Whats The Point Of Coming Out To My Mom

My mom thinks I'm a freak, what's the point?

I came out to my mom as transgender two years ago.

She always calls me things like "dyke", which is really derogatory and I'm not even a lesbian. I'm a bi guy.

We used to fight a lot because she always laughed at me and would always call me a freak. She admits that she doesn't try to call me by my male name or male pronouns, but gets mad when I ignore her because she uses girl pronouns.

I used to cut because I was dealing with bullying at school, gender dysphoria, and then my mom talking crap about me. When she found out, she called me stupid and told me that I have no reason to hurt myself.

I've sat her down and talked to her about it, but she doesn't care.

Yesterday, we had a fight about me being trans. She told me that I should be proud of my name, that I should "just be a dyke", that I should be proud of "who I was born as", that I'm wrong, that her friends make fun of me when they see me around, and that I should be who society would accept.

I didn't CHOOSE to be trans. I tried killing myself before coming out because I knew the stigma behind it. Also, what type of mom just sits there while her friends are making fun of her child?

After that fight, I locked myself in my room and cried. We left soon after that to visit my aunt and my cousins because they were having a get together thing, and I cried in the car and my mom didn't notice. Then she laughed at me because she asked if I've ever drank and I've never gotten drunk (I'm 17.)

What's the point if she doesn't accept me?

I hate my life and she doesn't realize how big of a part of that she is. A large part of the reason I've wanted to commit suicide is because of her.

I don't know what to do.

I can't deal with this crap, mixed with people that talk bad about me at school, get bullied, and dysphoria.

What's the point if I'll never be accepted anywhere?

What does it mean when you have a dream about your mom coming out of the closet?

okay - here is what I think. Dreams are not always literal. "coming out of the closet" can be misinterpreted because that is what society calls it now. I see this in another light.

I think you see your mom as guarded with her affection with your father and possibly with you. Perhaps you see that as stifling your relationship. She is "in a closet" so to speak. What your dream is about is your mom becoming more open to you. This would make you happy. Your mom telling you that she loves you and being more open is what the dream is about, I think - not homosexuality.

Hope this helps.

My mother is very critical of me and always points out what I'm doing wrong. She believes she knows the answer to everything. She says she loves me but I don't feel loved. Why?

It sounds like your mother is a narcissist. As long as you agree with her and continually tell her how special she is, she likely won’t notice what you’re doing.Even when she looks like death warmed over, tell her how cute she looks …”like a little ruffled duck drenched in oil. Aw, so cute, Mom, most people look like the hell crawling out of bed like that, but you look like Kim Bassinger in Nine and Half Ways, I mean Days.”Tell her how smart she is even when she’s wrong. Gee, you’re right 2 + 2 does equal 5. I always thought it was 4. How did you arrive at that?“You’re right, Mom. I suck. I will always suck compared to you. But not everyone is perfect. I’m just glad you’re like Jesus and you forgive me for being a worthless piece of shitte. Still I understand how it must be difficult for you to be around such crap. I don’t think I’d survive. I’d probably kill myself so I could escape. But I appreciate your compassion.”Things like that really work with narcs. Remember, they’re always right so reason with them in ways they can understand and don’t find threatening.Flatter her. Make her busy. Tell her you’d really like to have Tesla Energy in your home and you firmly believe she is the only one who can accomplish this for you. Ask her to make a coil for you! When she says she doesn’t have an interest in wasting her time when she can just flip a switch, ask her to please consider it.Then when she start bi_ching at you about something, say, “You’re absolutely right. I’ll work on that, but have reconsidered making me a Tesla Coil?” When she says no, tell her “you realize she’s so busy making the world a better place, but when she has a moment, if she would just consider doing this one thing for you, you’d really appreciate it!”If she wants to argue about something, argue with her why she won’t build the coil. It’ll keep her busy. “JC, Mom, okay, go paint a masterpiece then, or maybe write a book of wisdom, but when we have no electricity, you’ll know why. Do you think you’ll be able to see in the dark when you have to eventually make one?! Gawd, I hate to see big brains wasted.”I’m serious, this crap works. Still, I’m so sorry you’re going through, but have fun. Learning to communicate with the egotistically insane can be fun.

Should I come out to my mom only or also with my siblings?

As a family therapist, there is no way to answer this question for you, as we do not know all the people involved.In the most simplistic way, the first person to 'out' to, would be the one that you feel closest too, and most likely to support you.I suppose it is a little of divide and conquer. Get as many people that you can, on your side, before approaching the others.Of course they might also feel hurt that you have not told them first, but that is likely to be less important than having supports.Nb. When I say 'likely', again I do not know your family.I wish you loads of courage and confidence.KindestGary

Clear Discharge coming out of my vagina?

Normal vaginal discharge has several purposes: cleaning and moistening the vagina, and helping to prevent and fight infections. Although it's normal for the color, texture, and amount of vaginal fluids to vary throughout a girl's menstrual cycle, some changes in discharge may indicate a problem.

Normal vaginal fluids can vary somewhat in texture and color. They can be somewhat thin, sticky, and elastic or thick and gooey. Vaginal fluids should be clear, white, or off-white in color.

It's important to keep an eye out for changes in vaginal fluids. The following changes may indicate a problem:

-change in odor (especially an unpleasant odor)
-change in color or texture (especially greenish, grayish, or anything looking like pus)
-vaginal itching, burning, swelling, or redness
-vaginal bleeding or spotting that is not a menstrual period

every women gets discharge you should be fine!