What You May Not Have Known About Losing Weight The Right

I'm too lazy to eat and I'm not gaining weight.?

Ok, first of all, I'm only 95 lb, 19 years old and totaly underweight.
The thing that is troubling me that I'm losing appetite as soon as i started to eat. Any suggestion anyone?

How do you know that you’re losing weight the right and healthy way?

First off let’s address the Elephant in the room, that is nearly in every answer.Calorie CountingStop counting calories to lose weight. You aren’t losing weight because of a caloric deficit, you are losing weight because you are starving. Dr. Andreas Eenfeldt, MD actually has enough evidence to undeniably label calorie counting as an eating disorder.A calorie is a measurement of energy and heat, not nutrition or weight. Note, energy and heat. As in the heat needed to burn fat. Calories do not account for metabolic processes what so ever.You ever heard the term someone can eat what they want because they have a fast metabolism? There’s no such thing. There is a hot or cold metabolism and we often refer to a hot metabolism as a fast metabolism.You Are What You EatAn avocado has more calories than a Mcdonald’s hamburger. It’s not about what you don’t put into your body, it’s about what you do put into your body.Yes, the Keto diet is trending. There will always be trending diets. The evidence shows that a balanced diet is the most healthy,The Way You Eat Over What You EatLong term weight loss should be done by setting time restrictions. 10 hours, is a good time to start with.Let’s say you will only eat from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm.Time restricted feeding is the key to long term weight loss. When you don’t eat 8–12 hours your insulin is lower, so guess what? You just went ketogenic because your body is using fat as it’s energy source.Losing weight isn’t supposed to be miserable. You can even kick start with a HEALTHY cleanse for weight loss. The alkaline diet that goes along with it will help to create better habits.

My boyfriend says I should lose weight?

I met my bf while working at the post office. When I worked there I had lost between 30-40 pounds and since then have gained it all back and maybe then some, but I personally don't feel that I am unhealthy as I do exercise and try to eat right. but he says that he just can't help it, he wants me to lose weight in order to get married, have children, heck even to go to the beach! I really don't think it's right, but I'm not quite sure what to do. What do you think?