Whats My Past History On Answers

Why is it important to know about our past history?

The study of history is important because it can tell us how we evolved. It can tell us what decisons worked in particular situations in the past and what didn't. This can be useful when taking decisions today in similar situations. We can also take inspirations from certain events to motivate us. For example, The Battle of Thermopylae, The Battle of Longewala, The Battle of Saragarhi. These events tell us how a few stood against many. They can serve as inspirations for people who find themselves outnumbered by their opponents (be it anywhere). Also studying why Empires collapsed may give us insights into how to efficiently run our countries. If the Germans had taken lessons from history, then during World War 2, they wouldn't have fought in Russia during the winter, like Napoleon did.Thus, the main reason behind why we should study History is to ensure that we don't repeat the same mistakes as our forefathers when History repeats itself.

Why should we learn history?

You ask two very good questions here. The study of history has always been important because it helps us to understand our own society. The study of history helps make us cognizant of connections, of how relationships have developed, how societal bonds and technology have impacted our lives. We can also discern the patterns, both positive and negative, throughout time.Now, is the relevancy of studying history increasing or decreasing?  I would say increasing, in order to combat the sense among many that we DON'T have to study it, or to deal with the many people who pay lip service to the study of history. Also, we have to learn how to discern agendas and different interpretations. To be honest, this is nothing new, but with the omnipresence of the Internet, people should have a stronger grasp of history. History also includes studying how inventions and technology have evolved (that is one of my favorite sub-topics).I have taught history/social studies for years, so I have to promote this, right? But I also hope that when a student goes to science or math class, and certainly English class or music/art class, he/she will look at the historical trends within these subjects too.I was thinking of some incidents from my high school days: one of my 11th grade science teachers (Chemistry) who was also the assistant principal of our science department, made disparaging comments more than once about history and social studies, referring to them as "soft" and not as important. He was really foolish to say these things, especially to impressionable kids. At the time I knew he was wrong, on many levels.But there is a sub-text to this that I learned of only recently: both he and our principal had previously taught at another school (also in Brooklyn), and the principal had previously been the assistant principal of social studies. No doubt the science AP was taking a swipe at our principal....and our principal, in my estimation (and many others) was one of the finest teachers and administrators of his generation. History now shows that the science AP should have been more diplomatic.

What is the difference between 'history' and 'the past?'?

The past is the portion of time that has already occurred; it is the opposite of the future. It is also contrasted with the present. It is also regarded as the conglomerate of events that happened in a certain point in time, within the Space-time continuum. The aforementioned conception is closely related to Albert Einstein's relativity theory.Humans have recorded the past since ancient times, and to some extent, one of the defining characteristics of human beings is that they are able to record the past, recall it, remember it and confront it with the current state of affairs, thus enabling them to plan accordingly for the future, and to theorise about it as well.

History is the study of the past, particularly the written record of the human race, but more generally including scientific and archeological discoveries about the past. Recently, there has been an increased interest in oral history, passed down from generation to generation. Since the invention of photography, the written record has been supplemented with photographs and motion pictures of past events.history is the field of research producing a continuous narrative and a systematic analysis of past events of importance to the human race.Those who study history as a profession are called historians.

What is the significance of studying history?

When I was in 8th grade, I asked a history teacher this same question, much to his annoyance. Six years later I was studying history full time, so I must have learned something important from him!Much of what we read in FB, etc. involves people who deal with current events based on emotions, not reason. History allows one to step back and get perspective. For example, when Pres. Trump was elected, I wondered how someone with his character could lead the nation. Then I remembered that the president we have on our $20 bill killed at least three men in duels, and the guy on the $10 bill was killed by our vice president in a duel! Trump can’t trump that!History helps us to realize that we have dealt with the same issues before, and the answers might be in the history books. For example, FDR gives us a good idea of how to deal with immigration through the Bracero Program.Thirdly, if we use reason rather than emotion, we can see that “both sides of the aisle” are very fallible. Conservatives and liberals can both realize that they don’t have a corner on the market for truth if they are willing to look to history and learn about the successes and failures of their policies in the past.

Whats my GPA??????????????

ur doing great in ur majorss!!!
especially spanish!!!


What is the difference between prehistory and history?

Main Difference – History vs PrehistoryHistory can be generally defined as the past, and how past relates to the human lives. The main difference between history and prehistory is the existence of records; history is the recorded events of the past whereas Prehistory is the time before writing was introduced. Therefore, it is clear that prehistory, as the name suggests, is the time period before history.What is HistoryHistory is the study of the past, especially the past of human beings. Though we use the term history to generally to talk about the past. As a field or a subject, history specifically refers to the time that can be proved by written records. This means that history refers to a time period after writing was discovered. Thus, history is an area that deals with written records of the past.These records, which have become an important source of information about history, are of different types. Rare manuscripts written on paper, leaves or dried animal skins, inscriptions on rocks, printed materials are some examples of these records. However, some of the earlier records are written about the glory and the greatness of royalties, emperors, and divinities. Since writing was a privileged skill, patronized by the nobility, these records do contain certain biased information. Nevertheless, many facts and information can be obtained about the ancient lifestyles through these records.What is PrehistoryThe term prehistory literally means before history. Prehistory can be defined as a time period where no written records exist or time before writing systems were introduced. It refers to the period from the time human-like beings first appeared on earth to the period time where writing was introduced, developed and used. Since the evolution of human civilizations differs from civilization to civilization, the time limits of prehistory differ according to different civilizations. Though there are no written records of the past, information can be collected about the prehistory by studying ancient artifacts, drawings, carvings, etc.Prehistory can be divided into three periods based on their principal tool-making technologies. They are namely Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age. Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia were the first to develop writing scripts. This happened in the early Bronze Age; most of the other civilizations reached the end of prehistory during the Iron Age.

What is the difference between memory and history?

memory is mere recollection than can be faulty; history is "supposed" to be based on objective documentation. It's the difference between the subjective and the objective.

How can I see the 'history' on my iPhone calculator?

There is no such option like a list of history.But yes, there is an option to go and see the last results of your calculation you had performed.How to do it ?Steps :Long press calculator icon (use of 3D Touch here) >> and there you have an option .For example : See attached !(If my information really helped you decide, please upvote, share and follow me for more knowledge sharing and updates)————— End of Comment —————