Whats Kind Of Headache Is This

What kind of a headache is this?

It is impossible to diagnose someone on Quora. However, I will say that sinus headaches usually result in a sensation of pressure over one side of the face. If you have a sinus infection, you may have inflamed nasal mucosa, pain when you tap over your face, above the sinuses, or a purulent nasal discharge (yellow/green). You could have fever. Not sure about the neck pressure, but neck pain is frequently associated with stress. Neck stiffness WITH fever (in most cases) is associated with meningitis, which is a central nervous system infection.Migraines tend to produce photophobia, and you may feel much better in a dark room. Migraines are usually throbbing, and accompanied frequently by nausea and vomiting. You could have visual changes. Some people have stroke-like symptoms. You are more likely to have a migraine if you have had one in the past (by diagnosis) or if you have a close family member who has suffered from migraines - like your mother. If this is a very unusual and severe headache, you should be evaluated by a healthcare professional. If  you frequently have similar headaches, you should use what works for you. However, if your headaches are really disruptive, consult your doc or a neurologist. Good luck.

What kinds of scents give you a headache?

Most artificial perfumes and aftershaves. Even my skin has a reaction to them. I can’t walk anywhere in a department store where the mass market scents are being wafted around. I stop breathing for a short time and have to get out into fresh air. But the real headache causing stuff, for me, to the point of migraines is the incredibly cloyingly vanilla, and fruit flavours, also the ‘candy’ kind of lines being pumped out by any and every celebrity. I can only wear natural products. They are more expensive, but they last a lot longer both on the skin and in general because so little is being used.

Which kind of headache is dangerous?

You can take care of many types of headaches by yourself, and your doctor can give you medication to control most of the tougher ones. But some headaches call for prompt medical care. Here are some warning signs for when you should worry about headaches:Headaches that first develop after age 50A major change in the pattern of your headachesAn unusually severe headacheHead pain that increases with coughing or movementHeadaches that get steadily worseChanges in personality or mental functionHeadaches that are accompanied by fever, stiff neck, confusion, decreased alertness or memory, or neurological symptoms such as visual disturbances, slurred speech, weakness, numbness, or seizuresHeadaches that are accompanied by a painful red eyeHeadaches that are accompanied by pain and tenderness near the templesHeadaches after a blow to the headHeadaches that prevent normal daily activitiesHeadaches that come on abruptly, especially if they wake you upHeadaches in patients with cancer or impaired immune systemsFrom

Anyone knows what kind of headache is it?

Anyone knows what kind of headache is it?  Only happens above right eye. It goes for weeks then comes and pains at the same time of day for same hours and goes away then pains again for days then again goes away... pains like pounding.The diagnosis of recurrent headaches is not a straight-forward matter because there are several possible explanations for your symptoms, some of which could represent serious risks to your health.  Please consult your doctor as soon as possible.

What kind of headache do i have after trying to push out a fart and holding my breath then i had a sharp pain.?

i was curious to know what type of headache i have to see if its a brain herniation because i tryed to push out a fart while holding my breath. i had one bloody nose when i was sleeping my ear hurts sometimes( oh yeah some water went in my ear at a public pool a couple days ago i dont know if that has to deal with anything) i feel a little dizzy and once in a great while a little nauseous. dont know if its anything serious i want to get awnsers before i tell my mom to go to the doctor and waste money (im only 14)

What kind of headache hurts more when you bend over?

It's your neck muscles getting more pressure on them to cause that to happen. Your neck muscles go to the top of your head for it's movements. When the muscles are tight up there they pull on other muscles to surround your brain with pain, your headache. When the muscles don't have give in them anymore they pull on the area where they are attached to the skull and for you that's over your eyebrows and temple area. To get rid of your headache you have to free up the muscles in your neck and here's how to do that:
Put your hands alongside your head so your thumbs are on the front of the muscle under your ear and your fingers are on the back of the muscle behind your neck. Squeeze your thumb and fingers together and hold. Relax your body. When your fingers and thumb touch, about two minutes, slowly lower your head as far as you can, release the pressure but hold your neck lowered for another 30 seconds.
For best results relax your body first by taking a deep breath and exhaling then remain this relaxed.

My head hurts behind my eyes.. what kind of headache is that?

Probably from sinus inflammation or eyestrain. Tap on these areas: forehead, above each eyebrow, above the bridge of the nose between the eyes, and on each cheek under the eye at the sides of your nose. If you feel pressure or pain when you try that, you probably have a sinus congestion issue, and a decongestant should help.

Also, think about what you have been doing with your eyes - focusing on close objects, far away objects, do you wear glasses or do you need to have your eyes examined?

Another possibility is that you are dehydrated. Even mild dehydration can cause headache behind the eyes and in the temple areas. Drink a few glasses of water and see if it helps.

What are the different kinds of headaches and how can you tell which type of headache you are suffering from?

No simple answer exists for these questions. In particular, the International Classification of Headache Disorders(Home) lists well over two hundred distinct disorders. Each has a separate cause.The details become more complex the closer one looks. If one threw a dart at a chart of the 200+ headache conditions, each graphed with an area corresponding to “popularity,” it would probably land on Migraine - Wikipedia. Most recurrent headaches are caused by Migraine, a familial, genetic headache disorder. Many distinct genetic alleles have been discovered to cause Migraine, meaning it is a syndrome of many similar conditions, each with a distinct cause. The same is likely true of other Primary Headaches.The Wikipedia article on Headache is as simple as it gets. Follow all the links and you’ll get a sense of the issues.Headache - WikipediaIf your concern is your own headache, see a physician.International Headache SocietyMigraine Disorders, Studies & Symptoms | American Migraine Foundation