Whats The Difference Between The Debugger That C

What is difference between a debugger and a compiler?

A compiler converts programs written in a language a human being can (hopefully) understand into the only language a computer understands (binary code). So to execute your code, a compiler is the only thing you need.A debugger on the other hand is a tool that helps you identify bugs (errors) in your program. It provides a lot of useful facilities - for example, instead of running your entire program and wondering where you screwed up, you can ask the debugger to run only half of the program and then pause. Once it pauses, you can examine the values of all variables (and a lot of other cooler things) to determine whether everything is as it should be. If it is, now you know the bug must be in the other part of the code. You can even perform checks after every line, etc. Also, often enough, in languages like C, run time errors do not give very helpful information. Debuggers can help by ensuring you know what the OS is complaining about. It is however not essential to executing a program.

What is the difference between GCC toolchain and debugger?

I dont know why and if it has special implications for competitions. But the answer to your question: by toolchain it means the complete set of utils to manipulate, link, files into a binary. Toolchain for C,C++ developed by GNU are opensourced with the name GCC (GNU Compiler Collection). A debugger is an environiment with facilities that help debugging an application, GDB is an opensource project by GNU and is helpful to debug C, C++ programs compiled using GCC.

What is the difference between a tester and debugger?

Hi,Testing is performed by Testers and Debugging is performed by developers (debuggers). The detailed difference is listed below:Testers:Testers performs testing and make sure that system is working as expectedTesters performs various types of testing (Unit, Integration, User acceptance, Stress, Load, performance etc.) as per requirementsTesters could plan, design and execute the testingTesters identifies the defects in the system under testTesters reports the defect to developers to get it fixedTesting is a process of identifying the failure of implemented codeDebuggers:Debuggers (developers) performs debugging to fix the defect in systemDebuggers debugs the defect based on its type and remove the same from systemDebuggers could not force the process the debuggingDebuggers identifies the root cause of the defectsDeveloper fix the issue in debuggingDebugging is a process to provide the resolution to code failureThanks,Sumit

What is the difference between SDK and IDE?

Actually Visual Studio is an IDE, not an SDK :)

An SDK is software consists of compilers, libraries, and support files that allow you to create a program. For the most part, SDKs don't come with any UI or text editors or anything else. All it has are the raw programs. The Java SDK is a great example of this. It only consists of the runtime, Java compiler, and various tooling, but has no editors or UI elements.

An IDE *integrates* an SDK with a UI, text editor, debugger (in some cases), file management and a bunch of other nice tooling to a complete development environment. Examples of IDEs include Visual Studio, Eclipse, and NetBeans

What is the basic difference between an interpreter and a debugger?

"A debugger is a program that is used to test and debug other programs. The examined program is ran on an instruction set simulator (ISS), a technique that allows great power in its ability to halt when specific conditions are encountered. Some debuggers offer two modes of operation, full or partial simulation, to limit this impact."Ref:"On the other hand, an interpreter is a computer program that directly executes, i.e. performs, instructions written in a programming or scripting language, without requiring them previously to have been compiled into a machine language program. Interpretation and compilation are two most important aspect. So basically interpreter and debugger are two stages of a program testing."Ref: Interpreter and debugger are two different levels of program testing.

What is the difference between debug and release mode in Visual Studio?

I'll just answer simple and conversationally. I am sure there is some very technical documentation on MSDN.When you compile in debug mode, you get ".pdb" files along with your .exe or .dll by default. The pdb files are called "symbols". This is what allows exceptions to give you a stack trace that tells you exactly which class and method failed, and even points to the line number in your .cs file. It also allows a debugger to be attached to your running program and allows you to "step through" your code.When you compile in release mode, the compiler "optimizes" your compiled code (such that execution is as efficient as possible). To do this, it will compile your code a bit differently from what you actually wrote. In so doing, classes, methods and line numbers will not be as accurate if an exception is thrown. In some cases, the exception won't be traceable at except at a binary level, because something has been compiled into classes or methods that are not contained in any .cs file.Having said all that, many developers forget that Visual Studio sets a default level of debug output for Debug and for Release mode, but the developer has full control over how much debugging info to emit in both modes.By default, Debug mode will output full debug symbols, while Release mode will out 'pdb only'.According to Advanced Build Settings Dialog Box (C#), the differences are:none: Specifies that no debugging information will be generatedfull: Enables attaching a debugger to the running program.pdb only: Allows source code debugging when the program is started in the debugger but will only display assembler when the running program is attached to the debugger

What's the difference between a compiler error and a runtime error?

A compiler error results when in the code you write you try to add, for example, 25 + "six" instead of 25 + 6. Its like your car battery having a loose cable, it won't even crank. You have to fix the problem before you can compile and then run the program.

A runtime error results only after a program has compiled successfully and is now running. Like compiler errors there are many examples of runtime errors. Here is an example. Your program asks the user to enter a number between 1 and 10. The user enters "six" instead of 6. Unless you included code to take care of this error your program crashes.

There is a third kind of error. It is called a "logical error." It this case your program runs without any problems, so you think. However when you test your program you see that the out put is not correct . Here is an example. The correct code in java to calculate the perimeter of a square is p = 2* l + 2 * w; However, mistakenly we enter p= l * w;