Whats This Pain In My Chest Help. It

How can I treat pain in my chest when I cough?

In addition to the other remedies, you can also prepare a ginger-tulsi mixture by yourself. You can take 10–15 tulsi (basil) leaves (crushed), add ginger juice (1/2 ginger) and honey (1–2 tablespoon) to it and take the mixture on an empty stomach. You also need to avoid foods like milk and other dairy products, caffeine and processed foods which cause cough. If not cured, consult a doctor.

My chest hurts when I sing?

It sounds to me as if you are using your chest to breath and not your diaphragm. When you sing you should be using the muscle underneath your lungs. This takes practice but if you want to use your high area, or your very low area for that matter, you will need to breath from your diaphragm. What you are doing at this point is using your lungs and you are forcing them to do something they shouldn't be doing.

For a start, YOU SHOULD NEVER TRY AND FORCE ANYTHING WHEN YOU ARE SINGING. You could ruin your voice completely. I have a friend who insisted that his voice teacher was the "best". I disagreed with the way he was teaching him how to breath, forcing the air. He lost his voice, when singing and when talking. For months he had to write everything down because he couldn't utter a sound.
The vocal chords are very precious and you should not try and force them to anything.

Look "diaphragm" up on the net. Where it is, how to breath from that area. You will find that you will strengthen your voice eventually, and will be able to sing the high notes without straining.

The pain in your chest is warning you that you are doing something wrong. My opinion is, (a voice teacher for 30 years) that you are not breathing from the right area and you are hurting your vocal chords.

Take slow, deep breaths. In then slowly out. Put your hand
below your chest area, in the middle and try and feel that muscle going in and out. That is your diaphragm. It took one of my students nearly a year to recognize where that muscle was.

If you keep singing as you are now, you are going to ruin your vocal chords.

16 having really bad chest pain!! Please help?

Can someone please help me im having such bad chest pain on the left side of my chest. Its been about 24 hours and its not going away, i went to the er and the tested me for a pulmonary embolism and i came out negative they said im too young to have anything cardiac and its most likely just normal chest pain teens get from growing. But i dont think it is, they said take ibuprofen and stuff to help but it doesnt help it hurts SO BAD . Its all the left side of my chest now its going to my neck and shoulder. I can barley move, its hard to breathe normal, i feel horrible and though im not a doctor i feel like its definitely not normal

What is causing pain in my chest ?


These are the symtoms of starting of asthma. Asthma that develops for the first time in mid or late life usually continues to be a problem later on in life. But, with proper treatment, the affected person can lead a healthy and active life.
The inhaler should be used.

These guidelines may help to keep asthma under control:

Avoid smoke, especially cigarette smoke, vapours and chemical fumes.
Stay indoors during the humid season or the change of seasons especially when the pollen count is high.
Do not use fans in closed and dusty places.
Cover mattresses and pillows with plastic covers. Wash the bedding in hot water every week.
Do not use a vaporizer or humidifier unless it is thoroughly cleaned.
Do not have close contact with pets. Pet owners should bathe their pet weekly.
The cleaning of the house or the surroundings should be done by wet mopping rather than sweeping, wherever possible. This avoids the generation of allergen aerosols which could act as a triggering factor.
The doctor should be contacted in case the medicines are not effective in keeping the breathing comfortable.

Enjoy Life

What causes pain in the chest and back after eating?

What causes pain in the chest and back after eating?You just finished your favorite meal and you develop intense chest pain after eating? It may feel like you’re having a heart attack, but it is most likely the result of a digestive condition. Chest pain can be due to eating large meals or not chewing the food properly. Another reason which can contribute to the pain can be sleeping right after your meals.Chest pain can be a cause for concern. It can be associated with other severe health conditions and hence it is always better to take medical help. Your condition needs to be evaluated by your medical doctor to determine the cause of your pain. Do not attempt to treat your symptoms using over-the-counter medications, unless directed by a doctor.Here are some symptoms which are signs that the chest pain after meals needs to be looked into seriously:Shortness of breathDizziness or sometimes faintingSevere nauseaIntense abdominal painVomiting, especially projectile vomiting or bloody vomitusSharp pain that does not respond to antacidsContinue to read about chest pain after eating

An upper left chest pain, not sure what it is, help please?

Many people with chest pain fear a heart attack . However, there are many possible causes of chest pain . Some causes are mildly inconvenient, while other causes are serious, even life-threatening. Any organ or tissue in your chest can be the source of pain, including your heart, lungs, esophagus, muscles, ribs, tendons, or nerves.

Angina is a type of heart-related chest pain. This pain occurs because your heart is not getting enough blood and oxygen. Angina pain can be similar to the pain of a heart attack.

Angina is called stable angina when your chest pain begins at a predictable level of activity. (For example, when you walk up a steep hill.) However, if your chest pain happens unexpectedly after light activity or occurs at rest, this is called unstable angina . This is a more dangerous form of angina and you need to be seen in an emergency room right away.
other possibilities include:
GallstonesAcute cholecystitis (gallstones)
Scleritis of the upper Digestive system
Gastrointestinal disorders - resources

Suggest an upper GI series or upper Endoscopy may determine the problem.
Also, Gallbladder endoscopy for further evaluation. A 24-hr pH study can be considered for further diagnosis.
Scleritis - can be considered as well.

Reduce routine and stop overexerting yourself until you consult your physician.

these links will help:

What wrong with me i have bad chest pains?

This is ironic because earlier this week i had similar pains, i have asthma and i was mowing my lawn and my breathing got bad, i was taking really deep breaths and afterwords my asthma calmed down but my chest and lower neck were killing me. I couldn't take a breath without excruciating pain in my chest and neck, i went to the ER and i found out that i had a Pneumothorax, basically air leaked from my lung and pocked in my neck and chest, my doctor told me anyone who has asthma is prone to this and that it can happen when your breathing is seemingly fine. my advice would be go see your primary doctor, you might have to get a chest x-ray and check for the Pneumothorax. Hope this helps

I have a sharp pain in my chest whenever I drink something cold.?

It started about 4 days ago. Whenever I drink something cold I get a sharp pain in my chest about 4 inches down from my collarbone. I also feel it in my back, at the same point. People have said that it might be acid reflux or heartburn or something but i don't think so. It doesn't feel like burning. It feels sort of like something is stuck and when I drink the muscles used to drink are forcing it to move but can't dislodge it. It kind of feels like if I could burp it would feel better, but I don't have to burp... and even when I do it doesn't feel better. I talked to my grandfather about it today and he said that my grandma always used to say she had the same feeling, and so did her mother before her. I'm wondering if this is something that might be genetic, and even plainly, what it is. Because it can be awful painful.