has developed his career towards action. Tony’s body of work is focused on finding those things in your life that are preventing you from reaching your goals, eliminating them, and taking action that will lead you toward your goals. Tony believes emotion comes from motion so everything he does has a physical component.Jordan Peterson is a college professor. His career is based on disseminating information. Jordan is far more cerebral than Tony, his subject matter delves deeply into the common myths and archetypes that bind social structures. Jordan is a clinical Psychologist and believes the mind is the dominant force in our existence.Both are motivated by the improvement of society, but Peterson’s book “12 rules for life” are a set of general rules that you can apply that will make a psychological shift where you will be more tolerant towards chaos, where Tony’s work is much more specific and designed to help you achieve a specified purpose. At a Tony Robbins seminar you will be moving your body, participating in exercises and doing homework. At a Peterson lecture you’ll be going very deep into various topics that Peterson feels it will be enlightening for you to know in order to change your perspective.To summarize, Peterson is very cerebral and Tony is very active.

What is the difference between a web-authoring program and an HTML editing tool?

That depends entirely on your viewpoint.If your a designer, then a web-authoring tool may very well be something you use that does everything you need, end to end.Dreamweaver is a good example of this, as it allows you to design your layout, fill in your content, place your images, create and test JavaScript and a whole host of other stuff.In a round about kind of way, Visual Studio could also be described as a web authoring tool too.If your just a coder/developer, then a web authoring tool might be something like Atom, Sublime Text or MS-Code. Technically all 3 of these are just simple editors (Not specifically for HTML) but because of the plug-in’s they can use, they can do things like package up your site and send it via FTP to a hosting server, or allow you to run scripted actions such as setting up a virtual machine instance, so in that light, they are actually web authoring packages.The only one that CAN be pinned down to a single thing, is a HTML editor, because an HTML editor is essentially just a plain text editor that understands what HTML is supposed to look like and has features built in to make construction of that HTML easier.I often use a text editor called UltraEdit32, that’s designed just for creating standard text files, but if I load in a file with HTML as the extension, it turns on things like tag completion and HTML error checking, to help make sure I type correctly formed HTML.So you see, it’s not really a straight forward question to answer, because there’s no black or white definition, in fact by the very nature of the tooling an HTML editor is part of a web authoring tool, but a web authoring tool can also just be used as a simple HTML editor too.

What is the difference between "Structured Authoring" and "Topic Based Authoring"?

Topic-based authoring is an aspect of structured authoring.Structured authoring is the wider concept.In structured technical writing, each topic, paragraph, sentence, list item, or table entry has a function that is strictly defined.This is opposed to literary texts. In literary texts, such units can have multiple functions at the same time. They are “over-determined”. Roland Barthes’s essay “S/Z” is a brilliant example of a structural analysis of a literary text.In structured technical writing, these units are mono-functional. They are standardized. See Christoph Albrecht's answer to What is the nature of technical writing, and what are some examples?Since they are standardized, they can have a dedicated layout or format corresponding to their function and context. A list of prerequisites to be met can have a keyblock header like “Prerequisites”, for example. If you use a DITA- or other XML-based production system, such headings are generated automatically.The function also defines the order in which the information is presented. As an author, you use mandatory and optional structure elements and have to follow strict rules where to insert them. Your XML editor’s parser checks whether you do it right.Topic-based autoring focuses on reuse. But reuse is only one criterion, among others, how to define structured text (or graphical etc.) units.Typically, much smaller units than topics are reused in technical writing. For example, you will avoid to duplicate technical data but rather maintain it once. If you have to maintain the data at multiple places, the risk is too high that you make errors or overlook items.Also, topics are often aggregated to complex modules. In mechanical engineering, for example, these modules may correspond to hardware modules machines are composed of and which are exchangeable like them.

What is the difference between the corresponding author and the first author in a research paper?

First author is usually the student /researcher who has undertaken the research work. First author is often also referred as the presenting author. He /She is responsible for doing the research practically along with the co-authors who might assist him/ her in the research work or might be the colleagues from the same work group. He is also responsible for preparing the manuscript and analyzing the data. Corresponding author is usually the senior author who provides the intellectual input and designs and approves the protocols to be followed in the study. He is responsible for the manuscript correction, proof reading, whole correspondence during the paper submission, handling the revisions and re-submission of revised manuscripts up to the acceptance of the manuscripts. This is the usual practice in most cases.   In some cases, when the work is done in collaboration with some other institutes, the actual researcher or the first author and corresponding author remains the same, but co-authors increase depending on the number of helping hands in the paper along-with the senior collaborator or senior scientist with whom you liaised with.   I would like to focus on other side also. There are some institutes also where corresponding author becomes the first author also. The person doing the work or the actual researcher/ Student becomes the second author or even a co-author also. This is, in , unethical or injustice on part of the actual researcher/ student. But this practice is prevalent in some institutions and the students are bound to stick to it being the beginners in most cases. Another situation seen in some institutes is that the head of the institute or the director is a part of every paper arising from that institute, no matter it is relevant with him/her or not.

What is the difference between civil service and public service?

