What Zodiac Sign Do I Look Like

What zodiac sign do I look like?

Just judging your eyes wouldn't help us to guess your sign we need your facial features etc.

But it looks like you have aquarius eyes.

Do you look like your zodiac sign?

Hair is frequently straight and silky, likely to be blonde, sandy or light brown. Complexion is pale and height is usually taller than average. One will notice a marked nobility of profile Features are finally chiseled.
This is Watery and Common sign of the Zodiac. Its symbol is TWO FISH, one will lead towards North and the other to the South.
You Pisceans are generally of short stature, only few are tall. You eyes are liquid, heavy lidded, and full of strange lights. Frequently, they are slightly protruding, bulbous and extremely compelling. Some eyes are simply beautiful. Features are elastic and mobile and you will find more dimples than wrinkles. Their bodies are sometime awkwardly built, but with their extraordinary grace, it is seldom discernible. Feet may be noticeably small and dainty or they will be huge and spread out. The hands will be tiny fragile and exquisitely formed. Wide mouth. In later years of life plump body may develop.
Sorry it got cut off

What zodiac sign do I look like?

sir,You’re face looking more aggressive but you are good at heart It shows zodiac sign of Leo.Leo is the most powerful sign and it resembles lion.If you want to know about yourself ( It helps a lot. It will help you giving in remedies if your facing any problems.

Which zodiac sign do you think you look like?

I think I look like an Aquarius. Some people ask me if I'm aquarius, I think I have that "friendly" appearance, and I take it as a compliment because Aquarius' are good looking :)

Gemini sun
Scorpio moon
Leo rising

Quiz: What Zodiac sign do you LOOK like? ?

And put all of your signs! This should be interesting... :P

Libra Sun
Aquarius Moon & Mars
Scorpio Mercury & Venus
Capricorn Rising

You Look Like an AQUARIUS

It's likely that you are very striking. You stand out in a room.
You are probably also taller than average, and that also helps you get noticed.

You have classical facial features... what some might call a handsome face.
You have are attractive in a cool way. You're so attractive, it's intimidating.

Like most Aquarius people, you are probably extremely independent... both in your thoughts and actions.
You find other people fascinating, and you develop deep, long lasting friendships.

What Zodiac Sign Does She look like?

Very kawaii, cute and bubbly.