Whats It Like Being Put To Sleep

I had a dream that i was being put to sleep.....?

being put to sleep is another way to say you are willing to give up on something in reality.

Projecting yourself to be peaceful and no one there symbolize the way you feel in reality. You may be feeling left out in some aspect of your life.

The note may stress about the emptiness in you. In other words, you may be feeling lack of respect, lack of recognition and projecting being put to sleep with a needle suggests that you are falling in a situation that you feel you are invisible, unimportant and deep down you still want people to recognize you and basically you are venting your helplessness in this dream.

Being put to sleep before operation?

Actually the best advice is to try to relax. In hindsight it's a lot less scary than people tend to make it out to be the first time. It happens very quickly, and is painless.

Ever fall asleep and wake up the next day not remembering falling asleep. Like one minute you're awake, the next you're waking up? That's what it's like. No dreams, no consciousness.

You will likely be disoriented, and have no idea what time it is when you wake up, but the post-surgery pain is probably the worst part. And by the sounds of it that won't be so bad compared to many procedures.

What's it like being put to sleep at a dentist?

I do not suggest that the procedure not be done but maybe with another drug.

If it was me I would not let them use the drug

Versed ( Midazolam ) for the procedure.

In fact, many people who use Versed for " IV Sedation,Conscious Sedation" during a procedure are awake for the entire procedure but remember nothing, often believing they were "out" the whole time.

Versed (Midazolam) is an amnestic. It is also commonly used for minor procedures like setting broken bones,colonoscopies,endoscopies, dental procedures like extractions,conscious sedation,twilight sleep, so that patients won't remember pain and discomfort.HOWEVER THAT DOES NOT MEAN THAT THOSE SENSATIONS WILL NOT BE EXPERIENCED!!!!Forgetting does not mean it did not happen!!

Here is a note from a Dentist Who uses Versed
I've used Versed 1000+ times during oral surgery procedures and I've never had a complaint. It's a miracle drug because it is safe and it causes you to not remember an unpleasant experience. My answer to him is isn't it better to have not experienced the pain than to have forgot it. No wonder you have had no complaints they have no memory of the procedure..... Arnie

How does it feel to be put to sleep for surgery? ?

You'll be hooked up to an IV. They'll inject you with happy juice first to relax you and make you feel groovy. They put you on the table and give you oxygen and inject the anesthesia via IV, they'll have you count back from 10 and you probably won't make it to 7. While you're out, they'll put a breathing tube down your throat, so I would recommend buying some cough drops before surgery because the tube can be irritating. You come out of the anesthesia almost immediately after surgery and will be groggy.

What is it like to be put to sleep under anesthesia?

it is quite an experience. ive been put under 4 times in the last few years, and it is indescribable. it takes about 5 seconds to kick in, and initially everything just seems slower, kind of like you are drunk. you can feel your breaths start to get deeper, and then all of the sudden, you wake up from what feels like the best sleep of your life. then the pain from the surgery kicks in haha. i did not dream in any of my surgeries, nor did i even know i was out. it seems like a snap of the finger and you are awake in the recovery room.

What's it like being put under anesthesia?

I am terrified.
I just recently (about a week) had braces put on, no big deal. But I still have this baby tooth that I haven't lost yet. (I turn 16 in about 10 days) Even if the tooth fell out the adult tooth thats supposed to come in, won't. Because its stuck up there and the roots from other teeth are stopping it.
So I visited an oral surgeon this past Friday (8/28) and he said they're going to put me to sleep through an IV.
I am SO scared. I'm crying right now just thinking about it.
I've heard of people vomiting when they wake up and I pray to God that I don't because I'm an emetophobic.

Please tell me your experiences when being put under it before and definitely afterwards. I'm desperate for honest answers. I know everyone is different but I also want to know if there's any other options besides anesthesia.

Also, they said to not eat 6 hours prior to the surgery and its about a 30-60 minute process.
Please help me. I want positive feedback. A few of my friends say it feels like you're pretty much dead and that doesn't make me feel better, at all.
I have no fear of needles or anything. Just the part when it is injected into you and especially when waking up.

What does it feel like to be put to sleep when getting your wisdom teeth removed?

I got all four impacted wisdom teeth out last month. I was so scared, but it's really not that bad for me. Technically you aren't asleep during IV sedation, but it feels like it. And they do put the needle in your gum after your asleep. By the way, you can't eat or drink 6 hours before the surgery, so try to schedule an appointment in the morning. And make sure you have some to drive you home.

Anyways, when i was sitting on the dental chair, i had to drink a motrin pill with a tiny sip of water. Then I had to swish my mouth with some disinfection rinse, that kinda tingled. Over my left arm, the assistant put a blood pressure checker, a oxygen thingy on my finger, and placed heart monitors over my heart, and 2 other places I can't remember. As the chair started to pull back, I got so nervous. They sprayed some numbing spray over my injection site on my right arm. But the dentist quickly put the needle right in. The IV needle feels similar to the needle of a blood test. I asked them how long would it take for the effect to come and she said "as soon as I walk across the room." And she was right. It's kind of hard to explain how it feels, but I kinda felt lite headed. And I said "woah" (lol) and they laughed. Then everything went black. I don't remember anything of the surgery. And I don't remember walking to the recovery room. But I kinda remember bits and pieces of laying there and walking to the car. I started to become aware while going home.