Two concepts of public servants and civil servants are very confusing in any study of public administration as both are very similar to each other. Not understanding the two concepts clearly is the reason why some students make the mistake of treating them as interchangeable, which is wrong as despite similarities, there are vital differences that need to be highlighted.One thing common to both a civil servant and a public servant is the fact that they are both officials in government departments, and though they are termed servants, they are actually bred and brought up to feel superior to common people. Both have an umbrella of security in the sense that their jobs are guaranteed, even if they are average or poor performers, and this sense of security makes them arrogant in their behavior towards common people.Technically speaking, a civil servant is as much a public servant as a bank officer, though the major difference pertains to the level of control each has in his hands. A civil servant is always a part of the administration, and is thus, a rung above other public servants. Even, a nurse working in a government hospital qualifies to be a public servant, though she cannot be compared to a district magistrate (DM) who belongs to the category of civil servants. There are huge differences in not just pay scales and salaries; there are different sets of rules and regulations in hiring and promotion for both civil servants as well as public servants.Civil servants are selected through Union Public Service Commission at the union level, whereas every state has its own Public Service Commission to select civil servants and press into service at state level. Those selected through UPSC can get postings in public departments all over India, and this gets decided at the start with the cadre they get.

What is the difference between a publisher and an author?

A publisher is to a book company/newspaper/magazine/TV station/radio station/cable news channel as a chief executive officer (CEO) is to a business. Sometimes, the publisher is the owner, and can also serve as the editor, writer, producer, anchor or reporter. Or janitor.A publisher might be an author. But an author is distinctly different. A book publisher contracts with authors to create books. Authors are writers and graphic artists.As the publisher-owner, this person can also designate a CEO and take a somewhat passive role in management. In many cases, the publisher is also the company “rainmaker,” or chief salesperson bringing in advertising contracts.The person with the official title of Publisher is also the legal entity unless stated otherwise in organizational papers on file with a Secretary of State.

What is the difference between a published writer and a published author?

My experience has led me to beleive that, while mostly interchangeable, these words are used differently in a couple of situations by SOME, not all, people.Some consider “writer” to be something you want to be and “author” something you are. Some consider “writer” to be unpublished and “author” published. Some consider “writer” to be a “freelance” or “staff” position where smaller works are done, such as newspaper or magazine articles, and “author” to be someone who writes books, novels, or short stories independently, or ghost written, separately from an established periodical or blog.And some are elitist snobs who try to use the word “author” to differentiate themselves from anyone else who has not earned the promotion beyond “writer” by “suffering” through the same “prestigious” publishing routes they have. A comparison could be drawn to how “Broadway” actors used to look down upon “movie” actors, who looked down upon “television” actors.I don’t think you will ever find a good answer to What is the difference between a published writer and a published author? as I think is it used colloquially and differently in different places and by different people.

What is the difference between a monograph, a book, a journal, and a magazine? What are they each used to write?

I have assumed you are asking this question from an academic angle. So hope this helps.  A monograph is a specialist book on a single subject written by one author. For example: Jai Arjun Singh's monograph on the film Jane Bhi Do Yaaro, Jane Bhi Do Yaaro: Seriously Funny Since 1983.  A research paper is written to record insights in a particular topic in an academic area either in the arts, the sciences or the social sciences. The tone of a research paper is serious and no nonsense. It usually deals with serious topics, are very detailed and follow a strict format of referencing other books or papers or sources mentioned. This depends on the discipline. English literature prefers the MLA style of documentation. Social sciences prefer the APA style of documentation. Research papers are published in a journal. They can be authored by one person or several people. For example: papers published in the journal Nature.  A journal is a collection of academic research papers or writing from several people based on a theme and published from time to time (either weekly, fortnightly, monthly, bimonthly, annually, biannually). The tone of a journal is serious. A journal has multiple authors. They are numbered or given seasonal names to keep track of the issues. For example: Granta Autumn 2014.      A magazine is a collection of articles not based on an academic subject but rather a theme either in print or electronically or both. There are magazines based on news (the Week, India Today), features (Open), science and technology (Wired), natural history (National Geographic), travel (Outlook Traveller), fashion (Elle, Cosmopolitan) and photography (Photographer) among others. They are published from time to time (either weekly, fortnightly, monthly, bimonthly, annually, biannually) The tone of a magazine can be either serious or light. Magazines are also numbered to keep track of the published issues.     A book - in an academic sense - is a detailed exploration running into many pages on a particular subject. They can be a collection of papers penned by one author or several authors. For example: A.L Basham's 'The Wonder That was India'. PhD theses can be published as academic books. There are books written on pretty much any subject under the sun and in any tone.

What is the difference between social science and natural science?

Experimentation, observation, and subject.In very (VERY!) broad terms (at least describing a critical challenge in social sciences):Natural science tends to be based on repeatable experimentation based on repeatable observation of natural phenomenon.Social science tends to be based on non-repeatable experimentation and the process of observing very often interrupts the social interactions attempting to be observed. And the subject is the human animal in society.As a practitioner of business and advertising (which are applied social sciences), I grow less convinced of how much we know the longer I work in the fields. Humanity is quite complex and any time simple answers are given I am skeptical.And, now, let the critiquing of this coarse over-simplification begin. I firmly believe there is critical truth buried herein. But also do not believe it will withstand every criticism.And you know what…that makes it like a social sciences finding - lacking solidity.