Whats Going On With My 18 Month Old

What time should an 18 month old go to bed?

We are having a horrible time getting our son to go to sleep!! I've read that we need to make a set time for him to go to bed every night. What time should an 18 month old go down? Does anyone know any tips? I've let him cry it out but its so hard!! BUT if we go in and try to sooth him it makes him MORE upset.
I dont know what to do! help!

What kind of candy can an 18 month old eat?

For a halloween party im making halloween candy bags with candy and stickers and stuff. the kids range from 18 months to 8 years. So what kind of candy can an 18 month old eat? Its just her teeth arre so little and i dont think she could chew anything really hard.Any ideas?

What's the best way to deal with my 18-month-old pooping in the tub?

We had to deal with this twice in the past week. The easy answer: It's gonna happen. Stop freaking out. You already deal with the kid's poo every single day, so what does it matter if it's floating in water or stuffed inside a diaper?My wife and I removed our daughter from the tub. I cleaned her up while my wife cleaned the tub (removed what she could into the toilet, used the shower to spray the rest down the drain). She then scrubbed the tub as if she were cleaning it in any other instance. We also washed the tub toys that were floating in the water (probably an overreaction, but with the baby still putting most of them in her mouth, it couldn't hurt to clean them).It helps that there are two of us, of course. But as others have said, if you're by yourself, first clean the child, put them in the crib (or whatever), and then return to the tub.Honestly need to freak. It's just poo.

My 18-month-old is not sleeping through the night anymore. What should I do?

This regression could happen because of various reasons:Sleep Regression- At 18 months, your toddler is learning to say no, exploring his individuality and becoming defiant. If this carries over into the night time drama- you'll meed a lot of patience to handle- but dont worry it'll pass.Teething- teething may cause discomfort which may lead to night time wake up calls.Separation Anxiety- At 18 months, separation anxiety is not gone yet. Your toddler may get up just to check you are there.Pacification- Sometimes kids at this age get up in the night for pacification. While some prefer a few sips of water, others need to be cuddled to go back to sleep.Discomfort: this could be anything- stomach pain or catching a cold

What size does your 18 month old wear?

I have 3 kids who have passed 18 months and 2 were wearing size 2 at 18 months and one is still in 18 month size at 20 months. Every child is different and sometimes they have growth spurts. I usually plan on going with the next largest size because at 18 months generally - they can wear 2 year old stuff but it's just a little big for a few months. If you get 18 month size and it's too small - they can't wear it at all.

My 18 month old child keeps taking off her clothes. What can I do?

There are some really horrible clothing available for children (and adults!)—scratchy tags, elastic not covered, synthetic fabrics, etc. Fake fleece mae from polyester—bad for the environment and human health and very easy to overheat in! Put your toddler in cotton clothing, loose fitting or stretchy, make sure there are no tags, and nothing that makes it hard to play and climb like toddlers do. Of course there are those who just love to be naked and at home just let them be—doesn’t hurt anything. It can be a good time to start teaching how to go on the toilet—so much easier if they don’t have to take anything off. My oldest went without anything on her bottom at home—and was very good about going on the potty chair(we kept one in the living room to start). Do explain they have to keep their clothes on when not at home (and, yes even at that age they can learn the difference!)

How do I get my stubborn 18-month-old to start listening to me?

It is the job of a toddler to test authority, pushing the boundaries of her ability to not listen. Congratulations Mama/Dada, you’re stuck with some version of this creature through the better part of 4 years old!In all seriousness though, do try to keep in mind this is normal. Since I don’t know you, or your kid, my advice is going to be kind of broad.Remember that toddlers do well with an iron clad schedule. Do everything according to a schedule. This will help her come to expect it, she will also know it ends, and what comes next. Waking up, brushing teeth, getting dressed, eating breakfast, etc. should all be scheduled. If you stick to it rigorously, you will eventually notice an improvement in her disposition about the things she has to do every day, but it could take months, don’t give up!Work on the reward system. You know what she loves, maybe it’s goldfish crackers, M&M’s or stickers. Only give her one (one, not a whole package) when she has earned them. Keep a visual chart somewhere to show her how close she is to earning a reward. “Good job on putting your shoes on Caitlyn, you get a star on your chart! Two more stars and you get an M&M!” Make the chart colorful, let her help fill in the star (or whatever). Make it fun. Soon she’ll look forward to the treats and seeing how well she’s doing on the chart enough that her overall behavior will improve.When she doesn’t listen or is defiant, your punishments have to be consistent. “Caitlyn, I’ve asked you twice to put on your shoes, if I have to ask again, you’re going to time out.” Then follow through. Come up with a punishment she really doesn’t like, but one that won’t take long. She’s only 18 months old, if you’re making her suffer for more than a minute or two you’re going too far at this age. Making her stand in a corner or go to her room are good options. If you’re a believer on corporal punishment you can do the swat to hand or butt. Or you can take away stars on her chart (but only once she cares about them).I hope some of these work for you. Good luck!

What is the best way to wean my 18 month old from the bottle?

I am so glad I didn't have a mother that had the attitude of the person that posted "just let her cry, she can't cry forever." How mean and cruel is that? Even the answer she gave was snotty and rude.

Anyway, the watering down method works. Over the course of a month, each evening and naptime when you make the milk bottle, start watering it down. Week one, 6 oz milk and 2 oz water, Week two, half and half, Week three, 2 oz milk and 6 oz water, and so on. Have the sippy cup there with regular milk in it and she will come to realize the good stuff is in the cup, not the bottle. And you don't even need to be rigid about it...if you want to take two weeks for each step in the watering down process that is fine too.

You sound like a good mom...don't let mean people get you down. Your daughter will be done with the bottle when she is ready and all will be fine. Don't worry about it.

What are the signs/symptoms of an 18 month old that is being sexually abused?

I dont have any proof at all... non what so ever... I just have a gut feeling something is wrong. Now it is by a family member that I dont dare say anything because If I am wrong the whole family will be turned upside down. And since it is only a gut feeling I dont want to make any accusations and potentially turn the family against eachother if its not true. I dont want to ask the doc without proof because EVERYONE in our family goes to the same doc. Please help. I dont know why I have this gut feeling but I do...