Whats The Most Amount Of Weight I Could Lose In 25 Weeks

How much weight can i lose in 7 weeks?!?

First of all, let me say that your approach to this is WONDERFUL. You're getting off to a great start and it looks like, with the mindset you have, you'll be one of those people who honestly changes their lifestyle and keeps the weight off for good.

Now, all of the things you've put down are great. No late-night munchies, trying your best not to skip any meals (skipping meals slows down your weight loss!), and doing an exercise program that's very reasonable and you should be able to stick to without killing yourself..

I'm going to have to guess on this, because I don't know the details, but going by the stats you gave on your age/height/weight and how much exercise you'll be doing, you'll be burning around 2200-2400 calories a day. If you only eat 1500 calories a day, you'll be losing as many as 2 lbs a week. So in 7 weeks, you will be more than halfway to your goal of 25 lbs, and will already look and feel great!

My only advice would be to really monitor how much you take in (you don't need anything fancy, just scribble down the calories and fat grams of each meal on a sticky note/a text editor on your computer/on your calendar), and also monitor how many calories you burn (doesn't have to be exact, your treadmill/bike will give you an estimate).

At the end of each day, add up how many calories you ate that day, and then subtract how many you burned. So, if you ate 1500 calories and burned 250, you're at 1250 for the day. As long as the number you come up with is under 1800, you've lost weight that day. I've found that a rough monitoring of calories like that really helps with a sense of accomplishment and keeps you from losing sight of the fact that you're making progress.

Good luck, I'm sure you'll do great.

Most amount of weight you can lose in a month?

Hello I am wondering If I work hard I mean real hard Is there a way I could lose 12 pounds in a month? (the healthy way) If there is please tell me what I need to do!!!! <3

What's the maximum amount of weight someone could lose in 1 month 3 weeks?

That would be 14 pounds. Because doctors say you should lose 1/2 pound per week, that's the healthy amount if you eat right and and if you workout everyday. Of course you can lose more than that by doing unhealthy stuff, but that's not the idea.

What's the maximum amount of weight you can lose in a week?

If someone eat nothing but drinks plenty of water, they will loose about 3.5 lbs per week. That might be increased a bit if one is active.About half of that weight loss will be muscle, the rest fat.I don’t think anything longer than a week long fast is safe without doctor supervision.People can lose more by being active during the fast, but that is NOT recommended by doctors that support fasting. One can lose more by not drinking fluids. That can be quite dangerous.Improving body composition is not a sprint. It is a marathon.I suggest you start researching the basics a bit if you want to have any real chance of getting the body you really want.

How can I lose 25-35 pounds in 7 weeks?

When you are losing weight, you should exercise and diet together.
If you exercise without dieting, you will get bigger appetite, which
will lead to increase of weight, or muscle grow
underneath the fat layer, and make you bulkier. If you diet without
exercising, you will become flabby and will have excess skin. For
diet, go wheat free. No pasta, pizza, bread and so on. And no food
after 7 p.m. People achieve marvellous results with it. Depending on
your initial weight, you can drop upwards from 20 pounds a month. If
you don't eat wheat then you don't eat all those sticky, fatty goey
cakes, you don't eat junk food, and you don't eat biscuits. But your
diet is still balanced. It costs nothing, and you do not have to
calculate points or to buy special meals or plans. For exercising,
start with walking, and then switch to running/jogging. Running is the
most efficient and calorie-burn exercise ever. If you are overweight a
lot, walk first or you may have health complications (heart attack,
disjointed bones and so on). Weight lifting is a good means to target
your problem areas for men and women. It's not necessarily to become a
bodybuilder or even join a gym - a couple of dumbbells will help you
to target your problem areas (stomach, butt, legs, arms, chest).

What is the maximum amount of weight I could lose in 3 months, when I weigh 250 lbs and already work out intensively?

It is possible, but quite difficult, to lose a lot of weight in 3 months. My years of being involved in weight loss (WL) clinics have shown me all kinds of variations. The most I have seen lost on a sustained basis is 5 lbs weekly for over 1 year. That man started out at 503 lbs. So, mathematically, 60 pounds in 3 months. But you are not a machine, nor are you 500+ pounds, nor are you that guy. I can see 25–30 pounds ‘easily’ with discipline, unless you are very lean already. (What is your body fat percentage?)First, a question or two- how tall are you? How old? What do you mean by ‘work out extensively’? Aerobic or resistance? Working to fatigue, or just a bunch of reps and quit before you are so tired that you can’t lift one more time? Have you seen gains in muscle mass? Or, is everything the same as when you started these workouts? A trainer can help you sort out your workout to be effective. By the way, exercise is only 20% responsible, at best for any WL. Your mouth holds most of the cards.If you have been working out for a long time, there should be some noticeable differences. Looser belt and pants from losing fat, tighter shirts re: chest and shoulders and back gains in muscle. I think you can safely take a step back from the workouts for a while and concentrate on your eating.Let’s assume you have made muscle gains. So, now you should be looking at carbo reductions in your diet. For a month, remove all simple carbs. Bread, pasta, rice, added sugars, junk food, sodas, juices, etc. Don’t substitute all of the caloric value in these foods for something else. If you prefer, add some protein in, but not to the same value in calories. You want to carve out your muscles by reducing the fat covering them.After that month, start adding back the carbs, but not all and not all at once. A month later, cut the carbs back again. Cycle in and out of the carbs to force your body to resort to your energy reserves, aka fat.And PLEASE, PLEASE, do not buy into detoxes and packaged weight loss pills and potions. They are bogus and a waste of money.If you want to get an idea of what your body can do, read Timothy Ferriss’s book “The 4-Hour Body.” Not everything there applies to you, but you will see some things you can do.If you want to see some of my ideas (not MINE, but ideas I agree with and espouse, read some of my previous answers in Quora.

How much weight could i lose in 8 week, by running everyday, and watching what i eat?

One can safely lose 1-2 lbs./week with the expectation that you will keep it off if you continue to eat healthy and maintain a good exercise regimen. If you lost 2 lbs./week than in 8 weeks you would lose 16 lbs (not 25-40!).

Something to want to lose fat, not muscle. You will gain muscle from the exercise, which weighs more than fat so really looking at the scale isn't the best idea. You need a measuring tape which you can find at Target (looking in the ironing/sewing section) or at a local sewing store. Let the tape measure be your guide. You should track your *inches* lost since weight is relative to how much muscle mass vs. fat you have. Also consider part of your weight is bones, water, blood, your organs and any food that hasn't digested yet.

Start today and measure your arms, chest, waist, hips and thighs. Write the measurements down and keep recording once every week. By the end of 8 weeks you'll be pleasantly surprised at your progress and how great you look in the mirror, regardless of what the scale says! :-)

Can you help me lose 25 pounds in 6 weeks?

I am 20 yrs old and 185 and I need to get down to about 160 or so that i can fit in to my prom dress that i wore my senior year of high school. I fully realize that this much weight in such a short amount of time is unhealthy but this is just a short term thing. I would really appreciate if there were any tips to lose this amount of weight in the healtiest way possible. For a year, right before my senior year of hs, i was anorexic and had lost about 45 pounds in about 3 months but after a year of starving myself my hair started failing out so i really don't want to get back into that. So any suggestions would be great. I am not afraid to work out and can run a mile even a mile and a half fairly easily. thanks!